Pickens Plan no longer features wind energy

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Pickens Plan no longer features wind energy - Business - Going Green - msnbc.com
By Jennifer Alsever
msnbc.com contributor msnbc.com contributor

Oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens' TV commercials blasted the airwaves in 2008 with his big idea to get America off foreign oil imports: natural gas and wind energy.

Two years later, let’s just make that natural gas.

Since the billionaire’s plans for the world’s largest wind farm fell apart in the Texas Panhandle, Pickens has edited his much-hyped “Pickens Plan” to focus primarily on his other big business interest: natural gas.

No money in wind? Was it all hyped to begin with? Or was there to many road blocks put in front?

Many liberals hate windmills b/c they kill birds and cause them to alter migration patterns.

And drilling for natural gas? Krist they hate that here in PA already.


Nuclear powered cars anyone?
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Pickens is a fraud trying to scam the tax payer for his own personal enrichment.


He's already filthy stinking rich. How was it a scam to try and lead the way to using wind?

Someone is going to make tons of money by being first to make wind very usable.
Pickens is a fraud trying to scam the tax payer for his own personal enrichment.


He's already filthy stinking rich. How was it a scam to try and lead the way to using wind?

Someone is going to make tons of money by being first to make wind very usable.

His whole plan was to get the electrical rate payers to pay for the infrastructure to allow him exclusive access to public wind and water for the sake of his rapacious profiteering.

He is a greasy, lying, scam artist.

And we already tried nat gas vehicles 30 years ago and they went over like lead balloons. They are dangerous, underpowered and feature a giant tank that consumes a large % of the vehicle's cargo capacity. Plus there aren't many places to fill it up.

In addition a surplus of nat gas could easily turn into a shortage if we converted our fleets to run on it.

Pickens is only thinking about Pickens and his ideas are crap.
Natural gas market has been leery. Though ExxonMobil recently once again became the biggest Natural Gas company on the market again a few months ago.
Someone is going to make tons of money by being first to make wind very usable.

Google. Google is financing an electrical transmission backbone for the east coast. The same infrastructure component Pickens tried to get the Texas rate payers to build for him free.

Google will clean up, after investing $5 billion of their own dollars in a 10 year development project.

Pickens is only "down" for wind when the public risks their money ($5 billion)so he can profit from a monopoly after the fact. He is scum.
Nothing that will provide any positive progress will come online until the chosen businesses are set to profit from it.
Someone is going to make tons of money by being first to make wind very usable.

Google. Google is financing an electrical transmission backbone for the east coast. The same infrastructure component Pickens tried to get the Texas rate payers to build for him free.

Google will clean up, after investing $5 billion of their own dollars in a 10 year development project.

Pickens is only "down" for wind when the public risks their money ($5 billion)so he can profit from a monopoly after the fact. He is scum.


Go online while filling your tank!

thanks for the insite. 60 minutes didn't report that very well, actually at all, during thier interview.
Someone is going to make tons of money by being first to make wind very usable.

Google. Google is financing an electrical transmission backbone for the east coast. The same infrastructure component Pickens tried to get the Texas rate payers to build for him free.

Google will clean up, after investing $5 billion of their own dollars in a 10 year development project.

Pickens is only "down" for wind when the public risks their money ($5 billion)so he can profit from a monopoly after the fact. He is scum.


Go online while filling your tank!

thanks for the insite. 60 minutes didn't report that very well, actually at all, during thier interview.

here are a whole bunch of links for the Picken's scam including one from the Ron Paul blog: Google
I think my favorite thing about T. Boone Pickens is that he became a darling of the left for a little while, even though he is a Conservative Republican that almost single-handedly funded one of the shadiest smears in the last decade.
Someone is going to make tons of money by being first to make wind very usable.

Google. Google is financing an electrical transmission backbone for the east coast. The same infrastructure component Pickens tried to get the Texas rate payers to build for him free.

Google will clean up, after investing $5 billion of their own dollars in a 10 year development project.

Pickens is only "down" for wind when the public risks their money ($5 billion)so he can profit from a monopoly after the fact. He is scum.

It's a bit naive to think Google will not recoup their investment from ratepayers.
Someone is going to make tons of money by being first to make wind very usable.

Google. Google is financing an electrical transmission backbone for the east coast. The same infrastructure component Pickens tried to get the Texas rate payers to build for him free.

Google will clean up, after investing $5 billion of their own dollars in a 10 year development project.

Pickens is only "down" for wind when the public risks their money ($5 billion)so he can profit from a monopoly after the fact. He is scum.

It's a bit naive to think Google will not recoup their investment from ratepayers.

There is a world of difference between recouping your investment a decade or two later and launching a monopoly using rate payers money up front.

And ole man Pickens was not only gonna get a monopoly on the power backbone installed but the water rights and use of the transmission corridor to distribute water as well.

The fact that he makes a mission of packaging this as an enviro friendly plan while it is in fact welfare for billionaires is repugnant.

Pickens is scum.
Actually, it's cheaper to pay up front. I like Pickens. Have met him and admire him as a champion of commerce, innovation, and the entrepreneurial spirit. :thup:
Right now, because of the fact that Texas is on a seperate grid from the rest of the nation, we have three grids, North and Midwest, East Coast, and Texas, the wind farms of Texas cannot transfer their excess power to the other grids, even when they are short of power. Just another example of why we need a new grid.

And wind is still being added at double digit compound percentages yearly.
Pickens Plan no longer features wind energy - Business - Going Green - msnbc.com
By Jennifer Alsever
msnbc.com contributor msnbc.com contributor

Oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens' TV commercials blasted the airwaves in 2008 with his big idea to get America off foreign oil imports: natural gas and wind energy.

Two years later, let’s just make that natural gas.

Since the billionaire’s plans for the world’s largest wind farm fell apart in the Texas Panhandle, Pickens has edited his much-hyped “Pickens Plan” to focus primarily on his other big business interest: natural gas.

No money in wind? Was it all hyped to begin with? Or was there to many road blocks put in front?

Many liberals hate windmills b/c they kill birds and cause them to alter migration patterns.

And drilling for natural gas? Krist they hate that here in PA already.


Nuclear powered cars anyone?

Wind power requires the use of "rare earths". The shut down the only "rare earths" mine in the US early in George Bush's first term in 2002 was a disaster. That is why we have to rely on China for those materials. Perhaps it was part of the Republican strategy of moving American jobs to China?

H.R.6160: Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act of 2010 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

The China Job Drain | Alliance for American Manufacturing
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Natural gas is the cleanest of the fossil fuels. A new process from Canada extracts high-value carbon black from methane making it even cleaner. As research continues to improve fuels we can expect the popularity of various fuels to change. Wind powers suffers from the high cost of construction. However the Germans are working on improving output and reducing cost. The Chinese are building huge solar cell plants which will lower the price of solar cells with higher output. There are 58 nuclear power plants under construction, primarily in China, Russia, and South Korea.

Green technologically will be great the growth industries of the 21st century. Notice the lack US leadership.
Natural gas is the cleanest of the fossil fuels. A new process from Canada extracts high-value carbon black from methane making it even cleaner. As research continues to improve fuels we can expect the popularity of various fuels to change. Wind powers suffers from the high cost of construction. However the Germans are working on improving output and reducing cost. The Chinese are building huge solar cell plants which will lower the price of solar cells with higher output. There are 58 nuclear power plants under construction, primarily in China, Russia, and South Korea.

Green technologically will be great the growth industries of the 21st century. Notice the lack US leadership.

If only it were true. Natural gas was completely deregulated by Bush and the Republicans. They use a mixture of hundreds of chemicals, including formaldehyde, in the mixture. The chemicals get into ground water. Check out this video:


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If only it were true. Natural gas was completely deregulated by Bush and the Republicans. They use a mixture of hundreds of chemicals, including formaldehyde, in the mixture. The chemicals get into ground water. Check out this video:

That is for fracting which is a rarely used, new and controversial extraction technique.

As a rule nat gas is the easiest fossil fuel to extract.

Stop hyperventilating over shit you can't fathom.
If only it were true. Natural gas was completely deregulated by Bush and the Republicans. They use a mixture of hundreds of chemicals, including formaldehyde, in the mixture. The chemicals get into ground water. Check out this video:

That is for fracting which is a rarely used, new and controversial extraction technique.

As a rule nat gas is the easiest fossil fuel to extract.

Stop hyperventilating over shit you can't fathom.

prove it empty coat.

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