Picking sides, Israel and Palestine.

If you look closely, the same ones that claim "both sides" are the ones who always focus all the blame on Jews.

They don't think anybody notices.
Yep. That's why these threads irritate me so much.

They're afraid to come out and blame Israel outright, so they do the same thing subtly.

Same with the people who throw out the "nothing's been confirmed."
I'm picking America! The America envisioned by the Founding Fathers. I'll also choose TRUE Israel. The Biblical variety. Outside of that ... I don't give two hoots about the spat going on in the Middle East at the moment. Psyops don't interest me much.

I also prefer the America envisioned by our founders... as opposed to the corrupt, warmongering unconstitutional imperialistic variety. But unfortunately it appears that many Americans like the latter variety, which was exactly what our founders warned against.
The selective outrage and double standards around here are getting pretty deep.

Rarely does a day pass when innocent Palestinians don't suffer some murderous war crime but there's not a whisper of concern.

They strike back after 75 years of ruthless occupation and suddenly innocent civilians are sacred.

Which is it?

IF you really take a look back, Our country has tried for years to broker some kind of humanitarian deal. Some other country's have tried to help. So it comes down to the leaders(& its backers) both sides seem to want too have it there own way.
NOT Working towards solutions
NEVER SOLUTIONS....... Solutions not popular...... not popular Not popular.
Everyone's loss. not popular, not popular
I also prefer the America envisioned by our founders... as opposed to the corrupt, warmongering unconstitutional imperialistic variety. But unfortunately it appears that many Americans like the latter variety, which was exactly what our founders warned against.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Jefferson warned about “entanglements” with foreign nations, but that seems to be the norm these days.
If you look closely, the same ones that claim "both sides" are the ones who always focus all the blame on Jews.

They don't think anybody notices.
People defending terrorists do their best to try to sound rational in order to try to minimize and somewhat normalize atrocities. I can't believe many of them really believe there is an equivalence of Israel and Hamas. As to their suggesting that Israel stop because the Palestinians won't leave, they should understand that history has taught us that sometimes accepting collateral loss can prevent worse loss. I think it's been estimated that deploying Little Boy and Fat Man probably saved 30 million lives by ending WW2. How many future lives will Israel's destruction of Hamas potentially save? Things to think about,
Greed! Just blame greed!

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East has been a longstanding and complex issue. The United Nations (UN) has been involved in various ways to address the conflict and promote peace in the region.

#### UN Resolutions:
The UN has issued several resolutions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One notable resolution is UN Security Council Resolution 242, adopted in 1967, which calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied during the Six-Day War and the recognition of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of all states in the region. Another significant resolution is UN General Assembly Resolution 181, adopted in 1947, which recommended the partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states.

#### UN Efforts:
The UN has made efforts to facilitate negotiations and promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The Quartet on the Middle East, consisting of the European Union, Russia, the United Nations, and the United States, has been involved in mediating negotiations between the parties. Additionally, the UN has established various agencies and programs to provide humanitarian assistance and support to Palestinians in need.

#### Recent Developments:
Recent years have seen escalations of violence and tensions in the region. The UN has condemned acts of violence and called for a de-escalation of the situation. The UN Secretary-General and other UN officials have emphasized the need for a negotiated two-state solution, where Israel and Palestine can coexist peacefully within secure and recognized borders.

#### Challenges and Ongoing Efforts:
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a complex and challenging issue, with various political, historical, and territorial factors at play. Efforts to reach a lasting resolution have faced obstacles, including disagreements over borders, settlements, security, and the status of Jerusalem. The UN continues to advocate for a peaceful resolution and supports diplomatic efforts to bring the parties back to the negotiating table.

In a world consumed by greed's desire,
Where boundaries of wealth only grow higher,
It's easy to see how darkness surrounds,
But there's hope in sharing, where kindness abounds.

Greed knows no limits, it craves and consumes,
Leaving hearts empty, like barren rooms,
But in the act of giving, the spirit is found,
For sharing and kindness can heal any wound.

A wealthy man hoards his treasures with glee,
Yet finds no joy in his riches, it seems,
But when he opens his heart, his soul rebounds,
For sharing and kindness are riches profound.

No boundaries exist in the realms of the heart,
Only love and compassion can set us apart,
A world united by sharing and care,
Can solve any problem, can heal any despair.

So let us embrace the power we possess,
To share and to give, to help and to bless,
For in the face of greed, kindness resounds,
And in unity, humanity knows no bounds.

  • The room should accommodate two or more people, rather than being suitable for just one person.
  • If individuals in the room learn to share everything, it would contribute to creating a better world.

Sources :

1. Israel's Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant ...

2. What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? | Council on ...

3. General Assembly Votes Overwhelmingly to Accord Palestine 'Non ...

4. With 2022 Deadliest Year in Israel-Palestine Conflict, Reversing ...
You fucking retard. Only one side is preventing everyone from enjoying life and family and that’s the fucking Palestinians. If they would stop not another one of them would be killed by Israel military. Not one.

Look at the above post (the picture) and tell me who needs to stop? Personally I think the UN, including the Brits are as responsible for what's going on as anyone.

The UN screwed up when they put so many jews in an area surrounded by Arab Muslims. Be it their holy land or not, they're still surrounded by Muslims who simply don't want the jews and their religion in that area.

Imagine the UN forcing all Americans to the west coast so the native American indians can have the rest of the USA because it's their holy land. It wouldn't work, bro.
Dead Jews, yes.

If you're going to ignore my words, then why even respond? I said I support the innocent people of Israel and Palestine both.. And I oppose any group, government or political party who commits violence on either of them.

That's what I support. And it's not what you claim I support. So you're fucking lying.

"If you have to lie to make a point, then you really don't have a point"
If you look closely, the same ones that claim "both sides" are the ones who always focus all the blame on Jews.

They don't think anybody notices.

That's because most of the world is putting all the blame just on Palestine. Hamas doesn't really have a leg to stand on, because they're the one's who initiated this current situation. Even those morons who are completely siding with Hamas understand this is a long drawn out conflict. And understand they're just sick of being pushed. And that the UN is doing nothing but supporting Israel.

I'm not even sure if Palestinians can even get to the UN headquarters in Jerusalem. I know those in the Gaza strip can't.

But back to your point. There are some, like me, who see the the faults of both sides in all this. The Jews need a place because no country in the world really wants them. The Palestinians are being shoved into a smaller box, year after year. And it's creating a volatile situation. One that never should've been started. The Jews were better off in Europe. At least there they had land and the world had sympathy for them from the holocaust. But Europe didn't want them either.

It's a bad situation for both. Hamas & the UN has only made it worse.
  • Winner
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Couldn't have said it better myself. Jefferson warned about “entanglements” with foreign nations, but that seems to be the norm these days.

That quote came to my mind too. Ron Paul talked about it. But as you said, the opposite is the norm. And the few of us here who don't like the norm are in the minority. My S.O and I were just talking about that tonight.
That's because most of the world is putting all the blame just on Palestine. Hamas doesn't really have a leg to stand on, because they're the one's who initiated this current situation. Even those morons who are completely siding with Hamas understand this is a long drawn out conflict. And understand they're just sick of being pushed. And that the UN is doing nothing but supporting Israel.

I'm not even sure if Palestinians can even get to the UN headquarters in Jerusalem. I know those in the Gaza strip can't.

But back to your point. There are some, like me, who see the the faults of both sides in all this. The Jews need a place because no country in the world really wants them. The Palestinians are being shoved into a smaller box, year after year. And it's creating a volatile situation. One that never should've been started. The Jews were better off in Europe. At least there they had land and the world had sympathy for them from the holocaust. But Europe didn't want them either.

It's a bad situation for both. Hamas & the UN has only made it worse.
I see both sides very clearly. And what I will say that when this war is over, Netanyahu and his party needs to be removed.
This man is talking sense.

That quote came to my mind too. Ron Paul talked about it. But as you said, the opposite is the norm. And the few of us here who don't like the norm are in the minority. My S.O and I were just talking about that tonight.
I've always been an independent, freethinker. I don't swear oaths then follow the crowd—right, wrong, or indifferent. There's a certain freedom that comes with standing for what you believe, even when it isn't the popular thing to do. I used to cave to peer pressure until I realized that it's better to think for yourself than to have others think for you.

Picking sides when Americans have been killed and mutilated by Hamas savages and are being held hostage?
If, that is, you believe everything the mainstream “news” sites tell you. You know ... the same ones who said the vaccine is a must or that Ukraine really needed our billions of dollars or that there were “weapons of mass destruction” in the sands of Iraq or that Trump colluded with Russia. So on and so forth.
The politicians and the news make out like there's only two sides of this war in Palestine. Tying all the Palestinian citizens to Hamas. As if each and every one of them were Hamas soldiers.

But I say there's people there who don't care about the politics, don't care that much about religion. And just want Hamas and Israel to leave them alone and let them try to live a normal life. After all, it's just human nature for most people to focus more on work & family than things they can't control.
Most Americans are that way. Same as Mexicans and everyone else on this planet.

The information that people are absorbing is coming from someone else. People we don't know. Agencies we don't know. And so people will pick a side that creates the correct emotion for them. Be it love, hate, fear or any of them, and go with that one. They'll also take the side their peer's have taken. Sort of like agreeing with the cool kids.

If you take just 2 minutes on the internet, you'll find atrocities committed by both Israel and Hamas. You'll find things like "Hamas uses women and children as shield." Or things like Israel bombing the evacuation routes. Both of which can be found here in these threads. Things that make your blood churn. Both could be true. Both could be lies. One could be fact and the other fiction. It doesn't matter. People are going to believe what they want to believe, without seeing it with their own eyes and in the actual context.

We know all governments lie. We know the MSM lies. So what I don't get is how anyone, especially those who lives thousands of miles from Israel and Palestine, who have no links to that area, can even take a side.

"What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories? In these stories, it doesn't matter who the heroes are. All we want to know is: "Who is to blame?"

Not sure what the difficulty is.

When you see two guys standing on a street corner and one guy hits the other guy...its pretty easy to see that the first guy is the one who is wrong. The first guy in this case is HAMAS.
Not sure what the difficulty is.

When you see two guys standing on a street corner and one guy hits the other guy...its pretty easy to see that the first guy is the one who is wrong. The first guy in this case is HAMAS.
Unless, that is, the day before the second guy hit the first guy. Of course, if you didn't see it, you may not believe it happened.
Not sure what the difficulty is.

When you see two guys standing on a street corner and one guy hits the other guy...its pretty easy to see that the first guy is the one who is wrong. The first guy in this case is HAMAS.
De Progged? If you are Jewish you have sided with the Democratic Party who has advanced agendas that will eventually kill many people here at home. All of those Prog agendas have weakened us and has led to authoritarian demands on the citizens. Not enforcing laws in certain areas and going light on real criminals is going to change the fact that the laws exist to abuse citizens. The Catholics in their homes and the angry parents at school board meetings being touted as terrorists from the attorney general tells us all we want to know. And Jan. 6. And most involved in that with the real power are liberal Jewish men and women who should know better from what we were told of from the past.

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