Piece Of Shit Bill Maher Insults WWII Vets.

And liberal progressives supported both Hitler AND Stalin, dickhead, so YOU shut the fuck up!

Progressives generally greeted the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia with great enthusiasm, embracing it as a worthy effort to create a socialist utopia. In the 1920s and 1930s, a host of credulous progressive journalists traveled to Russia to chronicle the the revolution's afterglow, so as to inform Americans about the historic significance of what was transpiring there. According to author Jonah Goldberg: “Most liberals saw the Bolsheviks as a popular and progressive movement.... Nearly the entire liberal elite, including much of FDR's Brain Trust, made the pilgrimage to Moscow to take admiring notes on the Soviet experiment.”

One key contributor to this pro-Bolshevik genre was the communist journalist John Reed, author of Ten Days that Shook the World. Reed dismissed concerns about the Red Terror and the mass murder of non-Bolshevists by praising the killers of “this treacherous gang.” Said Reed: “To the wall with them! I say I have learned one mighty expressive word: ‘raztrellyat’ [sic] (execute by shooting).”

Similarly, the intellectual E.A. Ross excused the Bolsheviks' violent campaign of terror on the theory that they did not kill all that many people. (Estimates of the number of deaths by execution range from 50,000 to 200,000.)

•H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
•The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
•The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
•Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
•McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
•After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
•Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
•NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
•FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
•New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
•Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

Progressive Support for Russia's Bolshevik Revolution - Discover the Networks

Progressives don't do history.

For obvious reasons.
What a bunch of fucking crybabies.

None of you ever criticize Limbaugh or Savage or that moron Levin.

If WWII vets are palling around with economic terrorists like Bachmann, they aren't too bright, and certainly have misplaced their patriotism.
Considering you've never worn the uniform, I suggest you shut the fuck up, you pansy bastard.
How many posts have you and all the other un-American idiots made, bashing veterans John Kerry and Max Cleland?

That's different...somehow.

Fucking hypocrites.

John Kerry is a politician, we give just as much shit if not more to McCain.
Obama's grandfather didn't collaborate with the Nazis like Bush's.

Obama's father didn't make a fortune building Soviet infrastructure, like the Koch brother's.

Nazis and Communists - friends of Republicans.

Show collaboration?

Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk to you again

For twenty points.....

Name that tune!
That's an easy one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCNwgzM2rQ]Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence - YouTube[/ame]
My sister was way into the whole 1970s folksy music crap, lol. She graduated hs in 1972, and was in college through the rest of the 70s..I personally never got it and have no idea how someone could LOVE that music. I mean I get humming along, and maybe doing it in a music class..but to just sit and listen to it, naw, never got it.

If I was a hammer I would go back in time and hammer every one of those albums into tiny bits ...
What a bunch of fucking crybabies.

None of you ever criticize Limbaugh or Savage or that moron Levin.

If WWII vets are palling around with economic terrorists like Bachmann, they aren't too bright, and certainly have misplaced their patriotism.
Considering you've never worn the uniform, I suggest you shut the fuck up, you pansy bastard.
How many posts have you and all the other un-American idiots made, bashing veterans John Kerry and Max Cleland?

That's different...somehow.

Fucking hypocrites.
Not really, although I understand why you're feebly and mindlessly lashing out.

Maher...and you...bashed the veterans that literally saved the world from darkness and oppression.

And why?

Because they made your pathetic excuse for a President look like an idiot, and by posing for pictures with someone for whom you burn with irrational hatred.

Normal people are grateful for the heroics of these men. Progressives hate them for who they stood in front of a camera with.

You're worthless and weak, and your mindless, lemming-like worship of a stuttering, ineffectual Teleprompter-reader makes you say stupid things.

Not that you're capable of saying non-stupid things...progressives are amazingly stupid little people.
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Progressives don't do history.

For obvious reasons.

As if the WWII vets asked Bachmann to show up.

STFU Sypholicious.
They happily posed with her.

The funniest part is that you think these men of incredible honor would give a rats ass what you think.

Well, at least more honor than most today.

WWII vets know the horrors of war. They feel lucky to have survived. That's why the memorials are so important to them. That's why I think Obama closing them down is despicable, and Bill Maher. He's a sarcastic prick that hasn't a clue. Probably spends a lot of his spare time totally blitzed. He's destroyed way too many braincells to be funny anymore.
Maher Mocks WWII Vets: 'Nobody Said They Were the Brightest Generation'


On Friday evening, enraged at World War II veterans who had the temerity to move aside President Obama’s barricades to visit the World War II Memorial, HBO’s Bill Maher launched into a broadside against the brave veterans, labeling them dumb.

"The other thing that apparently was so important for the Republicans to keep open was the World War II Memorial in Washington. That was closed, so a bunch of the World War II vets knocked down the barriers and stormed it,” Maher said, to the laughter of his audience.

“And then I loved this, they posed for pictures with Michele Bachmann who showed up. Michele Bachmann, one of the people most responsible for shutting the fucking thing down. They're the greatest generation - nobody said they were the brightest generation."

Of course, that was a lie – the House Republicans voted to restore funding for the National Park Service, but the Democratic Senate prevented a vote on that measure in order to heighten suffering surrounding the shutdown. In fact, the Obama administration reportedly rejected the World War II veterans’ request to visit the memorial before the vets moved aside the barricades. The administration then reinforced the barricades after the incident.


For Maher to slander World War II veterans as stupid for not kowtowing to despicable shutdown tactics is reprehensible. Before the war, they endured tremendous poverty during the Great Depression.After returning from World War II, veterans worked to establish the nation’s greatest companies in the private sector and infrastructure projects in the public sector; they were the driving force behind the growth of the planet’s best system of higher education.

World War II-generation men and women built America into the unchallenged hegemon on the planet. But then again, they didn’t have a show on HBO.
Maher Mocks WWII Vets: 'Nobody Said They Were the Brightest Generation'


A graphic calumny of a Republican Presidential nominee is your best response, Luddly? :doubt:

Pure hyperbole.

If he had won we'd be in much better hands than we are now. Sometimes the best man doesn't win.
Obama went out of his way to kick the WWII vets out but he grants a permit for Illegals to hold a demonstration on the National Mall, which is closed to the public.

I think we can figure out where his loyalties lie.

Hey, they helped him get re-elected. Why not?
Obama's grandfather didn't collaborate with the Nazis like Bush's.

Obama's father didn't make a fortune building Soviet infrastructure, like the Koch brother's.

Nazis and Communists - friends of Republicans.

Show collaboration?
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Now shut the fuck up.
That's unfair because nobody had a clue as to Hitler's future agendas before WWII broke out. In fact, America had so many German immigrants in the colonies that in the early days of Congress, The English language was chosen over German as our national language by only 3 votes.

You should learn a little history before using the F word on people, Synthaholic. At the time Hitler's conquest began, it was not known he would be exterminating handicapped people and Jews as his answer to the perfect society. Those who didn't know this numbered in the 100% category.

Get some soap. Wash your naughty mouth out with it. :evil:
What a bunch of fucking crybabies.

None of you ever criticize Limbaugh or Savage or that moron Levin.

If WWII vets are palling around with economic terrorists like Bachmann, they aren't too bright, and certainly have misplaced their patriotism.
Considering you've never worn the uniform, I suggest you shut the fuck up, you pansy bastard.
How many posts have you and all the other un-American idiots made, bashing veterans John Kerry and Max Cleland?

That's different...somehow.

Fucking hypocrites.

Public figures vs everyday joes?

You are now officially the points leader for MOONBAT OF THE YEAR!
Obama's grandfather didn't collaborate with the Nazis like Bush's.

Obama's father didn't make a fortune building Soviet infrastructure, like the Koch brother's.

Nazis and Communists - friends of Republicans.

Show collaboration?
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Now shut the fuck up.
Ok, firstly you said COLLABORATION, none of that in your link to the nortoriously far left wing Marxist rag, the guardian!!
Show collaboration ?
What a bunch of fucking crybabies.

None of you ever criticize Limbaugh or Savage or that moron Levin.

If WWII vets are palling around with economic terrorists like Bachmann, they aren't too bright, and certainly have misplaced their patriotism.
Considering you've never worn the uniform, I suggest you shut the fuck up, you pansy bastard.
How many posts have you and all the other un-American idiots made, bashing veterans John Kerry and Max Cleland?

That's different...somehow.

Fucking hypocrites.
Kerry went to vietnam, quickly got three purple hearts so he could come home. Then when he got home he made up lies about our great soldiers. He is a lying piece of crap.
What a bunch of fucking crybabies.

None of you ever criticize Limbaugh or Savage or that moron Levin.

If WWII vets are palling around with economic terrorists like Bachmann, they aren't too bright, and certainly have misplaced their patriotism.

You freakin idiot!!! The honor flights are NON-PARTISAN. There are Democrats, Independents and Republicans all flown to Washington to view their memorial. The Republican congressmen who moved the barricades INVITED Democratic congressmen from the districts that came to the memorial, but they were told not to go by the minority whip.

People like you have no shame, no intelligence and absolutely no sense of what is right. Talk about party hacks... I'll bet you leave a trail when you walk. Absolute slug!
Calm the fuck down. Maher does political satire and commentary on life . Which reminds me; you need to get one of your own. Life, that is.

Take your own profile advice and "embrace the suck" :laugh2:

I don't understand why people say Conservatives have little or no humor.
Calm the fuck down. Maher does political satire and commentary on life . Which reminds me; you need to get one of your own. Life, that is.

Take your own profile advice and "embrace the suck" :laugh2:

I don't understand why people say Conservatives have little or no humor.

:lol::lol: What a joke, Randi Rhodes went batshit crazy when she couldn't understand when Colbert was making a satirical point about de-segregation a few years ago. Libtards are amongst THE most humorless assholes on the planet and you claim conservatives have no humor.

Wrong, we laugh all of the time, we just know that when a dickhead is insulting someone for no good reason, as Maher does all of the time, they really aren't funny, they are just sinking to the lowest common denominator because that's the level of their intellect.
He another MSM, hypocrite zionist. :eusa_shhh: His audience is so intimidated. They want to cheer the concept of letting the ball and chain of zionism go, but they are not sure how the "unreligious" Maher feels about the religious/racist entity.


Losers like you don't even know how to argue. JEEZZZUSSSS are you retarded. First, Maher is far from a Zionist. He RIGHTFULLY doesn't like the repressive Islamic religion and backs Israel right to kick the Muslims ass when they attack. Fools like you believe if someone backs the Jews right to self-determination, not to commit suicide, not to show weakness and not to bow down to terrorist, then they are evil Jew lovers.

I haven't watch Bill Maher in years, but I remember a steady stream of leftist panelist. Muslim arrogant revisionist. Jew hatting hypocrites and others who like you push a double standard on Israel and nothing on the MILLION times worse muslim countries. There is not ONE muslim country in the world that treats their minorites even a tenth of how good Israel treats it's religious minorities. MK like Zobia wouldn't make it one HOUR in a Muslim countries with her anti-State views. Heck Israel treats is minorities, 1000x better than any Muslim country treats its majority citizens. And we don't even need to compare treatment to women!
Hey Mr. Maher, your family name is now equated with calling WWIi Vets "not to bright"

You couldn't pay me enough.

Call it what you want

Shithead = Maher

That's how it rolls

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