Pius XII and Cannonization.

Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

I do not find it strange----there were lots of catholics in Germany---
and then there was poland and france etc etc . What is MOST
strange about PIUS-----is that he did not interfere with

the fact that Father Charles Coughlin never lost his
right to SANCTIFY IN THE NAME OF ---those three guys---
with his blood stained hands------is THE MOST DISGUSTING
Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.
Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

I do not find it strange----there were lots of catholics in Germany---
and then there was poland and france etc etc . What is MOST
strange about PIUS-----is that he did not interfere with

the fact that Father Charles Coughlin never lost his
right to SANCTIFY IN THE NAME OF ---those three guys---
with his blood stained hands------is THE MOST DISGUSTING

father coughlin was silenced by the catholic church.
Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.

Che was a Marxist Leninist and materialist and rejected the delusions of the church and religion
Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.
BS hitler claimed up to his death he was a catholic, the boy banger catholic church NEVER excommunicated him.
Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

you fail to understand excommunication.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.
BS hitler claimed up to his death he was a catholic, the boy banger catholic church NEVER excommunicated him.

well, that is not true. he rejected catholicism from an early age, refusing the sacraments.

and this thread is not about pius xii specifically.

i suppose you approve of your taxpayer dollars going into an investigation of the catholic church during WWII?
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Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.

Che was a Marxist Leninist and materialist and rejected the delusions of the church and religion

and yet, he remained a catholic.
understanding? what a joke you are-----the priests and nuns who ran
the Inquisition were the SCHOLARS OF THE CHURCH
Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.
BS hitler claimed up to his death he was a catholic, the boy banger catholic church NEVER excommunicated him.

Eichmann’s escape helped by German intelligence and Roman Catholic Church
The notorious Holocaust planner Adolf Eichmann was helped out of Germany by members of the German intelligence service and the Roman Catholic Church, according to a series of articles by Spiegel based on secret documents.

The documents show that Germany could have captured Eichmann much earlier had it wanted to, and that Germany was terrified that Eichmann’s trial might turn up information it would rather keep hidden.
Josef Urban, a member of Germany’s intelligence organization, was part of the network that helped Eichmann escape the American prisoner of war camp. Eichmann then remained in Germany for several years, before escaping to Argentina via Italy.
Eichmann himself stated that many priests helped him escape to Argentina “without asking questions”.
Historian Gerald Steinacher wrote that Argentine authorities and Catholic priests worked “hand in hand” to protect Nazis. Bishop Alois Hudal helped Eichmann get the documents he needed to escape.
Freelance journalist Gabriele Weber fought a legal battle to force the Germany intelligence service to publish some of its files. They have published files bit by bit; Weber suspects they are hiding more.
The CIA reported that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s government was following the Eichmann trial “with growing apprehension, sometimes bordering on hysteria”. A Foreign Ministry state secretary said it was “quite possible that incriminating material against employees of the federal and state governments will come to light”.
Germany was worried about the Eichmann trial because “Eichmann was like a walking bomb because he knew so much … and if he had spilled the beans he would have sent quite a few people into a spin,” according to Weber.

Eichmann?s escape helped by German intelligence and Roman Catholic Church ? MercoPress
Eichmann was not catholic-----he was protestant Most of the
nazi big shots were catholic----but not Eichmann
you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.
BS hitler claimed up to his death he was a catholic, the boy banger catholic church NEVER excommunicated him.

Eichmann’s escape helped by German intelligence and Roman Catholic Church
The notorious Holocaust planner Adolf Eichmann was helped out of Germany by members of the German intelligence service and the Roman Catholic Church, according to a series of articles by Spiegel based on secret documents.

The documents show that Germany could have captured Eichmann much earlier had it wanted to, and that Germany was terrified that Eichmann’s trial might turn up information it would rather keep hidden.
Josef Urban, a member of Germany’s intelligence organization, was part of the network that helped Eichmann escape the American prisoner of war camp. Eichmann then remained in Germany for several years, before escaping to Argentina via Italy.
Eichmann himself stated that many priests helped him escape to Argentina “without asking questions”.
Historian Gerald Steinacher wrote that Argentine authorities and Catholic priests worked “hand in hand” to protect Nazis. Bishop Alois Hudal helped Eichmann get the documents he needed to escape.
Freelance journalist Gabriele Weber fought a legal battle to force the Germany intelligence service to publish some of its files. They have published files bit by bit; Weber suspects they are hiding more.
The CIA reported that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s government was following the Eichmann trial “with growing apprehension, sometimes bordering on hysteria”. A Foreign Ministry state secretary said it was “quite possible that incriminating material against employees of the federal and state governments will come to light”.
Germany was worried about the Eichmann trial because “Eichmann was like a walking bomb because he knew so much … and if he had spilled the beans he would have sent quite a few people into a spin,” according to Weber.

Eichmann?s escape helped by German intelligence and Roman Catholic Church ? MercoPress

what does any of your anti-catholic diatribes have to do with my original post?
Strange how the catholic church never excommunicated their boy hitler :eusa_whistle:

you cannot excommunicate someone who has excommunicated themself.

that is not the point anyway.

it is about taxpayer money and the seperation of church and state.

che was a devout catholic.

some bolivian catholics refer to him as saint ernesto.
BS hitler claimed up to his death he was a catholic, the boy banger catholic church NEVER excommunicated him.

Are we suppose to take anything you say about the Catholic Church seriously as in the above statement you disqualify yourself by your obvious bigotry.

It amazes me how much hatred of Catholics is expressed on this MB I have tried to keep the subject of this thread on the OP and so has Seal but you Zionists seem to want to indulge your self in a Catholic Hate fest. So go ahead not only are you unqualified to even talk about Catholisism ( sp ) because of your lack of knowledge and overabundance of bigotry but all you do is make yourself look like fools.
BS hitler claimed up to his death he was a catholic, the boy banger catholic church NEVER excommunicated him.

Are we suppose to take anything you say about the Catholic Church seriously as in the above statement you disqualify yourself by your obvious bigotry.

It amazes me how much hatred of Catholics is expressed on this MB I have tried to keep the subject of this thread on the OP and so has Seal but you Zionists seem to want to indulge your self in a Catholic Hate fest. So go ahead not only are you unqualified to even talk about Catholisism ( sp ) because of your lack of knowledge and overabundance of bigotry but all you do is make yourself look like fools.

i believe the catholic clergy has a little less or about the same incidence of child abuse as other trusted professions, such as elementary school teachers in our public schools and the clergy of other faiths.

at least they are doing something about it now. it is just that the church is an easy target.

i have requested tht this thread be removed entirely as it has been totally derailed.
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Why Did the Pope Keep Quiet About Hitler?

Read below. This is the Pope you are so proud of.

No description

by Cara DeCoursey on 8 November 2012 • 42

Pope Keeping quiet about Hitler? Pope Pius XII The Pope lived in Germany from 1917-1929 (before the Holocaust), do you think he felt some sort of allegiance to Germany and therefore had another reason for keeping quiet about Hitler? Questions Was elected Pope in 1939 Was the pope during the holocaust Kept quiet about Hitler Secretly sheltered a number of Jewish folk Spoke to officials encouraging them to help them Article Summary During World War 2, while the Holocaust was happening, the Pope decided to keep quiet about it though he knew what was being done to the Jewish people. One of the Pope's bishops, Galen, stood against Hitler's actions and spoke up for the Jewish people creating a temporary halt in the killing streak. The Pope decided to stay politically neutral during these horrible events that Hitler triggered. Began before World War II and ended with the war Hitler decided to eliminate the Jewish population and gathered followers (nazis) 6 million Jewish people were murdered Clemens August Count von Galen Only one of Pius's bishops who spoke out against the Holocaust Was critical of the nazi party from the beginning Temporarily slowed down the killing sprees with his public speaking. Pius admired Galen for his actions. Do you think standing against his government? Even after Italy having an alliance with Germany? If you were in the Popes shoes, what would you have done? => Do you think what he did was wrong? => If the Jewish people begged you for help, would that change your decision? If the Pope spoke up for the Jewish people, how would that affect and change the outcome of the holocaust? Would it have an impact on us today? If this were to happen today would the Pope handle it the same, or differently? => Another holocaust? => What would happen? How do you think the Jewish people would feel towards the Vatican, knowing that The Pope kept quiet during the Holocaust? Why did Galen decide to stand up and not the Pope? => Why was he the only Bishop that spoke up? The Pope was elected right at the beginning of World War 2, do you think all the pressure of the war somewhat affected him and his decisions? => Why? => How? Do you think there was a under the table deal with Hitler? About not speaking up about the Holocaust? (Alliance with Italy and Germany) Do you think the Pope told Galen to speak up against the Nazi party so that something would be done but he would remain politically neutral? Is remaining politically neutral enough justification for not speaking up against Hitler?


As a " catholic" you cant face the truth? Who cares?
patrickcaturday. It amazes me how much hatred of Catholics is expressed on this MB I have tried to keep the subject of this thread on the OP and so has Seal but you Zionists seem to want to indulge your self in a Catholic Hate fest. So go ahead not only are you unqualified to even talk about Catholisism ( sp ) because of your lack of knowledge and overabundance of bigotry but all you do is make yourself look like fools. [/B said:

I see no hatred of catholics on this thread I see hatred of jews ----in fact
your use of "YOU ZIONISTS" comes out as a PERJORATIVE since it is so
Your favorite son----JOSEF GOEBBELS was an ardent pious catholic ---
and of course that other chunk of mick papist shit----in the USA
--hands covered with innocent blood as he held the "body of
christ" in wafer form aloft CHARLES COUGLIN was an adulated
"lack of knowlege"? what does that mean? I do not know
what size shoe goebbels wore-----but that does not mean that the effect
created by that chunk of papist dung is a mystery. I have relatives
whose families have not lived in spain for some 500 years but they still
speak fluent spanish----is that not interesting-----they were victims of
pious papist ISABELLA queen of spain----is that whore still up for
CANONIZATION so she can end up in the CELESTIAL ROSE with
"the virgin" and charles coughlin and pius and saint magda of
the cyanide?
Why Did the Pope Keep Quiet About Hitler?

Read below. This is the Pope you are so proud of.

No description

by Cara DeCoursey on 8 November 2012 • 42

Pope Keeping quiet about Hitler? Pope Pius XII The Pope lived in Germany from 1917-1929 (before the Holocaust), do you think he felt some sort of allegiance to Germany and therefore had another reason for keeping quiet about Hitler? Questions Was elected Pope in 1939 Was the pope during the holocaust Kept quiet about Hitler Secretly sheltered a number of Jewish folk Spoke to officials encouraging them to help them Article Summary During World War 2, while the Holocaust was happening, the Pope decided to keep quiet about it though he knew what was being done to the Jewish people. One of the Pope's bishops, Galen, stood against Hitler's actions and spoke up for the Jewish people creating a temporary halt in the killing streak. The Pope decided to stay politically neutral during these horrible events that Hitler triggered. Began before World War II and ended with the war Hitler decided to eliminate the Jewish population and gathered followers (nazis) 6 million Jewish people were murdered Clemens August Count von Galen Only one of Pius's bishops who spoke out against the Holocaust Was critical of the nazi party from the beginning Temporarily slowed down the killing sprees with his public speaking. Pius admired Galen for his actions. Do you think standing against his government? Even after Italy having an alliance with Germany? If you were in the Popes shoes, what would you have done? => Do you think what he did was wrong? => If the Jewish people begged you for help, would that change your decision? If the Pope spoke up for the Jewish people, how would that affect and change the outcome of the holocaust? Would it have an impact on us today? If this were to happen today would the Pope handle it the same, or differently? => Another holocaust? => What would happen? How do you think the Jewish people would feel towards the Vatican, knowing that The Pope kept quiet during the Holocaust? Why did Galen decide to stand up and not the Pope? => Why was he the only Bishop that spoke up? The Pope was elected right at the beginning of World War 2, do you think all the pressure of the war somewhat affected him and his decisions? => Why? => How? Do you think there was a under the table deal with Hitler? About not speaking up about the Holocaust? (Alliance with Italy and Germany) Do you think the Pope told Galen to speak up against the Nazi party so that something would be done but he would remain politically neutral? Is remaining politically neutral enough justification for not speaking up against Hitler?


As a " catholic" you cant face the truth? Who cares?

and again, that isn't the question?

what truth am i supposed to be facing exactly. the truth someone named cara decoursey actually doesn't even say anything about.

the truth doesn't bother me at all.

the truth is is that i can think of better uses for our taxpayer monies than to pursue the demonisation of a man respected by catholics worldwide for absolutely no reasons whatsoever or to use those monies to fund some "museum" so that they have carte blanche to pursue such an agenda.

you folks threw your own kids into the fuckin' showers without a peep while catho;ics throughout europe were rescuing you hand over oot, sending some of you to israel to be killed by the precursers of your own IDF and now you try to salve your guilt and and blame your craven behaviour on every easy target you caan find.

take a little responsibility for yourselves.

all i was asking is why our taxes should fund this. why do jews think americans should spend their tax money to find out whatever pius xii was doing in WWII.

i hope they open the vatican files too because i am sure they will find nothing but the acts of a gentle man in a horribly difficult position...and i will expect the jews will not even offer an apolology for this unconscionable witch hunt.
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I'm Catholic and I knew. You really are quite intellectually challenged, aren't you?

there is no need to insult me.

no, actually, i am quite intelligent. the fact that i am ignorant of some things, as we all are, is no indication of being intellectually challanged. jumping to conclusions however, with a limited amount of information, as you have just done, is such an indication.

do you actually mean to suggest that most american catholics know about this press release? i very sincerely doubt it.

Catholics, like blacks, hispanics, and everyone else, are individuals. There is no way to measure what 'Catholics' know.

The fact that you quote a release from 2009 like it's some big news is what makes me think you are intellectually challenged. If you don't want people to think you're stupid, don't act like a stupid person.
You misunderstand his intentions. He's a Jew hating piece of shit Nazi and the only reason he posted this was to generate more hatred and animosity between Jews and Christians, and bait some Jews in the process.

As usual, and thanks to you, it went down in flames.
patrickcaturday. It amazes me how much hatred of Catholics is expressed on this MB I have tried to keep the subject of this thread on the OP and so has Seal but you Zionists seem to want to indulge your self in a Catholic Hate fest. So go ahead not only are you unqualified to even talk about Catholisism ( sp ) because of your lack of knowledge and overabundance of bigotry but all you do is make yourself look like fools. [/B said:

I see no hatred of catholics on this thread I see hatred of jews ----in fact
your use of "YOU ZIONISTS" comes out as a PERJORATIVE since it is so
Your favorite son----JOSEF GOEBBELS was an ardent pious catholic ---
and of course that other chunk of mick papist shit----in the USA
--hands covered with innocent blood as he held the "body of
christ" in wafer form aloft CHARLES COUGLIN was an adulated
"lack of knowlege"? what does that mean? I do not know
what size shoe goebbels wore-----but that does not mean that the effect
created by that chunk of papist dung is a mystery. I have relatives
whose families have not lived in spain for some 500 years but they still
speak fluent spanish----is that not interesting-----they were victims of
pious papist ISABELLA queen of spain----is that whore still up for
CANONIZATION so she can end up in the CELESTIAL ROSE with
"the virgin" and charles coughlin and pius and saint magda of
the cyanide?

ARE YOU BLIND OR IS IT THAT YOU DON"T EVEN COMPREHEND WHAT YOU WRITE.This whole post along with all of your other posts simply reek of anti-Catholisism ( sp ), all of your references of ISH worshipers. You arn't fooling anyone, you are the biggest bigot on this board. If I were a Jew I would tell you to shut the fuck up, you old crone.
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there is no need to insult me.

no, actually, i am quite intelligent. the fact that i am ignorant of some things, as we all are, is no indication of being intellectually challanged. jumping to conclusions however, with a limited amount of information, as you have just done, is such an indication.

do you actually mean to suggest that most american catholics know about this press release? i very sincerely doubt it.

Catholics, like blacks, hispanics, and everyone else, are individuals. There is no way to measure what 'Catholics' know.

The fact that you quote a release from 2009 like it's some big news is what makes me think you are intellectually challenged. If you don't want people to think you're stupid, don't act like a stupid person.
You misunderstand his intentions. He's a Jew hating piece of shit Nazi and the only reason he posted this was to generate more hatred and animosity between Jews and Christians, and bait some Jews in the process.

As usual, and thanks to you, it went down in flames.

Seal doesn't attack Jews unless he is provoked first. And here you are attacking him without provocation.

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