Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel

corporate welfare as business as usual has some economic benefit; merely bailing out the wealthiest is just supply side economics for the Right.


"If you give government money to corporations that benefit the Democrats then is an economic benefit, however, if you give the money to corporations that don't benefit the Democrat power structure then it is bailing out the wealthiest".

There is never any economic benefit from taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it. Thievery is thievery no matter how you package it. When the thief does well it is always at the expense of the person that was robbed.
I say talk is pretty cheap for the Right; let's discuss this after we end the Drug War.
Translation for everyone's: Daniel has been beaten solidly and he no longer wants to talk about anything because he is crying about being beaten so soundly. He is going to deflect, because it hurts him so much.
nothing but diversion while proclaiming to to have a "gospel Truth" Cause, Person on the Right?

Let's end the Drug War, first.

Or, is the Party of Nothing but Repeal (or diversion), going to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to that ideology as well?

Translation for everyone: Daniel blames the right for everything. Daniel claims to be the man of a thousand words and yet can say nothing.
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Unions are disliked by Conservatives because they are the cash cow for the filthy ass Democrat Party. Also, unions are scammers that take away the freedom of Americans in non right to work states.

The greedy unions give the Democrats big bucks and the Democrats protect the bloated wages and pensions, usually at taxpayer's expense. Everybody should hate that kind of corruption.

If you want more than minimal wage then work harder and smarter. You will make more money. It is none of the government business what the market rate of labor should be. At least not in a free market. Moon Bats hate the concept of a free market, don't they"

You forgot
1) SS is bad
2). Medicare is bad
3) Must cut education
4) FMLA hurts businesses

So anything that actually might help the average worker get ahead a tiny bit is bad. Americans already are the hardest working, least complaining workers in the world. Why are conservatives hating them so much?
corporate welfare as business as usual has some economic benefit; merely bailing out the wealthiest is just supply side economics for the Right.


"If you give government money to corporations that benefit the Democrats then is an economic benefit, however, if you give the money to corporations that don't benefit the Democrat power structure then it is bailing out the wealthiest".

There is never any economic benefit from taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it. Thievery is thievery no matter how you package it. When the thief does well it is always at the expense of the person that was robbed.
not at all; Only the Right can't tell the difference but Only when it involves only the least wealthy.
I say talk is pretty cheap for the Right; let's discuss this after we end the Drug War.
Translation for everyone's: Daniel has been beaten solidly and he no longer wants to talk about anything because he is crying about being beaten so soundly. He is going to deflect, because it hurts him so much.
nothing but diversion while proclaiming to to have a "gospel Truth" Cause, Person on the Right?

Let's end the Drug War, first.

Or, is the Party of Nothing but Repeal (or diversion), going to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to that ideology as well?

Translation for everyone: Daniel blames the right for everything. Daniel claims to be the man of a thousand words and yet can say nothing.
Let's end the Drug War, first.

not at all; Only the Right can't tell the difference but Only when it involves only the least wealthy.

If you are really a Conservative then you don't want taxpayer's money being transferred to anybody that earn it. No welfare, subsidies, bailouts or entitlements.

If somebody "on the Right" tells you they are for any kind any kind of welfare, bailout, subsidy or entitlement then they are deceiving you and they are nothing more than a sorry ass Libtard, like you.

The Left loves their welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements. Especially crony capitalism.
I say talk is pretty cheap for the Right; let's discuss this after we end the Drug War.
Translation for everyone's: Daniel has been beaten solidly and he no longer wants to talk about anything because he is crying about being beaten so soundly. He is going to deflect, because it hurts him so much.
nothing but diversion while proclaiming to to have a "gospel Truth" Cause, Person on the Right?

Let's end the Drug War, first.

Or, is the Party of Nothing but Repeal (or diversion), going to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to that ideology as well?

Translation for everyone: Daniel blames the right for everything. Daniel claims to be the man of a thousand words and yet can say nothing.
Let's end the Drug War, first.

The Drug War has nothing to do with this thread, start another one, you are off topic.
conservatives love their tax breaks for the wealthy, corporate tax giveaways, and anything else that will ensure the middle class being squeezed out. They love the Romney "I enjoy firing people" mentality.
Click to expand...
Unions are disliked by Conservatives because they are the cash cow for the filthy ass Democrat Party. Also, unions are scammers that take away the freedom of Americans in non right to work states.

The greedy unions give the Democrats big bucks and the Democrats protect the bloated wages and pensions, usually at taxpayer's expense. Everybody should hate that kind of corruption.

If you want more than minimal wage then work harder and smarter. You will make more money. It is none of the government business what the market rate of labor should be. At least not in a free market. Moon Bats hate the concept of a free market, don't they"

You forgot
1) SS is bad
2). Medicare is bad
3) Must cut education
4) FMLA hurts businesses

So anything that actually might help the average worker get ahead a tiny bit is bad. Americans already are the hardest working, least complaining workers in the world. Why are conservatives hating them so much?

You don't "help" the average worker by having a high cost bloated debt ridden welfare state. You destroy the American dream when over 40% of the GNP goes for the combined cost of government.

In many American households it takes two people working to make end meet and the biggest reason for that is the high cost of government.

There ain't no such thing a s a free lunch. Nothing that government gives you is free. it comes at a high cost. The cost in this country is destroying the American Dream. WQe now have the hightest cost of government ever, the most debt and the poverty rate is increasing, the welfare rolls are increasing and family income is decreasing. Big government has failed the people.

SS is a Ponzi scheme that has a $60 trillion future liability and will most likely bankrupt this country in the next generation. There is no reason that the government should to force a person to be part of an inefficient pension program. It should be up to the individual to provide for their own retirement.

A person should be responsible for their own medical expenses and stupid inefficient programs like Medicare has a high cost and low benefit. The government needs to stay out of the health care business.

This country spends more money on education than anybody else in the world and we have dismal results. Education should always be on the local level without Federal interference and the tremendous price tag that goes with it.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of telling businesses how to treat their employees like with FMLA. That is between the employee and the business and should be of no concern of the government.

Conservatives don't hate workers. Conservatives understand that the filthy ass government taking away our freedoms is the problem. All workers would do a lot better without the government trying to control their lives.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility and accountability. Libtards believe that the filthy ass government should run our lives.
conservatives love their tax breaks for the wealthy, corporate tax giveaways, and anything else that will ensure the middle class being squeezed out. They love the Romney "I enjoy firing people" mentality.

Amazing how you know what anyone thinks,,so far, you have been way off.
conservatives love their tax breaks for the wealthy, corporate tax giveaways, and anything else that will ensure the middle class being squeezed out. They love the Romney "I enjoy firing people" mentality.

What tax breaks do you take when you do your income tax? Do you even pay income tax or are you one of the 47% of Americans that bendfit from the trillion dollars that other Americans have to pay?

The government does not own every cent made in America. You are not entitled to the money made by other people.

The problem is not that we don't tax enough. The problem is that we spend too much.

People that deserve to be fired should be fired. We see that Obama doesn't even have the courage to fire the VA managers that killed our veterans so they could get a bonus.
I say talk is pretty cheap for the Right; let's discuss this after we end the Drug War.
Translation for everyone's: Daniel has been beaten solidly and he no longer wants to talk about anything because he is crying about being beaten so soundly. He is going to deflect, because it hurts him so much.
nothing but diversion while proclaiming to to have a "gospel Truth" Cause, Person on the Right?

Let's end the Drug War, first.

Or, is the Party of Nothing but Repeal (or diversion), going to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to that ideology as well?

Translation for everyone: Daniel blames the right for everything. Daniel claims to be the man of a thousand words and yet can say nothing.
Let's end the Drug War, first.

Dude, we get it, you're a druggie.
That certainly explains your incoherence.
I'd say let those unions prove their "value" of quality work against their non union competitors. Doesn't the left have a problem when it comes those corporations who are favored in being awarded big government contracts, but there is an exception among UNIONS given the same favoritism through the state?

Keep up: The post is about Republicans fucking the American worker by forcing them to pay for something that is 100% no cost for everyone involved.

It doesn't change the position that state work should not be automatically given to unions but EARNED through the quality of work they perform. Let each state choose whether they should continue with work that favors the contribution of union dues, or if non unkind perform better quality work for the benefit of the state.

Regarding this "100% no cost to everyone involved". PROVE to me that taxpayers not not in any way ... shape ... or form, connected into those state union wages and dues that filters their way into the Democrat party as THEIR slush fund to personally favor those Democrats running in elections. List me the facts of where these union workers derive their income from, then show me how taxpayers are not paying into that.
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation offers free legal representation to workers whose unions refuse to let them resign and become partial-dues, financial-core represented workers. It can be reached on the Internet at National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation An amendment to the NLRA currently under consideration in Congress would extend right-to-work protections to workers in every state. If that were to become law there could be no compulsory union dues for any purpose in any state.

You are forced by unions, to work for the unions.

Andy, who forces a person to apply for a union job? Who keeps a person working a union job who wants to quit that job? No one is the correct answer.

You don't want to work for a union shop, don't apply there. But what I hear is that some workers don't mind working in a union job for the pay and protections. They just happen to be mooches who don't want to pay for the benefits extended to them by the union.

But NO ONE is forced to apply and work for a union shop. NO ONE. And NO ONE is stopped from quitting a union job. NO ONE.

So what is the problem with unions. They are duly elected organizations. Legal. And serve a good purpose for many workers. What is the problem with unions?

And why are the Republican so intent on union busting. What threat does a union represent to Republicans?

I didn't apply for a "union job". The union came in about 3 years later!

They are completely and utterly useless in all respects.
Yet, those on the Right claim you can quit and find a new employer who isn't unionized; instead of merely complaining about that "professional" challenge.
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation offers free legal representation to workers whose unions refuse to let them resign and become partial-dues, financial-core represented workers. It can be reached on the Internet at National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation An amendment to the NLRA currently under consideration in Congress would extend right-to-work protections to workers in every state. If that were to become law there could be no compulsory union dues for any purpose in any state.

You are forced by unions, to work for the unions.

Andy, who forces a person to apply for a union job? Who keeps a person working a union job who wants to quit that job? No one is the correct answer.

You don't want to work for a union shop, don't apply there. But what I hear is that some workers don't mind working in a union job for the pay and protections. They just happen to be mooches who don't want to pay for the benefits extended to them by the union.

But NO ONE is forced to apply and work for a union shop. NO ONE. And NO ONE is stopped from quitting a union job. NO ONE.

So what is the problem with unions. They are duly elected organizations. Legal. And serve a good purpose for many workers. What is the problem with unions?

And why are the Republican so intent on union busting. What threat does a union represent to Republicans?

I didn't apply for a "union job". The union came in about 3 years later!

They are completely and utterly useless in all respects.
Yet, those on the Right claim you can quit and find a new employer who isn't unionized; instead of merely complaining about that "professional" challenge.

Got it wrong, the only ones on this thread that said you can get another job that wasnt unionized was a lefty.

You need to get your facts straight, you spread a lot of misinformation.

not at all; Only the Right can't tell the difference but Only when it involves only the least wealthy.

If you are really a Conservative then you don't want taxpayer's money being transferred to anybody that earn it. No welfare, subsidies, bailouts or entitlements.

If somebody "on the Right" tells you they are for any kind any kind of welfare, bailout, subsidy or entitlement then they are deceiving you and they are nothing more than a sorry ass Libtard, like you.

The Left loves their welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements. Especially crony capitalism.
It isn't the fault of the left, the right doesn't know capitalism doesn't work very well, without the Socialism of States and Statism; it is why the social Power to Provide for the general Welfare is in writing in our supreme law of the land; due to that lack of Faith by the Right.
I say talk is pretty cheap for the Right; let's discuss this after we end the Drug War.
Translation for everyone's: Daniel has been beaten solidly and he no longer wants to talk about anything because he is crying about being beaten so soundly. He is going to deflect, because it hurts him so much.
nothing but diversion while proclaiming to to have a "gospel Truth" Cause, Person on the Right?

Let's end the Drug War, first.

Or, is the Party of Nothing but Repeal (or diversion), going to be infidel, protestant, and renegade to that ideology as well?

Translation for everyone: Daniel blames the right for everything. Daniel claims to be the man of a thousand words and yet can say nothing.
Let's end the Drug War, first.

The Drug War has nothing to do with this thread, start another one, you are off topic.
it has this to do with the topic:
I say talk is pretty cheap for the Right; let's discuss this after we end the Drug War.
conservatives love their tax breaks for the wealthy, corporate tax giveaways, and anything else that will ensure the middle class being squeezed out. They love the Romney "I enjoy firing people" mentality.
The Right only has a problem with Socialism when the least wealthy may benefit.

not at all; Only the Right can't tell the difference but Only when it involves only the least wealthy.

If you are really a Conservative then you don't want taxpayer's money being transferred to anybody that earn it. No welfare, subsidies, bailouts or entitlements.

If somebody "on the Right" tells you they are for any kind any kind of welfare, bailout, subsidy or entitlement then they are deceiving you and they are nothing more than a sorry ass Libtard, like you.

The Left loves their welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements. Especially crony capitalism.
It isn't the fault of the left, the right doesn't know capitalism doesn't work very well, without the Socialism of States and Statism; it is why the social Power to Provide for the general Welfare is in writing in our supreme law of the land; due to that lack of Faith by the Right.

Let me get this straight, you are against the government giving corporate welfare, yet you are for government giving corporate welfare.

I think all corporate welfare should end. You should depend on government to provide your living.
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Unions are disliked by Conservatives because they are the cash cow for the filthy ass Democrat Party. Also, unions are scammers that take away the freedom of Americans in non right to work states.

The greedy unions give the Democrats big bucks and the Democrats protect the bloated wages and pensions, usually at taxpayer's expense. Everybody should hate that kind of corruption.

If you want more than minimal wage then work harder and smarter. You will make more money. It is none of the government business what the market rate of labor should be. At least not in a free market. Moon Bats hate the concept of a free market, don't they"

You forgot
1) SS is bad
2). Medicare is bad
3) Must cut education
4) FMLA hurts businesses

So anything that actually might help the average worker get ahead a tiny bit is bad. Americans already are the hardest working, least complaining workers in the world. Why are conservatives hating them so much?

You don't "help" the average worker by having a high cost bloated debt ridden welfare state.
It is no wonder the Right doesn't have a clue or a Cause; we don't have a welfare-State we have a Warfare-State.

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