Plan to split California into 3 states earns spot on ballot!

I don’t know. It wouldn’t be right to give California four more senators.

The electoral vote could be split without creating new states. But liberals will never allow that to happen. They’d never win a Presidential election if the electoral votes were done by districts.

That was my first thought also. Six Senators from California with 4 of the 6 being Dem's. That would not end well.


About a third of the House districts are Red and two-thirds are Blue. Making two Blue states and one Red state works for me.

The mere fact that a radical ballot item of this magnitude made it to the ballot shows just how sick people are of liberal lunacy. Democrats better take a real hard look at this and swing Middle if they want a shot at ‘18 and ‘20 on the national level. Americans are not in the mood for open borders and redistribution of wealth. We’ve had enough of that over the past 10 years.
Sounds stupid, the flag doesn’t have room for more stars. If this happens we mine as well make Puerto Rico a state.

About a third of the House districts are Red and two-thirds are Blue. Making two Blue states and one Red state works for me.

The mere fact that a radical ballot item of this magnitude made it to the ballot shows just how sick people are of liberal lunacy. Democrats better take a real hard look at this and swing Middle if they want a shot at ‘18 and ‘20 on the national level. Americans are not in the mood for open borders and redistribution of wealth. We’ve had enough of that over the past 10 years.
All the redistributing to the wealthy has sucked.

About a third of the House districts are Red and two-thirds are Blue. Making two Blue states and one Red state works for me.

The mere fact that a radical ballot item of this magnitude made it to the ballot shows just how sick people are of liberal lunacy. Democrats better take a real hard look at this and swing Middle if they want a shot at ‘18 and ‘20 on the national level. Americans are not in the mood for open borders and redistribution of wealth. We’ve had enough of that over the past 10 years.
All the redistributing to the wealthy has sucked.

Any tax relief to the ones footing the bill the Left refers to as redistribution to the wealthy.
How would this process work? I am only think of one example . West Virginia splitting from VA. But that was civil war time .
We should be eliminating states ! Do we need two Dakotas? 4 senators for two big empty states !?
Having lived for a number of years just north of downtown LA and then in Riverside County, I do get it... the Bigger the metro area, the larger the concentration of liberal &progressive ideologies. There are an awful lot of conservatives, independents and libertarians in CA... tucked up into those desolate country reaches that politicians are prone to overlooking. What say you... on the proposition and the political ramifications? Yeh.. It's unlikely to pass, but comments and smart remarks any way... lol

Radical plan to split California into three states earns spot on November ballot


I believe it would be a massive win for Northen California but the other Two regions it would be a losing one for them...


We should be eliminating states ! Do we need two Dakotas? 4 senators for two big empty states !?

What would you propse Timmy?

You would have to do away with the entire Constitution and all forms of Local and State Governments for you to do away with States...

Thw system is not perfect but the Founding Fathers did it correctly...
It’s never going to happen
It’s on the ballot.

That almost guarantees that this will happen.

Californians are absolutely stupid enough to vote for this.

The state legislature would then have to approve it and then the US Congress would have to approve it. Neither of those is going to happen


If passed the Supreme Soviet has no say in the matter, That's the point of ballot initiatives. \

Though the US Congress still has to approve it. Don't be so sure that a Republican congress would oppose the move.

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