Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014

Thank Gawd for the sexual revolution of the 60's, which got us legal birth control, enabling women to control the size of their family.
I bet the fifty million children who've been killed since Roe v Wade give thanks for that every day of their lives......oops!......
I have done genealogical research on my family back to the 1830s. They lived in the cities and had between 9-12 children. Many did not reach adulthood.
Women had children from the time they got married at 17 into their 40s. Provided they did not die in childbirth. This was true for both urban and rural families. Given the lack of birth control, why wouldn't it be?
At the turn of the 20th century, you were not even allowed to discuss family was a sin
so do you have 9-12 brothers and sisters?......
[URL='' said:
Fetal Homicide State Laws[/URL]
"... the Unborn Victim of Violence Act." Unborn Victim. Just let that sink in. This is how insane these people are. They think you can be a victim before you're even fucking born. Before you even exist. That these fucking idiots - these fascists - are in office doesn't make their beliefs any more valid. All it means is that this country is in deep shit and its liberals need to unite for once before the enemies of human rights finish destroying it.
liberals united to keep dead children dead!.......
This thread is proof that liberals have no conscience and no morals. Not only do they think they have the right to decide who lives and who dies at their convenience, they demand we, the taxpayers, pay for their immoral practices. One need look no further to see the source of the deterioration of our nation.
Taxpayers do not pay for abortion

But conservatives are also outraged if they have to pay for contraception

Sandra Fluke anyone?
get your own rubbers.....they're a buck each in the bathroom at the local truck stop......
I'll bet the liberals are proud to have butchered all those babies in the name of "choice".
Abortions the result of conservative opposition to finding a way to end the practice that comports with the Constitution and the privacy rights of women.
Your an idiot not one thing in this post is even remotely true

Abortions happen because someone doesn't want the kid,its that simple,trying to blame others is childish at best dishonest at the least,you people have no integrity at all.

Default to life its always the better choice.
It's not a fucking baby. It's a fetus. I'm tired of trying to explain this. A seed isn't a tree. A fetus isn't a baby. An egg isn't a chicken.
learn some fucking biology if you plan on being taken seriously.....yes, an egg isn't a rooster, an acorn isn't a tree, and a fetus isn't a adolescent......but they are chicken, oak and human being respectively......if you can't keep your nomenclature straight, just shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself......
It's not a fucking baby. It's a fetus. I'm tired of trying to explain this. A seed isn't a tree. A fetus isn't a baby. An egg isn't a chicken.
learn some fucking biology if you plan on being taken seriously.....yes, an egg isn't a rooster, an acorn isn't a tree, and a fetus isn't a adolescent......but they are chicken, oak and human being respectively......if you can't keep your nomenclature straight, just shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself......
The pathetic attempts at rationalizing the taking of life. A fetus is past the egg stage long past,your argument has no merits.
sure it will....all you have to do is make it illegal again......
Then you will fail and the abortion rate will remain where it is

Making it illegal again isn't going to stop abortion.

All it will do is cause a lot of needless deaths and women who end up infertile for life.

My mom worked in an OBGYN practice for a couple of decades. Both before and after abortion became legal in my state.

I can't tell you how many times my mom came home late because she was at work helping to save the life of a woman who took a knitting needle or a coat hanger to her uterus. Some tried jumping off high places to induce miscarriage. Some women she saved. Some she didn't. The ones she saved were left infertile for life.

This is the reality of abortion being illegal. Women die. They leave behind children and spouses. It's not right to force a child to grow up without a mom. It's not right to force a man to have to lose his life partner.

I will never understand why people can't be happy to live their lives as they choose. Will they ever stop trying to take that freedom from everyone else?
Man, that's some twisted logic there. From your made-up story to your desperate rationalization for murdering children.

Stop projecting. You may be a liar and make things up but I don't.

People do work in the medical field. Didn't you know this? Who do you expect to be doctors? Dogs?

Medicine is the business on one side of my family. I'm the black sheep and didn't go into medicine.

What I posted was true. Women took coat hangers to their uterus in an attempt to end a pregnancy. It happened all the time. Girls are still jumping off high places to end a pregnancy. I know of two sisters to where both pregnant and took turns pushing each other down stairs to induce miscarriage. This happened in the last decade.

When you take contraception from women and girls as is happening in some red states because they closed down planned parenthood clinics with regulation, women are going to get pregnant and self induced abortions are going to happen. Right now in Texas there's women going over the border to swap meets in Mexico. In the parking lots of those swap meets there's people selling what they claim is the abortion pill. They're selling it with out a doctor's prescription or any medical professional to make sure that the drug is used properly. So as a result women are showing up in ERs in Texas with uncontrolled bleeding. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them die or be left infertile for life.

You can make all the excuses you want, you can call me a liar all you want, it still won't make my words any less true. All you're doing is showing your hate.
Oh yeah, I'm sure it happens "all the time". Anyone can claim anything on a message board and your hysterical ranting about girls jumping off high places and going to Mexico for abortions is bullshit. Even if they were true it doesn't justify killing half a million babies every year. What twisted logic makes their lives less important than the sluts who can't keep their legs closed or use birth control?

You're free to not believe what I posted. What you think doesn't matter to me at all. You are just a uneducated and ignorant, nameless, faceless person on my computer screen.

I know what I posted is true. No amount of your hate for women is going to change the truth.

You have no importance or worth to me and what you think means less to me than what wallpaper thinks.

You are perfectly free to believe whatever you want. You don't have to know truths you don't like. Heaven forbid that you knew what was happening to American women in some states now.

So go ahead, stay ignorant and uneducated. It makes no difference to me.

Oh and by the way, calling a woman a slut who can't keep her legs closed is so immature and shows how much you hate women. A portion of abortions in America are performed on married women. Are you saying that married women are sluts who can't keep their legs together? I have a feeling you believe all women are sluts.

You show your hate and contempt for women with every one of your words. Which to me shows you're probably an impotent man and have no control of your own life. Which is why you feel you have the right personally attack women and to control perfect stranger's lives.

Men should keep their pants zipped if they don't want to cause a woman to need to have an abortion. Men also need to stop walking away from their own flesh and blood leaving millions of children with out their dad in their lives or financially supporting them.
Then you will fail and the abortion rate will remain where it is

Making it illegal again isn't going to stop abortion.

All it will do is cause a lot of needless deaths and women who end up infertile for life.

My mom worked in an OBGYN practice for a couple of decades. Both before and after abortion became legal in my state.

I can't tell you how many times my mom came home late because she was at work helping to save the life of a woman who took a knitting needle or a coat hanger to her uterus. Some tried jumping off high places to induce miscarriage. Some women she saved. Some she didn't. The ones she saved were left infertile for life.

This is the reality of abortion being illegal. Women die. They leave behind children and spouses. It's not right to force a child to grow up without a mom. It's not right to force a man to have to lose his life partner.

I will never understand why people can't be happy to live their lives as they choose. Will they ever stop trying to take that freedom from everyone else?
Man, that's some twisted logic there. From your made-up story to your desperate rationalization for murdering children.

Stop projecting. You may be a liar and make things up but I don't.

People do work in the medical field. Didn't you know this? Who do you expect to be doctors? Dogs?

Medicine is the business on one side of my family. I'm the black sheep and didn't go into medicine.

What I posted was true. Women took coat hangers to their uterus in an attempt to end a pregnancy. It happened all the time. Girls are still jumping off high places to end a pregnancy. I know of two sisters to where both pregnant and took turns pushing each other down stairs to induce miscarriage. This happened in the last decade.

When you take contraception from women and girls as is happening in some red states because they closed down planned parenthood clinics with regulation, women are going to get pregnant and self induced abortions are going to happen. Right now in Texas there's women going over the border to swap meets in Mexico. In the parking lots of those swap meets there's people selling what they claim is the abortion pill. They're selling it with out a doctor's prescription or any medical professional to make sure that the drug is used properly. So as a result women are showing up in ERs in Texas with uncontrolled bleeding. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them die or be left infertile for life.

You can make all the excuses you want, you can call me a liar all you want, it still won't make my words any less true. All you're doing is showing your hate.
Oh yeah, I'm sure it happens "all the time". Anyone can claim anything on a message board and your hysterical ranting about girls jumping off high places and going to Mexico for abortions is bullshit. Even if they were true it doesn't justify killing half a million babies every year. What twisted logic makes their lives less important than the sluts who can't keep their legs closed or use birth control?

You're free to not believe what I posted. What you think doesn't matter to me at all. You are just a uneducated and ignorant, nameless, faceless person on my computer screen.

I know what I posted is true. No amount of your hate for women is going to change the truth.

You have no importance or worth to me and what you think means less to me than what wallpaper thinks.

You are perfectly free to believe whatever you want. You don't have to know truths you don't like. Heaven forbid that you knew what was happening to American women in some states now.

So go ahead, stay ignorant and uneducated. It makes no difference to me.

Oh and by the way, calling a woman a slut who can't keep her legs closed is so immature and shows how much you hate women. A portion of abortions in America are performed on married women. Are you saying that married women are sluts who can't keep their legs together? I have a feeling you believe all women are sluts.

You show your hate and contempt for women with every one of your words. Which to me shows you're probably an impotent man and have no control of your own life. Which is why you feel you have the right personally attack women and to control perfect stranger's lives.

Men should keep their pants zipped if they don't want to cause a woman to need to have an abortion. Men also need to stop walking away from their own flesh and blood leaving millions of children with out their dad in their lives or financially supporting them.
What a bizarre post. Aside from all the hate being spewed, you sure did spend a lot of energy responding to someone whose opinion you claim doesn't matter. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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