Planned parenthood has a plan to expand abortion to 40 weeks in all 50 states

Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
Christ... :rolleyes:
Men..or fake men... who applaud infanticide are mentally ill.

It totally fits.
You certainly have never done anything about it. And I expect you to also condemn funding alternatives to abortion, like your allies here have already done.

Men and fake men (and coincidentally, all antifers) are mentally ill and dangerous.
Wow so cogent and rational :rolleyes:
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
Christ... :rolleyes:
Men..or fake men... who applaud infanticide are mentally ill.

It totally fits.
You certainly have never done anything about it. And I expect you to also condemn funding alternatives to abortion, like your allies here have already done.

Men and fake men (and coincidentally, all antifers) are mentally ill and dangerous.
Wow so cogent and rational :rolleyes:

As if you are capable of making that determination :D :D :D
I raised my son on my own with no child support from his mother, and i'm far from rich.
Raised my with the biological dad still owing over forty-grand when he died and he wasn't even ordered to pay any child support until they were well into their teens.

Poverty is not a valid excuse these days for killing babies in the womb.
Plenty of other excuses. I’m not here to argue one way or the other about that. Just want to prove that you have zero interest in supporting alternatives to abortion.
Well prove away if you think you can. All states support single mothers with federally funded programs as it should be. Adoption is a viable choice over murdering a baby in the womb. Even before it gets that far though the female has many choices to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Don't invite that sperm into the vagina would be one option. The day after pill for another one. Get fixed if you don't want kids (it would be a much better way to spend tax dollars than spending it on clinics that perform abortions).
Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.

Also, you never know.
Raised my with the biological dad still owing over forty-grand when he died and he wasn't even ordered to pay any child support until they were well into their teens.

Poverty is not a valid excuse these days for killing babies in the womb.
Plenty of other excuses. I’m not here to argue one way or the other about that. Just want to prove that you have zero interest in supporting alternatives to abortion.
Well prove away if you think you can. All states support single mothers with federally funded programs as it should be. Adoption is a viable choice over murdering a baby in the womb. Even before it gets that far though the female has many choices to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Don't invite that sperm into the vagina would be one option. The day after pill for another one. Get fixed if you don't want kids (it would be a much better way to spend tax dollars than spending it on clinics that perform abortions).
Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
View attachment 244810
Also, you never know.
Cute. Too bad you will never support funding alternatives to abortion.
The nation’s leading abortion providers has a new strategy in creating an even larger profit for itself.

Planned Parenthood Has A Plan To Expand Abortion To 40 Weeks In All 50 States - Big League Politics

Oh the people will rise up and we will get rid of this cultic pos leftist moronic trash idea of " killing is ok" if it can't talk but hey save that eagle egg or get a half a million dollar fine.

You leftist c..ts are clipped and have your priorities up your ass.




Dingbat: Planned Parenthood is a non-profit.
The nation’s leading abortion providers has a new strategy in creating an even larger profit for itself.

Planned Parenthood Has A Plan To Expand Abortion To 40 Weeks In All 50 States - Big League Politics

Oh the people will rise up and we will get rid of this cultic pos leftist moronic trash idea of " killing is ok" if it can't talk but hey save that eagle egg or get a half a million dollar fine.

You leftist c..ts are clipped and have your priorities up your ass.



What bullshit. Planned Parenthood has done more to prevent unintended pregnancies than any other organization. It's primary purpose is not to provide abortions, but rather to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place and provide prenatal services to those with wanted pregnancies. Right-wingers seem to want unwanted pregnancies and they refuse to explain why.. Moreover, they have no plans for caring and raising unwanted born babies.
Why not pay women directly for the raw materials they provide. Women pay to have the abortion performed, then PP gets paid for the body parts. They make out on both ends. If women were paid directly the number of infant bodies provided would at least triple. Hundreds if not thousands of women would be lifted out of poverty. Pay the women.
Plenty of other excuses. I’m not here to argue one way or the other about that. Just want to prove that you have zero interest in supporting alternatives to abortion.
Well prove away if you think you can. All states support single mothers with federally funded programs as it should be. Adoption is a viable choice over murdering a baby in the womb. Even before it gets that far though the female has many choices to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Don't invite that sperm into the vagina would be one option. The day after pill for another one. Get fixed if you don't want kids (it would be a much better way to spend tax dollars than spending it on clinics that perform abortions).
Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
View attachment 244810
Also, you never know.
Cute. Too bad you will never support funding alternatives to abortion.
I did my part my son wasn't aborted. Anyway just think if abortion was legal when Obama's mom was pregnant. Obama wouldn't of been born.
Well prove away if you think you can. All states support single mothers with federally funded programs as it should be. Adoption is a viable choice over murdering a baby in the womb. Even before it gets that far though the female has many choices to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Don't invite that sperm into the vagina would be one option. The day after pill for another one. Get fixed if you don't want kids (it would be a much better way to spend tax dollars than spending it on clinics that perform abortions).
Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
View attachment 244810
Also, you never know.
Cute. Too bad you will never support funding alternatives to abortion.
I did my part my son wasn't aborted. Anyway just think if abortion was legal when Obama's mom was pregnant. Obama wouldn't of been born.
Maybe. She still had the choice available to her back then.
Liberal’s expect everyone to now believe da poor need it because they have no money to raise a kid. Umm if you have a few thousand to throw away on an abortion you ain’t “poor”.
Hundreds of thousands less than raising an unwanted child in a broken home. Pay to support alternatives to abortion, or stop pretending you have any interest whatsoever in ending them.

And an abortion is not a few thousand dollars either.
And once again an entitled lefty tries to shift the cost of THEIR irresponsibility onto somebody else. Have you ever had even one moment of self-reliance?
My responsiblity? I think they should have the abortion. I’m trying to help you by handing you a viable solution, and you are proving you are not interested in any solutions.
Why do your solutions always involve somebody else picking up the tab?
Liberal’s expect everyone to now believe da poor need it because they have no money to raise a kid. Umm if you have a few thousand to throw away on an abortion you ain’t “poor”.
Hundreds of thousands less than raising an unwanted child in a broken home. Pay to support alternatives to abortion, or stop pretending you have any interest whatsoever in ending them.

And an abortion is not a few thousand dollars either.
And once again an entitled lefty tries to shift the cost of THEIR irresponsibility onto somebody else. Have you ever had even one moment of self-reliance?
My responsiblity? I think they should have the abortion. I’m trying to help you by handing you a viable solution, and you are proving you are not interested in any solutions.
Why do your solutions always involve somebody else picking up the tab?
My solution is for them to just have an abortion. I’m trying to help YOU find a solution, but you are not interested.
Plenty of other excuses. I’m not here to argue one way or the other about that. Just want to prove that you have zero interest in supporting alternatives to abortion.
Well prove away if you think you can. All states support single mothers with federally funded programs as it should be. Adoption is a viable choice over murdering a baby in the womb. Even before it gets that far though the female has many choices to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Don't invite that sperm into the vagina would be one option. The day after pill for another one. Get fixed if you don't want kids (it would be a much better way to spend tax dollars than spending it on clinics that perform abortions).
Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
View attachment 244810
Also, you never know.
Cute. Too bad you will never support funding alternatives to abortion.
Nope, you'll never find us funding other ways to kill children.

Or old people.
Or disabled people.
Or ugly people.
Or white people.
Or Jews.
Or Christians.

We don't, and never will, support government powered population weeding. It never turns out well for people.
Liberal’s expect everyone to now believe da poor need it because they have no money to raise a kid. Umm if you have a few thousand to throw away on an abortion you ain’t “poor”.
Hundreds of thousands less than raising an unwanted child in a broken home. Pay to support alternatives to abortion, or stop pretending you have any interest whatsoever in ending them.

And an abortion is not a few thousand dollars either.
And once again an entitled lefty tries to shift the cost of THEIR irresponsibility onto somebody else. Have you ever had even one moment of self-reliance?
My responsiblity? I think they should have the abortion. I’m trying to help you by handing you a viable solution, and you are proving you are not interested in any solutions.
Why do your solutions always involve somebody else picking up the tab?
My solution is for them to just have an abortion. I’m trying to help YOU find a solution, but you are not interested.
So if you owe somebody money and can't pay it back, YOUR solution is to kill your creditor or make somebody else pay off your debt? Either way, you avoid any responsibility yourself. Typical of a leftist.
Well prove away if you think you can. All states support single mothers with federally funded programs as it should be. Adoption is a viable choice over murdering a baby in the womb. Even before it gets that far though the female has many choices to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Don't invite that sperm into the vagina would be one option. The day after pill for another one. Get fixed if you don't want kids (it would be a much better way to spend tax dollars than spending it on clinics that perform abortions).
Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
View attachment 244810
Also, you never know.
Cute. Too bad you will never support funding alternatives to abortion.
Nope, you'll never find us funding other ways to kill children.

Or old people.
Or disabled people.
Or ugly people.
Or white people.
Or Jews.
Or Christians.

We don't, and never will, support government powered population weeding. It never turns out well for people.
^ :cuckoo:

So hostile towards providing alternatives to abortion. Sheesh.
Hundreds of thousands less than raising an unwanted child in a broken home. Pay to support alternatives to abortion, or stop pretending you have any interest whatsoever in ending them.

And an abortion is not a few thousand dollars either.
And once again an entitled lefty tries to shift the cost of THEIR irresponsibility onto somebody else. Have you ever had even one moment of self-reliance?
My responsiblity? I think they should have the abortion. I’m trying to help you by handing you a viable solution, and you are proving you are not interested in any solutions.
Why do your solutions always involve somebody else picking up the tab?
My solution is for them to just have an abortion. I’m trying to help YOU find a solution, but you are not interested.
So if you owe somebody money and can't pay it back, YOUR solution is to kill your creditor or make somebody else pay off your debt? Either way, you avoid any responsibility yourself. Typical of a leftist.
A fetus cannot loan money to anyone. You’re the one who wants it to live. Either pay for it or stfu.
Sure adoption is a viable choice. So is abortion. Will you fund programs to help women bring their fetuses to term, find them a place in the foster system, and support them until they find a home? My fetus sucking incubator idea is probably much cheaper and easier.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
View attachment 244810
Also, you never know.
Cute. Too bad you will never support funding alternatives to abortion.
I did my part my son wasn't aborted. Anyway just think if abortion was legal when Obama's mom was pregnant. Obama wouldn't of been born.
Maybe. She still had the choice available to her back then.
If it was legal, Carter would still be the worst president.
I don't believe in killing babies in the womb. If they need an incubator so be it. That should make the hospitals happy. There is already a foster care system in place for this and many support groups, facilities, etc. for single mothers. Cheaper is not always better or the better long term solution. Quit poisoning the children with brain and organ damaging vaccines before they have a chance to grow up and that will help too.
View attachment 244810
Also, you never know.
Cute. Too bad you will never support funding alternatives to abortion.
I did my part my son wasn't aborted. Anyway just think if abortion was legal when Obama's mom was pregnant. Obama wouldn't of been born.
Maybe. She still had the choice available to her back then.
If it was legal, Carter would still be the worst president.
Abortion has never had to be legal for people to choose it.
Hundreds of thousands less than raising an unwanted child in a broken home. Pay to support alternatives to abortion, or stop pretending you have any interest whatsoever in ending them.

And an abortion is not a few thousand dollars either.
And once again an entitled lefty tries to shift the cost of THEIR irresponsibility onto somebody else. Have you ever had even one moment of self-reliance?
My responsiblity? I think they should have the abortion. I’m trying to help you by handing you a viable solution, and you are proving you are not interested in any solutions.
Why do your solutions always involve somebody else picking up the tab?
My solution is for them to just have an abortion. I’m trying to help YOU find a solution, but you are not interested.
So if you owe somebody money and can't pay it back, YOUR solution is to kill your creditor or make somebody else pay off your debt? Either way, you avoid any responsibility yourself. Typical of a leftist.
Also typical of the men who defend abortion.
Keep in mind, murder is the #1 cause of death for pregnant women. And it is almost, without exception, triggered by a woman who refuses to get an abortion.

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