Planned Parenthoold CEO makes over 500K/Year

Take the money away pp gives to the Democrat party and see how fast they will turn on pp.
OP- Which is nothing for a big corporation...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Newsflash for ya Skippy, PP is not a corporation.

We pay government drones way too much and there are way too many nursing off the teat. Enough is enough.
OP- Which is nothing for a big organization. And there are plenty of limits and hoops to jump thru for victims of Pub greed. You are totally misinformed, of course.
You shifted from corporation to organization. Yes, it's a lot of money and you're the one uniformed:

President Salary (United States)
A President earns an average salary of $145,052 per year.

Those making $145,000 per year are not president's of large organizations with budgets over $1 billion per year.

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