Planned Parenthoold CEO makes over 500K/Year

Others could and do and nobody is stopping them.


It just seems that PP would do better to stay away from government money to keep it clean.

I've really got no issue with the 500 K by itself.

I'd like to know how the clean the accounting is though.

Clean of what?

On the one hand they process anywhere from 300 to 500 million in money from the federal government for some reason.

They pay their top management team about 3 million and call themselves a non-profit.

It just seems the optics are bad.

I for one would like to see them step away.

You do realize there are for profit hospitals who receive Medicaid reimbursements, right?

I do.

Medicaid is probably a significant part of any hosptial's top line (from what I've been told).

And if one people don't spend it at that that hospital..they'd use those benefits at another.

I wonder how those publicly traded hospitals pay their CEOs.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying often times people don't accept medicaid patients, PP does. I'm also saying there are other organizations be they for profit or non-profit that also accept medicaid and also perform abortions. Like hospitals.

I've said nothing about abortion.

What is with you people ?

OK, then you would have no problem with a woman walking into PP, getting birth control and using medicaid to pay for it. Good to know.

I have no issue with someone walking into a non-profit that does not spend this kind of money on it's top executives and paying for birthcontrol with medicaid.

Does that help ?

I'm pretty sure this isn't out of line with other non-profits.

Great....three or four or ten wrongs make a right.

It's obvious, you have a problem with CEO pay for people who accept medicaid. I don't think PP's CEO salary is going to rate that high.

It just seems that PP would do better to stay away from government money to keep it clean.

I've really got no issue with the 500 K by itself.

I'd like to know how the clean the accounting is though.

Clean of what?

On the one hand they process anywhere from 300 to 500 million in money from the federal government for some reason.

They pay their top management team about 3 million and call themselves a non-profit.

It just seems the optics are bad.

I for one would like to see them step away.

You do realize there are for profit hospitals who receive Medicaid reimbursements, right?

I do.

Medicaid is probably a significant part of any hosptial's top line (from what I've been told).

And if one people don't spend it at that that hospital..they'd use those benefits at another.

I wonder how those publicly traded hospitals pay their CEOs.

That's not the point, but you guys are so thin-skinned it's difficult to keep trying to make the case.

They can pay her a million dollars. I could care less.

As long as PP is doing abortions and getting federal money (regardless of how segregated it is supposed to be) you are going to have this controversy.

I've always wondered why they feel the need to get involved in this.

It's what brings this on them.

As I said's bad optics.

I supposed people would say "it's not backing down" (which may be correct), but I question that.

Someday they may get "defunded" (what that means...I am not sure), but it seems they are good fundraisers and maybe "defunding" would get rid of a lot of this.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Now Makes Over $500,000

And in fact, has made almost 600K in some years.

Now, it needs to be clearly understood that PP says none of her salary is paid for by federal grant dollars.

That, I am sure, is probably confirmed. If it wasn't the case, there would be a riot.

It just raises the question: How is a place that says it needs those to pay that kind of money (the article says something like 3.8 million to the top 12 executives....thus making them part of the 1%) to it's executives.

I for one, really don't get into the abortion argument. But, there should be someplace else that gets that money.....who does not pay that kind of salary to it's top wage earners.

For an American CEO, that's tantamount to starvation wages since it's not at all uncommon for American CEOs to unapologetically make upwards of $100 million a year, even when their companies are performing poorly.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Now Makes Over $500,000

And in fact, has made almost 600K in some years.

Now, it needs to be clearly understood that PP says none of her salary is paid for by federal grant dollars.

That, I am sure, is probably confirmed. If it wasn't the case, there would be a riot.

It just raises the question: How is a place that says it needs those to pay that kind of money (the article says something like 3.8 million to the top 12 executives....thus making them part of the 1%) to it's executives.

I for one, really don't get into the abortion argument. But, there should be someplace else that gets that money.....who does not pay that kind of salary to it's top wage earners.

For an American CEO, that's tantamount to starvation wages since it's not at all uncommon for American CEOs to unapologetically make upwards of $100 million a year, even when their companies are performing poorly.

This list has 1 making over that amount.

100 Highest Paid CEOs

Did you want to rethink that number.

How many of these companies depend on fund raising (the generosity of others) ?

Or does PP sell furniture, bikes, or shoes ?????
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Now Makes Over $500,000

And in fact, has made almost 600K in some years.

Now, it needs to be clearly understood that PP says none of her salary is paid for by federal grant dollars.

That, I am sure, is probably confirmed. If it wasn't the case, there would be a riot.

It just raises the question: How is a place that says it needs those to pay that kind of money (the article says something like 3.8 million to the top 12 executives....thus making them part of the 1%) to it's executives.

I for one, really don't get into the abortion argument. But, there should be someplace else that gets that money.....who does not pay that kind of salary to it's top wage earners.

PP is a very large organization. Are you trying to tell us that the head of such a large organization should only make $75,000 per year? At $500,000 per year, that probably equates to ten to twelve times the average salary at PP, maybe less. She is making much less than other CEO's running billion dollar businesses. SMH at the utter stupidity.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Now Makes Over $500,000

And in fact, has made almost 600K in some years.

Now, it needs to be clearly understood that PP says none of her salary is paid for by federal grant dollars.

That, I am sure, is probably confirmed. If it wasn't the case, there would be a riot.

It just raises the question: How is a place that says it needs those to pay that kind of money (the article says something like 3.8 million to the top 12 executives....thus making them part of the 1%) to it's executives.

I for one, really don't get into the abortion argument. But, there should be someplace else that gets that money.....who does not pay that kind of salary to it's top wage earners.

For an American CEO, that's tantamount to starvation wages since it's not at all uncommon for American CEOs to unapologetically make upwards of $100 million a year, even when their companies are performing poorly.

Billion dollar companies tend to pay their CEO's around $1 million per year, give or take. She is underpaid, but using salaries of CEO's that run much bigger companies is not a good comparison.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Now Makes Over $500,000

And in fact, has made almost 600K in some years.

Now, it needs to be clearly understood that PP says none of her salary is paid for by federal grant dollars.

That, I am sure, is probably confirmed. If it wasn't the case, there would be a riot.

It just raises the question: How is a place that says it needs those to pay that kind of money (the article says something like 3.8 million to the top 12 executives....thus making them part of the 1%) to it's executives.

I for one, really don't get into the abortion argument. But, there should be someplace else that gets that money.....who does not pay that kind of salary to it's top wage earners.

PP is a very large organization. Are you trying to tell us that the head of such a large organization should only make $75,000 per year? At $500,000 per year, that probably equates to ten to twelve times the average salary at PP, maybe less. She is making much less than other CEO's running billion dollar businesses. SMH at the utter stupidity.

I believe her organization depends upon fundraising almost exclusively.

Or do they make and sell things ?

If not, then your comparison is silly.

But, to bring you up to speed as you seem to have come in at the end without reading...I could care less.

It's simply a matter of optics and any rational company would move away from the bad publicity.

The private side could continue and the publicly funded side could operate by itself.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Now Makes Over $500,000

And in fact, has made almost 600K in some years.

Now, it needs to be clearly understood that PP says none of her salary is paid for by federal grant dollars.

That, I am sure, is probably confirmed. If it wasn't the case, there would be a riot.

It just raises the question: How is a place that says it needs those to pay that kind of money (the article says something like 3.8 million to the top 12 executives....thus making them part of the 1%) to it's executives.

I for one, really don't get into the abortion argument. But, there should be someplace else that gets that money.....who does not pay that kind of salary to it's top wage earners.

PP is a very large organization. Are you trying to tell us that the head of such a large organization should only make $75,000 per year? At $500,000 per year, that probably equates to ten to twelve times the average salary at PP, maybe less. She is making much less than other CEO's running billion dollar businesses. SMH at the utter stupidity.

I believe her organization depends upon fundraising almost exclusively.

Or do they make and sell things ?

If not, then your comparison is silly.

But, to bring you up to speed as you seem to have come in at the end without reading...I could care less.

It's simply a matter of optics and any rational company would move away from the bad publicity.

The private side could continue and the publicly funded side could operate by itself.

Your issue was with her salary. She runs a billion dollar organization. Nobody is going to run a billion dollar organization for peanuts as you seem to believe should be the case. She is not at all overpaid.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Now Makes Over $500,000

And in fact, has made almost 600K in some years.

Now, it needs to be clearly understood that PP says none of her salary is paid for by federal grant dollars.

That, I am sure, is probably confirmed. If it wasn't the case, there would be a riot.

It just raises the question: How is a place that says it needs those to pay that kind of money (the article says something like 3.8 million to the top 12 executives....thus making them part of the 1%) to it's executives.

I for one, really don't get into the abortion argument. But, there should be someplace else that gets that money.....who does not pay that kind of salary to it's top wage earners.

PP is a very large organization. Are you trying to tell us that the head of such a large organization should only make $75,000 per year? At $500,000 per year, that probably equates to ten to twelve times the average salary at PP, maybe less. She is making much less than other CEO's running billion dollar businesses. SMH at the utter stupidity.

I believe her organization depends upon fundraising almost exclusively.

Or do they make and sell things ?

If not, then your comparison is silly.

But, to bring you up to speed as you seem to have come in at the end without reading...I could care less.

It's simply a matter of optics and any rational company would move away from the bad publicity.

The private side could continue and the publicly funded side could operate by itself.

Your issue was with her salary. She runs a billion dollar organization. Nobody is going to run a billion dollar organization for peanuts as you seem to believe should be the case. She is not at all overpaid.

My issue is with the optics.

You joined late...go back and read what I said.

I am not spelling it out for you.
Right so the person running an organisation with $1billion turn over over 820 location is getting paid 600k a year...

While the head of the NFL got $44 million a year...

And buy the way NFL takes plenty of tax payers money...
Right so the person running an organisation with $1billion turn over over 820 location is getting paid 600k a year...

While the head of the NFL got $44 million a year...

And buy the way NFL takes plenty of tax payers money...

I don't follow the NFL....seems like a good conversation.....

Taking taxpayer money and making 44 million.

Of course, I pointed out that her salary reflects no taxpayer money......

But, she's tied to taxpayer funding in the optics...and it does not play well.
Clean of what?

On the one hand they process anywhere from 300 to 500 million in money from the federal government for some reason.

They pay their top management team about 3 million and call themselves a non-profit.

It just seems the optics are bad.

I for one would like to see them step away.

You do realize there are for profit hospitals who receive Medicaid reimbursements, right?

I do.

Medicaid is probably a significant part of any hosptial's top line (from what I've been told).

And if one people don't spend it at that that hospital..they'd use those benefits at another.

I wonder how those publicly traded hospitals pay their CEOs.

That's not the point, but you guys are so thin-skinned it's difficult to keep trying to make the case.

They can pay her a million dollars. I could care less.

As long as PP is doing abortions and getting federal money (regardless of how segregated it is supposed to be) you are going to have this controversy.

I've always wondered why they feel the need to get involved in this.

It's what brings this on them.

As I said's bad optics.

I supposed people would say "it's not backing down" (which may be correct), but I question that.

Someday they may get "defunded" (what that means...I am not sure), but it seems they are good fundraisers and maybe "defunding" would get rid of a lot of this.

Sensitive about what?

Women on medicaid go to PP and the government pays PP for the services offered to the women with the exception of abortion. What the hell is the controversy? Hospitals and other physicians, exact same thing happens.
OP- Which is nothing for a big corporation...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Newsflash for ya Skippy, PP is not a corporation.

We pay government drones way too much and there are way too many nursing off the teat. Enough is enough.
OP- Which is nothing for a big organization. And there are plenty of limits and hoops to jump thru for victims of Pub greed. You are totally misinformed, of course.
OP- Which is nothing for a big corporation...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Newsflash for ya Skippy, PP is not a corporation.

We pay government drones way too much and there are way too many nursing off the teat. Enough is enough.
OP- Which is nothing for a big organization. And there are plenty of limits and hoops to jump thru for victims of Pub greed. You are totally misinformed, of course.
You shifted from corporation to organization. Yes, it's a lot of money and you're the one uniformed:

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