Playing to his base: No Dems. invited to upcoming State Dinner

Trump's judgement is off the charts...

You're right on target

Democrats only want to be invited so they can go on Stephen Colbert and talk about how they refused to go.
Is that the number of illegal immigrants entering the country? I am not sure, the Y axis isn't provided. Could be the amount of democrat voters...

Sad days ahead for you (here are some facts)

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Forty-four percent of U.S. adults identify as Democrats or are independents who lean to the Democratic Party, while 37% are Republican identifiers or leaners. Democrats have maintained an edge of between five and nine percentage points on this measure of party affiliation throughout 2017, after holding a narrow advantage in late 2016.

Democratic Party Maintains Edge in Party Affiliation
I actually have no problem with Trump appeasing his base and shunning any democrats from the state dinner with France" Macron........HOWEVER, let no Trump cult member ever imply that Trump is reaching out to unify our sharply divided political chasm, or that Trump cares about the 2/3 of the electorate that disagrees with his stances, policies and cabinet.

lol... How many democrats failed to attend Trumps inauguration?

I can wait

Invite the democrats to an only democrat party, then - tell Putin. Maybe he will do what he should have done five years ago.

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