Zone1 Please define trolling....

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"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced... but I know it when I see it ..." - Justice Potter Stewart
Thank you for an excellent example of what I would consider trolling.

This post has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic and is only included to belittle the OP.

My post did not do any of that. It was topical and not an attack on anyone.
I have yet to encounter a mod who understands what the word trolling means. Heck, one of them indulged in a doozie of a troll post quite recently.

Trolling in internet parlance is taken after the fishing term. To troll in fishing is to cast out a wide net in hopes of scooping up whatever they can catch. In a similar vein, trolling involves crafting a post in such a way that people are offended into responding. They are usually hyperbolic, overly simplistic, Manichaean in nature and preemptively disdainful. There is a Welsh poster here who indulges in nothing BUT trolling posts as his o.p.s are filled with such derision and scorn that they guarantee that will elicit a response to the stupidity.
Trolling is normally shit they don't want or can't handle hearing or reading. Calling strangers groomers is not trolling.
In a similar vein, trolling involves crafting a post in such a way that people are offended into responding.
Thank you.

Reading that, post could have definitely been seen as trolling.

Not my intent...but a fair assessment by a third party.
Thank you for an excellent example of what I would consider trolling.

This post has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic and is only included to belittle the OP.

My post did not do any of that. It was topical and not an attack on anyone.

okfine is the troll par excellence on USMB.

That's why I keep him/her/it in my handy-dandy shut-the-fuck-up cage so I never have to read his/her/its bullshit ever again!


okfine is the troll par excellence on USMB.

That's why I keep him/her/it in my handy-dandy shut-the-fuck-up cage so I never have to read his/her/its bullshit ever again!

okfine and I have had some illuminating conversations in the past...but s/he does have a tendency to conflate cheap point-scoring with actual political dialogue.

Look at it this way -- the trolls are doing us a service. Their idiocy is fun and we do get a lot of entertainment out of it.

Just imagine what it would be like if they all vanished off the face of the earth one day.

I mean, beyond the original happy dance we would all indulge in, because if the leftists vanished, our problems would be easily fixed. Beyond that, it would get pretty boring for us who enjoy the smacking down we give them.

What would everybody do if the raison d'être for USMB were suddenly gone?

Trolling is bad faith posting, usually with the intention of causing disruption, annoyance, and anger.

If someone believes what they are posting, they are not trolling. They certainly might be flaming, and odds are they're a fucking idiot, but they're not trolling.

When they're directly contradicting themselves, like they say x, and then "I never said x" and then you quote them and they still deny it, we're back into trolling, gaslighting, bad faith bullshit.
A post of mine was removed for "trolling" and I was also excluded from the thread.

IMO my post was satirical...but on 100% on topic.

Just so I and others don't fall afoul of this rule again...please define trolling as it applies to USMB.
Trolling is a post that is 100% partisan posted by a Conservative.
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