Please Mr. President....let the GOP repeal ACA....Please!!!

Right. Kick millions of people off of their insurance with nothing to replace it, and let them die. I'm sure that will kick the already vastly unpopular president elect right up there in the polls.
And who exactly mentioned doing that? Can you name names? All they really have to do is repeal the mandate and it's associated punitive tax! Boom! Done!

I stopped providing links and names for you morons a long time ago, because facts mean nothing to you idiots and I frankly am tired of doing that. If your sincere in wanting to know things, you'd google the shit yourselves, to prove me wrong...which rarely is the case here...its the name calling, then the deflection and then on to the next denial of facts phase for you nuts....that's my take on shit here going forward
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

^ points for Mammy Speak!
I won't name call your white ass because I'm 10000% certain, you know the routine, butt hair licker!!
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

If you would learn to talk and write coherently we might not think of you as a dumbass ghetto whore.
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

^ points for Mammy Speak!
I won't name call your white ass because I'm 10000% certain, you know the routine, butt hair licker!!
Queen whore.
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

If you would learn to talk and write coherently we might not think of you as a dumbass ghetto whore.
The fact that you whores even dare to think, is scary within itself....ewwweee
I'm baffled that people apparently can't make it without health insurance. I'm 43 years old and I've never had, nor needed, health insurance. In fact, I haven't been to a doctor in idk seven fucking years or some shit. Ya'll must be weaker than fuck...
And there but by the grace of God........must be a christian thang, congrats!!
Oh, but it see when the uninsured show up without health insurance, the cost gets passed on to idiots like you who whine around the country about ACA...fool!!

Considering I've never once whined about health care costs you're barking up the wrong tree as usual.

Personally, I say if they can't pay their bill then they get no care, so pretty much, fuck your pet ACA socialized medical care.
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

If you would learn to talk and write coherently we might not think of you as a dumbass ghetto whore.
The fact that you whores even dare to think, is scary within itself....ewwweee
The delusion you can think is scary, whore.
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

^ points for Mammy Speak!
I won't name call your white ass because I'm 10000% certain, you know the routine, butt hair licker!!
Queen whore.
Now you know and I know who tops the charts of being the US whores, and it rhymes with BITE DICKS!! (hint..white chics)...LOLOLOLOLOL
Oh, but it see when the uninsured show up without health insurance, the cost gets passed on to idiots like you who whine around the country about ACA...fool!!

Considering I've never once whined about health care costs you're barking up the wrong tree as usual.

Personally, I say if they can't pay their bill then they get no care, so pretty much, fuck your pet ACA socialized medical care.
Instead, you idiot, you come here with some grand story of your and your family paying your bill and want a fuckin certificate of approval from the other idiots here....not happening, so get over yourself. Congrats, you got the means to pay, like most people in this country.....who whine about the economy being so bad, idiot!!
I'm baffled that people apparently can't make it without health insurance. I'm 43 years old and I've never had, nor needed, health insurance. In fact, I haven't been to a doctor in idk seven fucking years or some shit. Ya'll must be weaker than fuck...
And there but by the grace of God........must be a christian thang, congrats!!

I'm agnostic you dolt.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when I truly advise you that I give a shit!!
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

^ points for Mammy Speak!
I won't name call your white ass because I'm 10000% certain, you know the routine, butt hair licker!!
Queen whore.
Now you know and I know who tops the charts of being the US whores, and it rhymes with BITE DICKS!! (hint..white chics)...LOLOLOLOLOL
Go back to your alley whore, your crack girlfriend is lonely.
I'm baffled that people apparently can't make it without health insurance. I'm 43 years old and I've never had, nor needed, health insurance. In fact, I haven't been to a doctor in idk seven fucking years or some shit. Ya'll must be weaker than fuck...
And there but by the grace of God........must be a christian thang, congrats!!

I'm agnostic you dolt.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when I truly advise you that I give a shit!!
You are shit, whore.
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

^ points for Mammy Speak!
I won't name call your white ass because I'm 10000% certain, you know the routine, butt hair licker!!
Queen whore.
Now you know and I know who tops the charts of being the US whores, and it rhymes with BITE DICKS!! (hint..white chics)...LOLOLOLOLOL
You are not a credible person and we have wasted way too much time on your bullshit. Go back under your cow patty.
Instead, you idiot, you come here with some grand story of your and your family paying your bill and want a fuckin certificate of approval from the other idiots here....not happening, so get over yourself. Congrats, you got the means to pay, like most people in this country.....who whine about the economy being so bad, idiot!!

Well rather like you I expressed my opinion on the matter - I feel no obligation to pay for you, nor anyone elses, medical care needs, regardless of why.

Pay your own damn bills.
Obama Will Meet With Congressional Democrats On Strategy To Block Obamacare Repeal
Dismantling the president’s signature health care law is the first item of business for Republicans in January.

First off, if your putting hope in democrats...forget about it.

Let these mf's that don't vote, never supported you, could give a damn about ACA...finally allow the American stupid the lesson....THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES BEHIND EVERY VOTE YOU CAST, EVERY ELECTION YOU SIT OUT AND EVERY TIME YOU VOTE THE GOP-IG TICKET......PLEASE ALLOW THE GOP TO DO WHAT THEY DO BEST....NOTHING FOR ANY BODY BUT THE RICH!!

^ points for Mammy Speak!
I won't name call your white ass because I'm 10000% certain, you know the routine, butt hair licker!!

You should ask the mods to close this sock account of yours. You just totally suck at running sock accounts
I work, I pay for my healthcare and it cost $468 a month, then I have an $1800 deductible. So fuck off you dumb bitch and come back when you know what the hell you are talking about.
Bitch, ACA has nothing to do with that, you moronic stupid motherfucker.....its called GREED!!! It was GREED BEFORE ACA AND IT WILL BE GREED AFTER ACA. The president wanted to cap the cost of health care, keep premiums low, but guess who fought agaisnt taht shit, your fuckin GOP who are in the pockets of the health got a complaint you ignorant bitch, complain to them, fool!

Obamacare limits insurance to a maximum 15% profit and there are companies are now losing money and pulling out of the system. So please get your facts together before you sound like a bigger fool than we already know you are.

The Republicans all voted against it and it passed, so it was the Democrats that screwed it up. Learn history.
Do the math idiot, 15% based on what? A few million or billions or perhaps trillions, which is probaolly the for the industry pulling back, let em fuckin go.......they're nothing but middle men, we need single payer. And moron, if you google the facts, I'm talking about an administration seeing loopholes and wanting to fix it and both houses refuse to engage. Listen, bitch I don't make shit up, I just report the shit.

The administration didn't want to work with Republicans when they were passing it originally and crammed it through. Then after he discovered it was crap, he wanted help to change it? Pretty stupid move.
What a liar you are. The GOP made it plain from the start they were going to block anything at all that President Obama was going to do. The ACA was far from ideal, but much better than we had before. And, had I had to use my health insurance, it would have cost me more in deductables. But many people I know working in the service industries were able to have health insurance for the first time. And now the GOP is going to take that away.

I didn't lie, the ACA passed within us Republican input or votes. I don't use my health insurance because the deductibles are way to high, now my premiums are higher.
Question, why is this NOT AN ISSUE FOR HEALTH PROVIDERS AND GREED? VS ACA?? The white houses wanted to cap cost, but guess who fought against it?

The Republicans had no input and did nothing to support ACA so I guess it was the Democratic Party.
2012, the administration sent the new congress a bill, urging dialog on how to keep cost down, because premiums were getting high and co pays were disappearing...all thanks to the greed of the industry and both the congress and the senate shot it it fool...this is fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They should have fixed it before they passed it, Duh!
And he would have, but unfortunatley he had a auto industry and a failing Market to attend too....not to mention gas prices, 2 wars and jobs leaving at a pace unprecedented.......oh well!!

He should have worked with the Republicans instead of telling them to sit in the back and then crammed a stupid bill that the majority of America didn't want.
Please please get your facts are not going to rewrite history here. Obama while running for office, had a mandate, everybody knew about it...he was gonna push forward on healthcare for all.....he wanted to work with the GOP, they didn't want to work with more time, President Obama asked repeatively input from the GOP and got nothing. Unlike most, he proceeded on. So miss me on this bs, that he crammed the shit through, he had no choice and he made promises and he kept it. Its been, what? 8 tell, what changes, ideas, solutions the GOP now have in place of ACA, if in fact they wanted input and was denied the first time it was enacted?????

I'll tell you what they have, not a gotdamned thing....get your story and your facts straight or or or don't speak at all, I'm sick of the lies!!

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