Please... PLEASE make it a Trump Landslide... no questions this time!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
2024 GE: The Economist Forecast (6/17)
Chance of winning Trump: 72% (new high)
Biden: 28%

No one and I mean no one wants any questions with this election. If the above statistics are held in the 11/24 election...
GREAT! NO questions.
Please for the sake of all our futures.... Dump Biden and re-elect Trump ....BY A HUGH LANDSLIDE MARGIN!
Last edited:
2024 GE: The Economist Forecast (6/17)
Chance of winning Trump: 72% (new high)
Biden: 28%

No one and I mean no one wants any questions this election. If the above statics are held in the 11/24 election...
GREAT! NO questions.
Please for the sake of all our futures.... Dump Biden and re-elect Trump ....BY A HUGH LANDSLIDE MARGIN!

Democrats have already been forming a resistance if Trump wins. But there is no deep state.
2024 GE: The Economist Forecast (6/17)
Chance of winning Trump: 72% (new high)
Biden: 28%

No one and I mean no one wants any questions this election. If the above statics are held in the 11/24 election...
GREAT! NO questions.
Please for the sake of all our futures.... Dump Biden and re-elect Trump ....BY A HUGH LANDSLIDE MARGIN!

Doesn't matter. Trump would call any win, even a narrow plurality, a landslide.

He's very much like Allende of Chile.
Doesn't matter. Trump would call any win, even a narrow plurality, a landslide.

He's very much like Allende of Chile.
Trump doesn't make the decision...the voters do. My point was I hope Trump wins in a landslide as he has to overcome the biased MSM, the people that don't like him personally (like I do!) but they aren't mature enough to understand TRUMP got things done!
Chance of Democrats cheating: 110%
The reason I am asking for a Trump landslide... because Democrats cheat!
I mean this is why Biden said this:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " September 2019

He wanted to surge because illegals will vote for him!
Very good POINT! The closer to the election, closer the election becomes. Again that's the reason I don't want people to relax with the Trump -72 to Biden - 28 ! Don't stop explaining how while Trump is an asshole, braggart, etc.etc.,etc. BUT HE IS AFFECTIVE! He is an executive who EXECUTES!
Case in point... How many of you people know that Trump's the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA),
helped bring nearly $1 Trillion back into our economy and we have this from the CBO...
Oh, you poor things. They've brainwashed you good.
You've got your carefully selected polls. Then the Democrats romp in every actual election.
We're good with that.
What time during this next election day will you democrats kick the republicans out and bring the suitcases of votes you got already filled out. That way I know what time to go to bed.
Here’s to hoping Trump wins the popular vote.

But loses the electoral.
That might not be possible. Several states have already pledged their electors to whoever wins the popular vote. This would ordinarily not mean much to republicans who having carried the aaffeced states for decades. But if it should be Trump that wins the popular vote, all those blue states like Califonria, New York, Hawaii, and DC will find all of their electoral votes going to Trump.
Trump doesn't make the decision...the voters do. My point was I hope Trump wins in a landslide as he has to overcome the biased MSM, the people that don't like him personally (like I do!) but they aren't mature enough to understand TRUMP got things done!
Yet Trump would call any win a landslide.

"We won. We won in a landslide. This was a landslide.”

FACT CHECK: Trump Falsely Claims A 'Massive Landslide Victory'​

December 11, 2016


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