A train wreck in slow motion

Trump's poll numbers are NOT sinking in the swing states, you know, the states which will decide the election. It doesn't matter if Trump's poll numbers go down in California and New York.
You should try reading some real news once in a while.
That cult Kool-Aid propaganda echo-chamber you MAGA-tards get your so called "news" from isn't serving you well.
You guys always seem to be the LAST ones to get anything and then of course you're always shocked, confused, and outraged when reality slams you in the face and it never jibes with the fake news, alternate reality you have been csrefully spoon fed.
Then you suffer from extreme bouts of cognitive dissonnance that causes you all to invent whacky conspiracy theories to explain what doesn't fit your misinformed paradigms.
Take this idea that convicted felon Trump's legal problems are going to win him the election.
It probably isn't true, but if you aren't able to honestly consider the fact that it's more likely to go the other way if any, then you'll be caught like a deer in the headlights (again) when Trump loses in November, because you haven't been prepared for it, and you'll have to make up another stolen election fable to explain it.

On top of that, polls show a broadly similar swath of voters who simply don’t buy into Trump’s argument that his conviction is evidence that he has been victimized by a sinister, liberal alliance.
An Economist/YouGov poll released Wednesday found, as expected, that the overwhelming majority of Republicans (72 percent) view the investigations that underpinned Trump’s prosecution as unfair. But that still leaves more than 1 in 4 who either see those investigations as fair (10 percent) or are not sure whether they were fair or unfair (16 percent).
A follow-up poll, released by YouGov on Friday morning, found that 10 percent of surveyed Republicans and 27 percent of independents said the guilty verdict made them less likely to vote for Trump.

Trump’s defenders would point out that the doubters are far outnumbered by people who say the verdict makes no difference to their voting intentions — 34 percent of Republicans and 39 percent of independents.
But that may be beside the point, given how close November’s election is likely to be.
In the polling average maintained by The Hill and Decision Desk HQ, Trump leads Biden by only 1.5 percentage points as of Friday evening. In the swathe of three battleground states running from Pennsylvania through Michigan to Wisconsin, Trump’s advantage is also under 2 points.

“Elections are won on the margins,” said progressive strategist Jonathan Tasini. “All you have to do is hit a small number of voters in maybe half a dozen states, and it’s over.”
Tasini said it was “pretty obvious” that a criminal conviction for Trump could have such an impact.
He also argued that the degree to which the guilty verdict energizes Trump’s MAGA base could be ultimately irrelevant, since it only solidifies votes the former president would have received regardless.

I think you're on the wrong site.
You must have this one mixed up in your favorites with your kinky dating sites.
Redirect please.

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