Please post all scholarly articles opposed to anthropogenic global warming here

Geneva, 25Feb09

(AP) Glaciers in Antarctica are melting faster and across a much wider area than previously thought, a development that threatens to raise sea levels worldwide and force millions of people to flee low-lying areas, scientists said Wednesday.

Researchers once believed that the melting was limited to the Antarctic Peninsula, a narrow tongue of land pointing toward South America. But satellite data and automated weather stations now indicate it is more widespread.

The melting “also extends all the way down to what is called west Antarctica,” said Colin Summerhayes, executive director of the Britain-based Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.

“That's unusual and unexpected,” he told The Associated Press in an interview.

By the end of the century, the accelerated melting could cause sea levels to climb by 3 to 5 feet - levels substantially higher than predicted by a major scientific group just two years ago.

Making matters worse, scientists said, the ice shelves that hold the glaciers back from the sea are also weakening.

The report Wednesday from Geneva was a broad summary of two years of research by scientists from 60 countries. Some of the findings were released in earlier reports.
Glaciers Melting Faster Than First Thought - CBS News

Is that peer reviewed :lol:

No, that is the preliminary discussions with the press from this group of scientists;

IPY 2007-2008

The papers will be published later in peer reviewed journals, and are the evidence collected is already being reported on in such meetings as the AGU's fall meeting in 2008.
Glaciers in western Himalayas thickening
and expanding
Arctic ice cover above it’s 30-year average
By Christopher Booker

Glaciers in western Himalayas thickening and expanding

Bullshit. Booker is a liar. Here are the real facts from a peer reviewed article;

Himalayan glaciers are thought to be sensitive to climate forcing due to the high altitude and significant debris-cover variation. Remote-sensing based studies in the eastern Himalaya reveal recent retreat and downwasting for some glaciers. In the western Himalaya, many glaciers do not exhibit recent retreat, although many exhibit geomorphological conditions resulting from downwasting. Given that glacier sensitivity to climate forcing in the Himalaya is relatively unknown, downwasting patterns have not been well documented, and because radiative and atmospheric forcings differ across the Himalaya, our objective was to assess topographic controlling factors on the glacial downwasting gradient. Specifically, we used multi-temporal ASTER imagery to generate digital elevation models and compute the change in glacier-surface altitude for numerous glaciers across Pakistan over a 2-3 year period. We also used a spectral solar-radiation transfer model to simulate the spatial and temporal complexity of irradiance over glacier surfaces. Results indicate that downwasting-altitude patterns are highly variable depending upon glacier size and orientation, local topographic conditions and glacier debris-cover variations. We found an increase in downwasting with altitude on large glaciers such as the Baltoro, Biafo, Chiantar, Batura and Upper Tirich Mir. This pattern was associated with systematic changes in debris cover, relief, and sky-view factor. Smaller glaciers such as Momhil and Mulungutti exhibited a reverse pattern, with more downwasting at lower altitude near the terminus. Collectively, our results indicate that glacier ablation gradients in the western Himalaya are spatially and temporally complex and strongly controlled by multi-scaled topographic effects. They also reveal that specific glacier mass-balance estimates/conditions should not be extrapolated to represent adjacent glacier conditions or to generate regional estimates.
Glacier Downwasting-Altitude Patterns in the Western Himalaya
Geneva, 25Feb09

(AP) Glaciers in Antarctica are melting faster and across a much wider area than previously thought, a development that threatens to raise sea levels worldwide and force millions of people to flee low-lying areas, scientists said Wednesday.

Researchers once believed that the melting was limited to the Antarctic Peninsula, a narrow tongue of land pointing toward South America. But satellite data and automated weather stations now indicate it is more widespread.

The melting “also extends all the way down to what is called west Antarctica,” said Colin Summerhayes, executive director of the Britain-based Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.

“That's unusual and unexpected,” he told The Associated Press in an interview.

By the end of the century, the accelerated melting could cause sea levels to climb by 3 to 5 feet - levels substantially higher than predicted by a major scientific group just two years ago.

Making matters worse, scientists said, the ice shelves that hold the glaciers back from the sea are also weakening.

The report Wednesday from Geneva was a broad summary of two years of research by scientists from 60 countries. Some of the findings were released in earlier reports.
Glaciers Melting Faster Than First Thought - CBS News

Is that peer reviewed :lol:

No, that is the preliminary discussions with the press from this group of scientists;

IPY 2007-2008

The papers will be published later in peer reviewed journals, and are the evidence collected is already being reported on in such meetings as the AGU's fall meeting in 2008.

They forgot to mention the recovery that occurred this winter, heh? Did they happen say how other glaciers get an AGW exclusion permit?
Hey what do you know? They haven't exactly been monitoring but they found volcanic activity.

hmmm, turn stove on water gets hot....

Volcanoes Erupt Beneath Arctic Ice | LiveScience

Volcanoes Erupt Beneath Arctic IceBy Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer

posted: 27 June 2008 05:10 pm ET
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This map of the Arctic Ocean shows the Gakkel Ridge, Nansen Basin, Lomononsov Ridge, and the proposed cruise track of the icebreaker Oden. Credit: Jack Cook/WHOI.
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This map of the Arctic Ocean shows the Gakkel Ridge, Nansen Basin, Lomononsov Ridge, and the proposed cruise track of the icebreaker Oden. Credit: Jack Cook/WHOI. New evidence deep beneath the Arctic ice suggests a series of underwater volcanoes have erupted in violent explosions in the past decade.

Hidden 2.5 miles (4,000 meters) beneath the Arctic surface, the volcanoes are up to a mile (2,000 meters) in diameter and a few hundred yards tall. They formed along the Gakkel Ridge, a lengthy crack in the ocean crust where two rocky plates are spreading apart, pulling new melted rock to the surface.
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Hey what do you know? They haven't exactly been monitoring but they found volcanic activity.

hmmm, turn stove on water gets hot....

Volcanoes Erupt Beneath Arctic Ice | LiveScience

Volcanoes Erupt Beneath Arctic IceBy Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer

posted: 27 June 2008 05:10 pm ET
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This map of the Arctic Ocean shows the Gakkel Ridge, Nansen Basin, Lomononsov Ridge, and the proposed cruise track of the icebreaker Oden. Credit: Jack Cook/WHOI.
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This map of the Arctic Ocean shows the Gakkel Ridge, Nansen Basin, Lomononsov Ridge, and the proposed cruise track of the icebreaker Oden. Credit: Jack Cook/WHOI. New evidence deep beneath the Arctic ice suggests a series of underwater volcanoes have erupted in violent explosions in the past decade.

Hidden 2.5 miles (4,000 meters) beneath the Arctic surface, the volcanoes are up to a mile (2,000 meters) in diameter and a few hundred yards tall. They formed along the Gakkel Ridge, a lengthy crack in the ocean crust where two rocky plates are spreading apart, pulling new melted rock to the surface.

From the same article;
With news this week that polar ice is melting dramatically, underwater Arctic pyrotechnics might seem like a logical smoking gun. Scientists don't see any significant connection, however.

"We don't believe the volcanoes had much effect on the overlying ice," Reeves-Sohn told LiveScience, "but they seem to have had a major impact on the overlying water column."

The eruptions discharge large amounts of carbon dioxide, helium, trace metals and heat into the water over long distances, he said.

The research, detailed in the June 26 issue of the journal Nature, was funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation and WHOI.
Hey what do you know? They haven't exactly been monitoring but they found volcanic activity.

hmmm, turn stove on water gets hot....

Volcanoes Erupt Beneath Arctic Ice | LiveScience

Volcanoes Erupt Beneath Arctic IceBy Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer

posted: 27 June 2008 05:10 pm ET
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This map of the Arctic Ocean shows the Gakkel Ridge, Nansen Basin, Lomononsov Ridge, and the proposed cruise track of the icebreaker Oden. Credit: Jack Cook/WHOI.
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This map of the Arctic Ocean shows the Gakkel Ridge, Nansen Basin, Lomononsov Ridge, and the proposed cruise track of the icebreaker Oden. Credit: Jack Cook/WHOI. New evidence deep beneath the Arctic ice suggests a series of underwater volcanoes have erupted in violent explosions in the past decade.

Hidden 2.5 miles (4,000 meters) beneath the Arctic surface, the volcanoes are up to a mile (2,000 meters) in diameter and a few hundred yards tall. They formed along the Gakkel Ridge, a lengthy crack in the ocean crust where two rocky plates are spreading apart, pulling new melted rock to the surface.

From the same article;
With news this week that polar ice is melting dramatically, underwater Arctic pyrotechnics might seem like a logical smoking gun. Scientists don't see any significant connection, however.

"We don't believe the volcanoes had much effect on the overlying ice," Reeves-Sohn told LiveScience, "but they seem to have had a major impact on the overlying water column."

The eruptions discharge large amounts of carbon dioxide, helium, trace metals and heat into the water over long distances, he said.

The research, detailed in the June 26 issue of the journal Nature, was funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation and WHOI.

They also didn't believe they would see the volcanic activity that they found.
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Some say it because of soot. That would explain China. You don't burn dirty coal do ya?
Why are other glaciers expanding? That seems to fly against AGW being the cause, heh?

Nice try, but all the glaciers are melting except for a few in Norway.

Why is Venus hotter than Mercury?

mercury has no atmosphere.

are you auditioning for "are you smarter than a 5th grader"?

good luck.

Well, you are half right.

Because Venus has an atmosphere that is mostly CO2.

So even though Venus receives 25% of the heat from the sun that Mercury does, Venus is hotter.
Nice try, but all the glaciers are melting except for a few in Norway.

Why is Venus hotter than Mercury?

mercury has no atmosphere.

are you auditioning for "are you smarter than a 5th grader"?

good luck.

Well, you are half right.

Because Venus has an atmosphere that is mostly CO2.

So even though Venus receives 25% of the heat from the sun that Mercury does, Venus is hotter.

no, i'm completely right.

just when i almost thought you couldn't be more of dope.

Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, which consists mainly of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen. The atmospheric mass is 93 times that of Earth's atmosphere while the pressure at the planet's surface is about 92 times that at Earth's surface—a pressure equivalent to that at a depth of nearly 1 kilometer under Earth's oceans. The density at the surface is 65 kg/m³ (6.5% that of water). The enormously CO2-rich atmosphere, along with thick clouds of sulfur dioxide, generates the strongest greenhouse effect in the solar system, creating surface temperatures of over 460 °C.[22] This makes Venus's surface hotter than Mercury's which has a minimum surface temperature of -220 °C and maximum surface temperature of 420 °C, even though Venus is nearly twice Mercury's distance from the Sun and receives only 25% of Mercury's solar irradiance. Because of the lack of any moisture on Venus, there is almost no relative humidity (no more than 1%) on the surface, creating a heat index of 450 °C to 480 °C.

Studies have suggested that several billion years ago Venus's atmosphere was much more like Earth's than it is now, and that there were probably substantial quantities of liquid water on the surface, but a runaway greenhouse effect was caused by the evaporation of that original water, which generated a critical level of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere.[23

Venus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, which consists mainly of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen. The atmospheric mass is 93 times that of Earth's atmosphere while the pressure at the planet's surface is about 92 times that at Earth's surface—a pressure equivalent to that at a depth of nearly 1 kilometer under Earth's oceans. The density at the surface is 65 kg/m³ (6.5% that of water). The enormously CO2-rich atmosphere, along with thick clouds of sulfur dioxide, generates the strongest greenhouse effect in the solar system, creating surface temperatures of over 460 °C.[22] This makes Venus's surface hotter than Mercury's which has a minimum surface temperature of -220 °C and maximum surface temperature of 420 °C, even though Venus is nearly twice Mercury's distance from the Sun and receives only 25% of Mercury's solar irradiance. Because of the lack of any moisture on Venus, there is almost no relative humidity (no more than 1%) on the surface, creating a heat index of 450 °C to 480 °C.

Studies have suggested that several billion years ago Venus's atmosphere was much more like Earth's than it is now, and that there were probably substantial quantities of liquid water on the surface, but a runaway greenhouse effect was caused by the evaporation of that original water, which generated a critical level of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere.[23

Venus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

are you really this stupid? *

* strictly rhetorical
And yet there has been no noticable increase in ground temperature on earth since 1998. Go figure.
And yet there has been no noticable increase in ground temperature on earth since 1998. Go figure.

Data @ NASA GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: 2007 Summation

Doesn't say what you think it says. And again it is not ground temperature at all. Further the ground temperature is "adjusted" with no explanation of why or what the adjustments are or how they were arrived at. 1998 was the last year that ground tempertures actually rose. Further the supposed amount of rising tempertures are NOT significant at all. The temperture has been in a constant increase for several hundred years now.
And yet there has been no noticable increase in ground temperature on earth since 1998. Go figure.

Data @ NASA GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: 2007 Summation

Why do you keep using the 2007 summation when the 2008 is readily available. Not trying to be deceptive are we. AGW followers would never resort to such bafoonery, right?

Perhaps you don't know what year it is yet?

GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
Global Temperature Trends: 2008 Annual Summation
Originally posted Dec. 16, 2008, with meteorological year data. Updated Jan. 13, 2009, with calendar year data.

Calendar year 2008 was the coolest year since 2000, according to the Goddard Institute for Space Studies analysis [see ref. 1] of surface air temperature measurements.

Data @ NASA GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: 2008 Annual Summation
Greenland Ice Expanding

Sermitsiaq - Deep freeze in western Greenland
Thanks to Norm Smith in Chilliwack, BC for this link

"I believe this is the geographical area the IPCC calls
"the tipping point" for global warming," says Norm.
"The problem is it's not tipping the way their computer
models predicted. The sunspot hibernation appears
to be producing quick results.

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