Please rename “racism” forum to “bigotry against minorities”

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
It sends the wrong message when racism against blacks is being prioritized, as indicated by the forum name, when bigotry against Jews is now at 1939 Germany levels. it is time to give the same protection to Jews horrified by what is happening as is given to blacks.

I suggest “Bigotry against Minorities.”
It sends the wrong message when racism against blacks is being prioritized, as indicated by the forum name, when bigotry against Jews is now at 1939 Germany levels. it is time to give the same protection to Jews horrified by what is happening as is given to blacks.

I suggest “Bigotry against Minorities.”
Check your privilege, Lisa, you aren't being discriminated against because people criticize you.
I would support "Bigotry."

I have argued many times in this forum that Jewry is not a "race," but I have been browbeaten into submission for my efforts. Since most of "us" consider Jews to be a separate race...maybe Racism is still the appropriate title.
Check your privilege, Lisa, you aren't being discriminated against because people criticize you.
I think you are wrong. Jews are taking heat because the bigots themselves ASSUME THAT ALL JEWS are Zionists and/or all Jews support the actions of the IDF in the Holy Land. It is this irrational mistreatment that is Lisa's point.
I see our resident white supremacist racist Aryan male poster is at it again.

And so early in the morning too.

Knock it off Adolf, no one is buying your shtick!
It sends the wrong message when racism against blacks is being prioritized, as indicated by the forum name, when bigotry against Jews is now at 1939 Germany levels. it is time to give the same protection to Jews horrified by what is happening as is given to blacks.

I suggest “Bigotry against Minorities.”
Coming from a racist bigot I can see why.
It sends the wrong message when racism against blacks is being prioritized, as indicated by the forum name, when bigotry against Jews is now at 1939 Germany levels. it is time to give the same protection to Jews horrified by what is happening as is given to blacks.

I suggest “Bigotry against Minorities.”
Apparent it’s the Racism Against Whites Forum for one protected poster
I think you are wrong. Jews are taking heat because the bigots themselves ASSUME THAT ALL JEWS are Zionists and/or all Jews support the actions of the IDF in the Holy Land. It is this irrational mistreatment that is Lisa's point.

Lisa doesn't have a point. The woman constantly whines about how she's being mistreated.

She wants to squelch all criticism of Israel.
I would support "Bigotry."

I have argued many times in this forum that Jewry is not a "race," but I have been browbeaten into submission for my efforts. Since most of "us" consider Jews to be a separate race...maybe Racism is still the appropriate title.
But Jews are NOT a race. They are an ethnic group made up of all races - a “people” as it were.
I would agree with a name change since "racism" is a lame social construct to begin with. But not the one the OP wants.

I would say Bigotry Against Ethnicities would be better as the usual suspect black thread starters are always going on about whitey....There's no reason it should just be about "minorities".

Nobody is as special as they believe themselves to be.

While they are about it get shed of the whole Zone 1 nonsense as some of the posters need to be trashed.
derailing a thread in zone 1 is a punishable offense. I suggest you stop.
I reported him. He is a blacktivist who refuses to admit that a Jew could be appalled by the Nazi-level antisemitism sweeping the liberal universities, so he attacks by calling me Hitler. He knows fully well that I am Jewish.
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