Please show me where Israel children taught how to stab Palestinians?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Israel: Palestinians 'Brainwashed With Hate'
Israel's ambassador to the UN claims Palestinian children are being "taught to hate" as violent clashes continue in the West Bank.
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During his speech, Mr Danon held up a piece of card with a diagram of a human body entitled "How to Stab a Jew", which he said was "an example of what Palestinian children are being exposed to day in and day out, in school, after school".

Sky News has been unable to verify Mr Danon's claims, in which he said: "When a Palestinian child returns from school and opens (sic) the television, he doesn't see Barney or Donald Duck, he sees murderers portrayed as heroes.

"When he opens a textbook, he doesn't learn about math and science, he's being taught to hate."
Israel: Palestinians 'Brainwashed With Hate'
Please show me who is dumb enough to believe Palestinians will be shown a poster with an English heading and Arabic labels.

Oh, sorry, I see that has been done.
It can't be denied that there is currently one (1) culture on this planet that is (a) teaching its children from Day One that other groups of people are evil and must die, (b) instructing its children on how to do that, and (c) literally sending them to their deaths.

This is the same culture that is also (a) dehumanizing women, (b) dehumanizing and intimidating gays and (c) making it abundantly clear that they will do whatever they can to literally slaughter anyone who does not adopt their culture.

And yet, with all of this, there are people in our country who are quick to spin and deflect for them.

Israel: Palestinians 'Brainwashed With Hate'
Israel's ambassador to the UN claims Palestinian children are being "taught to hate" as violent clashes continue in the West Bank.
View attachment 52780

During his speech, Mr Danon held up a piece of card with a diagram of a human body entitled "How to Stab a Jew", which he said was "an example of what Palestinian children are being exposed to day in and day out, in school, after school".

Sky News has been unable to verify Mr Danon's claims, in which he said: "When a Palestinian child returns from school and opens (sic) the television, he doesn't see Barney or Donald Duck, he sees murderers portrayed as heroes.

"When he opens a textbook, he doesn't learn about math and science, he's being taught to hate."
Israel: Palestinians 'Brainwashed With Hate'
You're damn right Palestinian's are being taught to hate!

They're being taught to hate by:
  • Israeli tyranny
  • A brutal occupation of their homeland
  • An immoral blockade of their city
  • Watching their parents being humiliated at a checkpoints
  • Watching their relatives murdered by the IDF
  • Watching whole families being wiped out by 2000 pound bombs
  • Watching post after post in this very forum trashing them and their culture 24/7
Israeli kids, on the other hand, are being taught:
  • They are the "chosen" ones
  • The Palestinian's are sub-human
  • The Palestinian's are savages and animals
  • They Palestinian's have no right to be there
  • This is a Jewish State, not an Arab one
  • The Holocaust allows them to do whatever they feel like doing, that includes killing Palestinian's in cold blood, taking their homes, wiping out their families, burning their children to death, etc

That's the short list.
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It can't be denied that there is currently one (1) culture on this planet that is (a) teaching its children from Day One that other groups of people are evil and must die, (b) instructing its children on how to do that, and (c) literally sending them to their deaths.

This is the same culture that is also (a) dehumanizing women, (b) dehumanizing and intimidating gays and (c) making it abundantly clear that they will do whatever they can to literally slaughter anyone who does not adopt their culture.

And yet, with all of this, there are people in our country who are quick to spin and deflect for them.

So when are the mid-terms due in your class?
It can't be denied that there is currently one (1) culture on this planet that is (a) teaching its children from Day One that other groups of people are evil and must die, (b) instructing its children on how to do that, and (c) literally sending them to their deaths.

This is the same culture that is also (a) dehumanizing women, (b) dehumanizing and intimidating gays and (c) making it abundantly clear that they will do whatever they can to literally slaughter anyone who does not adopt their culture.

And yet, with all of this, there are people in our country who are quick to spin and deflect for them.

So when are the mid-terms due in your class?
Apparently you didn't like my post, so instead of addressing it you went with a personal insult.

Illustrating the point in my third paragraph beautifully, thanks.
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The Neanderthals of the region have been teaching hatred of Jews for centuries, racheting it up in the 1930s and 1940s, and the so-called 'Palestinians' have been going at it non-stop since they ran like rabbits in 1948, stupidly believing that their Muslim-Arab brethren were going to do their fighting for them, and then just turn the keys to the place back to them after they'd drowned the Jews in the Mediterranean.

It didn't quite work out that way for the so-called 'Palestinians', and they've been sitting in refugee camps and refugee towns for the past 67 years, like the under-performers that they are, rather than shaking off their signal defeat, acknowledging Reality, packing up, and heading for greener pastures, to claim and exploit their Jordanian citizenship, or to choose to live somewhere else in the broad Arabic-Muslim world, or even further afar, amongst the more civilized.

Of course, none of their Muslim-Arab neighbors want to take them in, in any large numbers, given their Mad-Dog state, and given their history as a large immigrant population in Jordan.

The denizens of the few postage-stamp -sized slivers of land still remaining under so-called 'Palestinian' control are disconnected and lack the resources to create and sustain a viable nation-state. The Jews of Israel will never surrender Jerusalem nor the Golan or other precious territories won in the 1967 Six Day War. That would be national suicide for them, and, I get the impression that the Jews have had enough of suicidal accommodation to last them for a few millennia.

Given that the so-called 'Palestinians' do not (and will not) possess sufficient land to make a go of it, where they are, it would be best for all concerned, to take the decision out of their hands and to remove them from the few fragments of territory that they still occupy and to relocate them to neighboring countries, and elsewhere in the world, even if that means that Israel - and the world-at-large - chips-in on relocation costs and related logistics, and to provide ongoing and substantive support to the relocated for some appreciable time afterwards.

A one-state solution will not work.

A two-state solution will not work.

Too much blood and hatred has flowed to ever permit any sort of sane side-by-side peaceful coexistence.

That's never going to happen, now.



And, if that's true, then...

There are two remaining choices...

1. one side wipes the other out


2. one side packs up and leaves

Expulsion is always preferable to extinction.

Nobody wants to see another Holocaust, focused on either side, so...

No. 1 is out, except as a last resort.

That leaves No. 2.

And the question of whether it will be the Jews or Muslims who pack up and leave.

The Jews of Israel hold all the cards, and all the conventional military muscle, as well as a formidable nuclear arsenal.

Rump (Residual) Palestine is a failed state which needs to be broken up and scattered to the four winds...

Money talks, and bullshit walks.

It's time for the Palestinians to start walking.
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They're being taught to hate by:
  • Israeli tyranny
  • A brutal occupation of their homeland
  • An immoral blockade of their city
  • Watching their parents being humiliated at a checkpoints
  • Watching their relatives murdered by the IDF
  • Watching whole families being wiped out by 2000 pound bombs
  • Watching post after post in this very forum trashing them and their culture 24/7
Israeli kids, on the other hand, are being taught:
  • They are the "chosen" ones
  • The Palestinian's are sub-human
  • The Palestinian's are savages and animals
  • They Palestinian's have no right to be there
  • This is a Jewish State, not an Arab one
  • The Holocaust allows them to do whatever they feel like doing, that includes killing Palestinian's in cold blood, taking their homes, wiping out their families, burning their children to death, etc

That's the short list.

You argument appears to be completely one sided since there has been enough barbarism and senseless violence on BOTH sides to fill a line of boxcars from here to Mars, it seems to me the evidence clearly points to the fact that these two peoples simply will not (and thus cannot) live together in peace and mutual cooperation.

Therefore the only logical solution is to separate them and since the Israelis are in control of Israel (they won) the only way to resolve the violence is for the Palestinians to find a new "homeland" which means a two state solution (preferably two states that do NOT share any borders). Now if the rest of the Arab States along with other nations that are interested in fostering an end to this brutality would pull their collective heads out of there rears they could actually play a useful role in figuring out how to carve out some turf for these few million people that will satisfy them.
Apparently you didn't like my post, so instead of addressing it you went with a personal insult.

Illustrating the point in my third paragraph beautifully, thanks.
I'm making the point that your post teaches the same hate as anyone else.
I pointed out facts.

And you illustrate the point in my third paragraph again, thanks.
From the movie, The Battle of Algiers...

Journalist: M. Ben M'Hidi, don't you think it's a bit cowardly to use women's baskets and handbags to carry explosive devices that kill so many innocent people?

Ben M'Hidi: And doesn't it seem to you even more cowardly to drop napalm bombs on defenseless villages, so that there are a thousand times more innocent victims? Of course, if we had your airplanes it would be a lot easier for us. Give us your bombers, and you can have our baskets.
There's no solution to this, just permanent periodic flare ups. The Palestinians were offered '67 borders and said no, and they really just want Israel, and its 1st world economy, to go away. Saudi Arabia might get more involved if an oil patch was discovered under Ramallah, but otherwise they just stay out of it.

The periodic flare ups of intifatahs, rocket launches, suicide bombs, etc, has gone on for 30 years, and will go for at least another 30 with no solution. The crazy right wing Jews aren't leaving the West Bank in spite of being a small fraction of the population, and the foolish West Bank Palestinians aren't giving up their dreams of taking over Tel Aviv and Haifa in spite of the growing Jewish population in Israel.
Israel: Palestinians 'Brainwashed With Hate'
Israel's ambassador to the UN claims Palestinian children are being "taught to hate" as violent clashes continue in the West Bank.
View attachment 52780

During his speech, Mr Danon held up a piece of card with a diagram of a human body entitled "How to Stab a Jew", which he said was "an example of what Palestinian children are being exposed to day in and day out, in school, after school".

Sky News has been unable to verify Mr Danon's claims, in which he said: "When a Palestinian child returns from school and opens (sic) the television, he doesn't see Barney or Donald Duck, he sees murderers portrayed as heroes.

"When he opens a textbook, he doesn't learn about math and science, he's being taught to hate."
Israel: Palestinians 'Brainwashed With Hate'

This is how you're taught to hate:

You argument appears to be completely one sided since there has been enough barbarism and senseless violence on BOTH sides to fill a line of boxcars from here to Mars, it seems to me the evidence clearly points to the fact that these two peoples simply will not (and thus cannot) live together in peace and mutual cooperation.
They did before the Zionists showed up.

Therefore the only logical solution is to separate them and since the Israelis are in control of Israel (they won) the only way to resolve the violence is for the Palestinians to find a new "homeland" which means a two state solution (preferably two states that do NOT share any borders). Now if the rest of the Arab States along with other nations that are interested in fostering an end to this brutality would pull their collective heads out of there rears they could actually play a useful role in figuring out how to carve out some turf for these few million people that will satisfy them.
The Palestinian's are not going anywhere.

For you to say they have to move, is like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.

The only option the Israeli's have, is to comply with international law and get the fuck off land that isn't theirs! After 50 years, there isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israel's right to that land. Catch the fucking clue!

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