Please treat trans people with respect


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!
Your link turned out to be a sales pitch.

I don't see any organized harassment, abuse, or ridicule of Transgender people. I believe it is simply individuals that do this. This is not a political issue.
Well, liberals are now saying that not agreeing with something is the same as persecution. Now they want people to deny reality or else you are a bigot. But the irony here is she called them mentally ill, which is absolute fact, but the PC reality denying forces have said that being transgender isn't a mental illness. There is nothing wrong with your mind if you want your dick removed if you think you are a woman. If your chromosomes are XY you can still be a woman despite the biological reality you are male. Deny reality or else you are a bigot!
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

There are two kinds of transgendered people. I've known both. One kind is well adjusted. They know exactly who they are and consider the body they were born in a mistake that they are rectifying. They don't even mind the years they lived in that gender. It was just pretend and nothing to be concerned about.

The other kind is mentally ill and uses transgender as a means of self-medication. The self-medication doesn't work. They are subject to suicide, self harm and mental illness not because they are transgendered. They are transgendered because they are mentally ill. They know something is wrong with them. They just don't know what it is and they fixate on gender the same way someone else might fixate on being abducted by aliens or getting messages from the CIA through their teeth.
Well, liberals are now saying that not agreeing with something is the same as persecution. Now they want people to deny reality or else you are a bigot. But the irony here is she called them mentally ill, which is absolute fact, but the PC reality denying forces have said that being transgender isn't a mental illness. There is nothing wrong with your mind if you want your dick removed if you think you are a woman. If your chromosomes are XY you can still be a woman despite the biological reality you are male. Deny reality or else you are a bigot!

Billy Jean King, a former professional tennis player, who came out of the closet over 30 years ago said this is THE Civil Rights issue today.

When it comes to LBGT issues, individuals from no specific political parties have been guilty of harassment and abuse, but now the tables are being turned and government is getting into the act and is using the issue as a political club to beat over the collective heads of conservatives. This leads to abuse (the current IRS scandal) and bigotry against anyone who has a right to their own religious beliefs as guaranteed by the Constitution. In the past those on the left have been just as guilty as those on the right. Now the assumption is that it is only those on the right who bear guilt.
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

I feel that everyone deserves to be treated well...A mental illness isn't a reason to abuse, ridicule or harass anyone. :doubt:
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

There are two kinds of transgendered people. I've known both. One kind is well adjusted. They know exactly who they are and consider the body they were born in a mistake that they are rectifying. They don't even mind the years they lived in that gender. It was just pretend and nothing to be concerned about.

The other kind is mentally ill and uses transgender as a means of self-medication. The self-medication doesn't work. They are subject to suicide, self harm and mental illness not because they are transgendered. They are transgendered because they are mentally ill. They know something is wrong with them. They just don't know what it is and they fixate on gender the same way someone else might fixate on being abducted by aliens or getting messages from the CIA through their teeth.

It's not that simple.....and claiming that anyone is mentally ill because they have sexual identity issues is wrong. That is a stereotype.

The truth is sexual identity is a very personal issue and it effects millions of Americans at a very real level. It doesn't help that they constantly have to fear ridicule. This is one the major causes of suicide inside the LBGT community.
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

There are two kinds of transgendered people. I've known both. One kind is well adjusted. They know exactly who they are and consider the body they were born in a mistake that they are rectifying. They don't even mind the years they lived in that gender. It was just pretend and nothing to be concerned about.

The other kind is mentally ill and uses transgender as a means of self-medication. The self-medication doesn't work. They are subject to suicide, self harm and mental illness not because they are transgendered. They are transgendered because they are mentally ill. They know something is wrong with them. They just don't know what it is and they fixate on gender the same way someone else might fixate on being abducted by aliens or getting messages from the CIA through their teeth.

I'v enever seen any kind of well adjusted tranny. I even saw a CLE on transgender issues and the law and the speaker was a tranny who was basically getting hysterical. Calling the audience bigots of they even thought it looked like a man. It literally was the stereotypical dude with a bad wig wearing a long flowery dress. I've watched tons of CLE in my years and I've never seen any presenter treat the audience like that.
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

I feel that everyone deserves to be treated well...A mental illness isn't a reason to abuse, ridicule or harass anyone. :doubt:

Refusing the deny reality isn't abusing or harassing people. If I demanded to be considered the queen of england, if you didn't comply, would that constitute abuse or harassment? Forcing others to deny reality is abuse.
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

I feel that everyone deserves to be treated well...A mental illness isn't a reason to abuse, ridicule or harass anyone. :doubt:

While they don't deserve ridicule or harassment, accepting their personal delusion as true is equally as wrong and even more harmful. It also doesn't do the sick person any good. They still know that something is wrong with them and changing their gender hasn't fixed it.
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

There are two kinds of transgendered people. I've known both. One kind is well adjusted. They know exactly who they are and consider the body they were born in a mistake that they are rectifying. They don't even mind the years they lived in that gender. It was just pretend and nothing to be concerned about.

The other kind is mentally ill and uses transgender as a means of self-medication. The self-medication doesn't work. They are subject to suicide, self harm and mental illness not because they are transgendered. They are transgendered because they are mentally ill. They know something is wrong with them. They just don't know what it is and they fixate on gender the same way someone else might fixate on being abducted by aliens or getting messages from the CIA through their teeth.

I'v enever seen any kind of well adjusted tranny. I even saw a CLE on transgender issues and the law and the speaker was a tranny who was basically getting hysterical. Calling the audience bigots of they even thought it looked like a man. It literally was the stereotypical dude with a bad wig wearing a long flowery dress. I've watched tons of CLE in my years and I've never seen any presenter treat the audience like that.

I imagine if you had ears the size of Dumbo you wouldn't be well adjusted ether.

Trannies are constantly living in doubt. What they look for is positive reinforcement and most of the time receive negativity. This tends to make them a bit shell-shocked. It also makes them resentful.
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Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

There are two kinds of transgendered people. I've known both. One kind is well adjusted. They know exactly who they are and consider the body they were born in a mistake that they are rectifying. They don't even mind the years they lived in that gender. It was just pretend and nothing to be concerned about.

The other kind is mentally ill and uses transgender as a means of self-medication. The self-medication doesn't work. They are subject to suicide, self harm and mental illness not because they are transgendered. They are transgendered because they are mentally ill. They know something is wrong with them. They just don't know what it is and they fixate on gender the same way someone else might fixate on being abducted by aliens or getting messages from the CIA through their teeth.

I'v enever seen any kind of well adjusted tranny. I even saw a CLE on transgender issues and the law and the speaker was a tranny who was basically getting hysterical. Calling the audience bigots of they even thought it looked like a man. It literally was the stereotypical dude with a bad wig wearing a long flowery dress. I've watched tons of CLE in my years and I've never seen any presenter treat the audience like that.

I've personally known very well adjusted trannies. Now they call them intersexed. They were considered hermaphrodite. Born with ambiguous genitalia and the doctor or the doctor and parents made the decision to choose a gender and impose that gender on the child when it just didn't happen to be the child's actual gender.

Then there are the trannies like Robert Kosilek. He lived his life for 63 years as a man, then brutally murdered his wife. While in prison he decided he was really a woman.

Robert Kosilek:Transsexual wife killer who was granted tax-payer funded sex change to be reimbursed for years of legal fees | Mail Online

Then there are the poor tortured souls who think they are transgendered when they are merely transvestites. After they butcher themselves, they realize their mistake and take their own lives. Yes, I've known a few like that too.
Hermaphrodites aren't trannies. They have a legit issue and a legit choice. Their problem is physical not mental like with trannies
In that case there's only one kind of tranny then, and that's a hermaphrodite who makes a choice. Anything else is just someone denying reality.

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