Please treat trans people with respect

I'd love to have a dollar for every time I see novasteve use the term "deny reality".

I'd be rich.
Hermaphrodites aren't trannies. They have a legit issue and a legit choice. Their problem is physical not mental like with trannies

That's why I said there were two distinct kinds of trannies.

Apparently you dont know anything. Transexuality is an umbrella term.

Please next time know the difference between transgendered and someone with a gender identity disorder
"A diverse range of identities" in the modern world is cause for legitimate fear and sometimes legitimate ridicule. The 1st Amendment works both ways.
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

There are two kinds of transgendered people. I've known both. One kind is well adjusted. They know exactly who they are and consider the body they were born in a mistake that they are rectifying. They don't even mind the years they lived in that gender. It was just pretend and nothing to be concerned about.

The other kind is mentally ill and uses transgender as a means of self-medication. The self-medication doesn't work. They are subject to suicide, self harm and mental illness not because they are transgendered. They are transgendered because they are mentally ill. They know something is wrong with them. They just don't know what it is and they fixate on gender the same way someone else might fixate on being abducted by aliens or getting messages from the CIA through their teeth.

Of course you have.
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

So you believe that it is acceptable to bully a class of people simply because you don't like them?
Please treat trans people with respect -

"Trans* people (the asterisk denotes a diverse range of identities), particularly young trans* people, are at particular risk of harassment, abuse and ridicule and suffer high levels of suicide, self-harm and mental illness. "

Doesn't she realize that the left will throw a tantrum because she called them mentally ill? Is that treating them with respect? oh the irony!

So you believe that it is acceptable to bully a class of people simply because you don't like them?

Bullying is wrong. I don't care who does it.
Stop making it a point to tell me how you tuck your dick and I promise not to treat you any way.
Well..I think it's a he and he HATES transexuals for some reason. He just hasn't said why and probably never will. He feeds off his own hatred.

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