Please welcome new Moderators and farewell to another

I'd like to be a Moderator. How do you apply?

I'd would only be available to do it on Friday & Saturday nights---when I'm drunk. I think I'd be particularly effective at those times.

Maybe Coyote will pass the word that I am available.

We want Jake! We want Jake! We want Jake! USMB! USMB! USMB!

So what are you going to do now that you aren't modding? Debate about politics?
Whatever I want to do....:)

Within the boundaries of the rules of course! :eusa_naughty:
Of course...and?

And what? There is no "and."

Oh well, maybe we will be able to find some common ground in our politics. :) Even though I don't think you were a very good mod, I wish you the best of luck!
Maybe...I do agree with most of your politics. And, thank you. :)
Emily I know is good, Kat doesn't ring a bell.

"Kat doesn't ring a bell."

This is Kat's new bell that's she going to be ringing, it hasn't arrived yet, as you can see from the pictures below, it's being fine tuned, but William when Kat rings this bell you'll certainly know then who she is :smoke:


So what are you going to do now that you aren't modding? Debate about politics?
Whatever I want to do....:)

Within the boundaries of the rules of course! :eusa_naughty:
Of course...and?

And what? There is no "and."

Oh well, maybe we will be able to find some common ground in our politics. :) Even though I don't think you were a very good mod, I wish you the best of luck!
Maybe...I do agree with most of your politics. And, thank you. :)

"Maybe...I do agree with most of your politics. And, thank you. :)"

Darling I don't know what your politics are, but if you agree with most of ChrisL's politics then you are okay, at least you're not a Commie :omg: :eusa_doh::eek-52: :scared1:
I'd like to be a Moderator. How do you apply?

I'd would only be available to do it on Friday & Saturday nights---when I'm drunk. I think I'd be particularly effective at those times.

Maybe Coyote will pass the word that I am available.

We want Jake! We want Jake! We want Jake! USMB! USMB! USMB!

"We want Jake! We want Jake! We want Jake! USMB! USMB! USMB!"

And....Guno :omg:
So, does this mean that if I get a warning from Emily, it will take me an hour to read it?
Not only will Emily ban you, but publish a book about it...Which you must read and write a report on before returning...

Ha ha Moonglow
I think I could only justify bans on commercial spammers.
As a Constitutionalist, I not only believe in free speech, but using it to petition to redress grievances
UNTIL THESE ARE RESOLVED. So yay for more free speech.
If you abuse free speech trying to get yourself banned,
yes I will assume you need some good loving "Emily therapy"
and will PM you about your Mommy and Daddy issues causing you
to project your internal angst onto other people, instead of fixing it at the source.
After one or two long Emily msgs from me, trying to find out "how can I help you"
you will either prove to be a kindred spirit like me who prefers to talk things out in full
without any restrictions on free speech as long as we are trying to resolve a problem in good faith.

Or you will run the other way!
Or try to get me banned from the board, the internet, the planet.
Anything to stop the barrage of 10 page messages
trying to get to the root of the biases and conflicts
you are using the board to project in public as an alternative free form of group therapy.

So that's the worst you would get from me. A bunch of Emily msgs on
restorative justice, conflict resolution, mediation and consensus, blah blah blah
(ad infinitum, ad nauseum, reducto ad abusurdum...)

Unless you post a commercial spam ad for a website link not related to anything here,
I don't see me making any such decision to ban someone which I think can be corrected
and prevented in most cases. Even if I have to "overkill" you with kind conciliatory msgs
to "encourage" you to back off from bullying and go back to playing ball on the playground...
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Kat and emilynghiem have graciously consented to joint our team as moderators (I know, crazy right? But we don't want to scare them away) :banana:

And, AngelsNDemons will be trading in her mod garb for a civilian life. We're going to miss her :smiliehug:- but I understand the dash for freedom desire for change.

C :)

Congratulations to A&D for being liberated from her period of suffering and drudgery...and condolences to Kat and Em. I don't know what awful things the two of you have done to deserve such punishment, but keep up your spirits. This too shall pass.
Whatever I want to do....:)

Within the boundaries of the rules of course! :eusa_naughty:
Of course...and?

And what? There is no "and."

Oh well, maybe we will be able to find some common ground in our politics. :) Even though I don't think you were a very good mod, I wish you the best of luck!
Maybe...I do agree with most of your politics. And, thank you. :)

"Maybe...I do agree with most of your politics. And, thank you. :)"

Darling I don't know what your politics are, but if you agree with most of ChrisL's politics then you are okay, at least you're not a Commie :omg: :eusa_doh::eek-52: :scared1:

Hi Lucy Hamilton
Hey Coyote is the one who nudged me to try this new Mod role.
I would not have thought I could go there and still not sure.
Inclusion and defense of liberal interests does not have to mean commie'ism.
The RW can also get so hardedged that it starts to exclude and dominate by bullying also.

You see when the Left start the bullying domination, but most of that
is fear based after the RW scares them into defense mode and then going on the offense to protect their interests.

This isn't the place to discuss this bigger issue of where liberalism
does get socialistic, and when it becomes communism, or where
it becomes more like the green progressive independent "coops"
systems *outside* of govt and corporate lobbies/monopolies playing
"unfair competition" games. The independent green/progressives
are more in line with independent libertarian and conservatives
who want people to be in charge of their own businesses and programs not govt!

LH we can start a new thread for that. and maybe Coyote
and me can address the difference between progressive prochoice liberals and commies.
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So, does this mean that if I get a warning from Emily, it will take me an hour to read it?

Could be Dogmaphobe. It depends, if you bring out my sense of humor,
those messages tend to be shorter. It's when you cause my heart to bleed,
there is no end to the river that will flow to the ends of the universe, weeping for a lost soul...

Perhaps the USMB has found a new weapon against preventable spam and slams.
Maybe we need a therapy corner, just for this "Emily-Boarding" method.
And reserve it ONLY for the "very worst in society" who deserve such treatment.,
to see if it works better than "Water-Boarding" in stopping cyber terrorism. With worse forms of terrorism!

Instead of the First or Fifth Amendment.
I think posters would be pleading the EIGHTH against excessive punishments.
(When I get a note from the UN that I have violated the Geneva conventions,
that's when I know I've gone too far.)

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