Please welcome new Moderators and farewell to another



Thank you darling, I love you also :smiliehug:
I think I could only justify bans on commercial spammers.
As a Constitutionalist, I not only believe in free speech, but using it to petition to redress grievances
UNTIL THESE ARE RESOLVED. So yay for more free speech.
If you abuse free speech trying to get yourself banned,
yes I will assume you need some good loving "Emily therapy".....


I feel abused already...


I think I could only justify bans on commercial spammers.
As a Constitutionalist, I not only believe in free speech, but using it to petition to redress grievances
UNTIL THESE ARE RESOLVED. So yay for more free speech.
If you abuse free speech trying to get yourself banned,
yes I will assume you need some good loving "Emily therapy".....

Pretty lofty goals, I roll with this one:

Kat and emilynghiem have graciously consented to joint our team as moderators (I know, crazy right? But we don't want to scare them away) :banana:

And, AngelsNDemons will be trading in her mod garb for a civilian life. We're going to miss her :smiliehug:- but I understand the dash for freedom desire for change.

C :)


This picture above shows emilynghiem in careful consultation with her personal library, this in anticipation that she might have to merge her first threads very soon, Emily always chooses the correct words and she knows now how crucial the correct words are in the Red Writing.

The umbrella is due to Emily's attic library collapsing the North section of the ceiling, this due to her having stored every edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica going right back to it's prized first published edition in 1768, not a good idea to store 7,410 volumes in the attic without reinforced flooring :smoke:

Wow Lucy Hamilton
Your intuition is remarkable.
I DO consider people to be like volumes in a huge library to be sorted out.
Each person contains tons of information, but sometimes we only need
one key idea or insight and then we get the bigger picture.
I don't need to cite the entire book, if I can just point someone to the
reference or link, and they can dig up all the info they need from there.

So y es it is like a huge library of info that needs to be indexed.

If we do this right, we can just send people links back and forth
to the relevant information. NO need to argue over the sources,
just look at the ideas and get the point, who cares what book or group
it came out of. If it works, use it!

Exactly. I depend on people like encyclopedia volumes to hold all that
information I can't carry with me all the time...

Perfect analogy, Thanks!




I'd like to be a Moderator. How do you apply?

I'd would only be available to do it on Friday & Saturday nights---when I'm drunk. I think I'd be particularly effective at those times.

Maybe Coyote will pass the word that I am available.

We want Jake! We want Jake! We want Jake! USMB! USMB! USMB!

Nah, how about Guno instead!?!

"Nah, how about Guno instead!?!"

Great minds Bruce, great well perhaps not on this occasion :omg:

Please welcome new Moderators and farewell to another
And welcome Kat and Emily! I know they are the perfect fit for this boys and girls better shape up!!!

We'll miss you as a mod all will still have me to wreak havoc with elsewhere...just without the blue mod label stuck to my forehead...;) :smiliehug:
:) havoc is calming

Then drumpf must put you to sleep.

Sent from my iPad using
After 8 years of havoc we're ready for a nice rest. Did you welcome the new moderators yet and wish A and D some well earned relaxation?
And welcome Kat and Emily! I know they are the perfect fit for this boys and girls better shape up!!!

We'll miss you as a mod all will still have me to wreak havoc with elsewhere...just without the blue mod label stuck to my forehead...;) :smiliehug:
:) havoc is calming

Then drumpf must put you to sleep.

Sent from my iPad using
After 8 years of havoc we're ready for a nice rest. Did you welcome the new moderators yet and wish A and D some well earned relaxation?

"Did you welcome the new moderators yet and wish A and D some well earned relaxation?"

No they didn't, considering that is what the thread is about....well that and kittens, cats, dogs and Martini Cocktails :smoke:
We'll miss you as a mod all will still have me to wreak havoc with elsewhere...just without the blue mod label stuck to my forehead...;) :smiliehug:
:) havoc is calming

Then drumpf must put you to sleep.

Sent from my iPad using
After 8 years of havoc we're ready for a nice rest. Did you welcome the new moderators yet and wish A and D some well earned relaxation?

"Did you welcome the new moderators yet and wish A and D some well earned relaxation?"

No they didn't, considering that is what the thread is about....well that and kittens, cats, dogs and Martini Cocktails :smoke:
Well Luddley gets an "A" for consistency and a "D" for dereliction of duty.

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