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Plenty of "Good Guys with Guns" But 6 Injured Anyway

If any of you gun nuts were really interested in cutting the amount of gun violence, all you gotta do is make it illegal for any male under the age of 30 from owning a weapon of any sort. Enforced by long jail terms if even caught with a weapon while under the age of 30 and male. Never able to own a weapon again if caught. Make it hurt if you are under 30 with a gun.

But you all aren't interested in less violence. It would fuck with your professed need to own any and all weapons, you know, to protect yourselves from all the crazies with guns.

But I guess you all need the under 30 group to fight the revolution. Is that right?
Oh damn. I have to change my mind about your gun knowledge.

That is stretch just to far to think OHSA should require workers to be armed for work place safety. Crazy as fuck is what that is. But ok. And what you find "amusing" about crazies with guns doesn't speak well for you. Nothing funny about it. You and the other dude are the ones bringing OHSA into the picture. Thinking it would do what for your argument I don't know. Makes you look stupid to think OHSA is the organization responsible for crazies with guns in the work place. That's not the "work place safety" they get involved in.

Now, why do gun show organizers keep gun show patrons from carrying their personal weapons into the gun show. What are the organizers concerned about?

Noticed you didn't want to touch that one. Why not?

You are welcome to change your mind about whatever you choose. The fact that I do, indeed, have an extensive knowledge of firearms does not change.

I have not said that OSHA or anyone else even advocated, to say nothing or requiring, that employees be armed. So you are inventing what you want me to have said, but I did not.

I do not find "crazies with guns" funny. I did not say that I did. Once again, you are trying to invent what I said.

And workplace violence has been a documented issue with OSHA since at least 2001. So they very much do involve themselves with it. As a link I posted showed.

But if you need any additional information about firearms, feel free to ask or message me.

I think I'll pass. I've had my guns for a long time and don't need you to tell me how to shoot. Thanks anyway.

Besides that....... seeing as how work place violence would include shootings, does OHSA recommend arming the workers or keeping guns out of the work place?

You knowing all about both guns and OHSA.

To my knowledge, OSHA does not recommend either. They do, however, suggest that each business have a written plan for dealing with workplace violence. In most safety situations OSHA does not say HOW you mitigate the hazard, only that you do so to the best of your ability.

And I never said I would tell you how to shoot. Just that I would be happy to share my extensive knowledge of firearms (which you admitted) with you.
If any of you gun nuts were really interested in cutting the amount of gun violence, all you gotta do is make it illegal for any male under the age of 30 from owning a weapon of any sort. Enforced by long jail terms if even caught with a weapon while under the age of 30 and male. Never able to own a weapon again if caught. Make it hurt if you are under 30 with a gun.

But you all aren't interested in less violence. It would fuck with your professed need to own any and all weapons, you know, to protect yourselves from all the crazies with guns.

But I guess you all need the under 30 group to fight the revolution. Is that right?

Since 75% of gun murders are committed by felons, and 15% are committed by those under 21 or the mentally disabled (I posted a link earlier), my suggestion to keep violent felons locked up is a better answer. My way punishes those who actually commit crimes.

Most states add 10 years to a sentence if you use a gun. And no convicted felon is ever allowed to legally own a gun. So part of your suggestion is already in place, and has been for years.
Gun shows do not allow patrons to carry their personal weapons into the gun shows because of the liability of having some crazy with a gun shoot someone in the show.

That's it. They don't trust the people carrying the guns.

At least the gun show organizers know wtf could happen if you put a bunch of guns and people together. Someone could get shot.

But lets put more guns in the workplace. What could go wrong?
Gun shows do not allow patrons to carry their personal weapons into the gun shows because of the liability of having some crazy with a gun shoot someone in the show.

That's it. They don't trust the people carrying the guns.

At least the gun show organizers know wtf could happen if you put a bunch of guns and people together. Someone could get shot.

But lets put more guns in the workplace. What could go wrong?

Do you have any evidence of that, or are you just inventing things again, as you have done with what you have claimed that I said?

A simple link will do. I have no problem admitting you are right if you have some back up for your claim.

It would not surprise me if their insurance carriers required it. I just want you to show some proof besides your own claims.
Winter, don't let the statement I made about your gun knowledge go to your head. I was fucking with you. I have no idea if you are a gun god or not. And don't really care. I like my guns. I am not interested in working with people who are carrying. They concern me more than the idea that a chance, random shooter could walk in to where I am working.

People that feel they need to carry all the time are scared. Scared people are not rational. And not rational people make bad decisions.

Guess I'll just have to take my chances when I am at work. OHSA is looking out for me. Right. They've got a work place safety plan.
Gun shows do not allow patrons to carry their personal weapons into the gun shows because of the liability of having some crazy with a gun shoot someone in the show.

That's it. They don't trust the people carrying the guns.

At least the gun show organizers know wtf could happen if you put a bunch of guns and people together. Someone could get shot.

But lets put more guns in the workplace. What could go wrong?

Do you have any evidence of that, or are you just inventing things again, as you have done with what you have claimed that I said?

A simple link will do. I have no problem admitting you are right if you have some back up for your claim.

It would not surprise me if their insurance carriers required it. I just want you to show some proof besides your own claims.

My guess is that it's the law that people be unarmed when at a gun show.

Sounds like the stupid sort of law that libs would push for.
You fucking idiot. Making it illegal to defend our kids in schools where they are sitting ducks is not going to make them safer.

I'm so sick of this shit. Put your own kids out in the open with a big sign that says "You can shoot me, nobody will do anything" if you want. But don't force the rest of us to do the same.
That's a big assumption from such a small mind!

I offered two solutions to gun violence: universal back ground checks and banning magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds and both of those ideas were dismissed as unworkable.

So, since no one can offer any solutions, I. Surrender to gun violence. I am forced by the unimaginative to accept the cost in blood for the fun of e shooter.

You know what, Koshergirl? What if there is no such thing as PMS and this turns out to be just your personality?

You would still be a fucking idiot, I'm afraid.

My solution is to hire armed guards for the schools.

Or allow the kids to pack. They are, anyway!
you are an irresponsible moron and deserve no attention from the grown ups here. So long.
Nah dude. I don't do "evidence" on this message board. It's a waste of time. People don't like what they read, they ignore it. But I am sure if you get curious, you can find out the answer.

So based on your knowledge of liability for accidental gun deaths, what other reason would there be for keeping personal weapons out of a gun show? Robbery? LMAO.
Ooops....Sorry, 6 injured.

But otherwise so much for Wayne Lapierre's theory about the good guys with guns. Ain't working in his idea of Utopia:

Shooter Injures Six In Georgia Town Where Everyone Is Required To Own A Gun

A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a FedEx facility in Kennesaw, Georgia. Six were shot, with their injuries ranging from minor to two in critical condition. Authorities report that the gunman is dead.
The Georgia facility is located in Kennesaw, near Atlanta, a quiet suburb unique in the U.S. for mandating every household own at least one gun. The law is not enforced, so the Kennesaw gun ownership rate hovers around 50 percent, according to its police chief. That’s still higher than the average rate of gun ownership in the U.S., estimated to be about 34 percent. When the law was enacted in 1982, Kennesaw had only 5,000 residents. Today, it has a population of 30,000.""

Shooter Injures Six In Georgia Town Where Everyone Is Required To Own A Gun | ThinkProgress

Oh, and the shooter committed suicide. The good guys with guns were REALLY slow on the draw.

Only half the people obey that law regarding guns. That is always how it works. Not everyone follows laws.

It didn't say that there were people standing there with guns. If there was a gun ban, the same thing would have happened.

What is your point?
Winter, don't let the statement I made about your gun knowledge go to your head. I was fucking with you. I have no idea if you are a gun god or not. And don't really care. I like my guns. I am not interested in working with people who are carrying. They concern me more than the idea that a chance, random shooter could walk in to where I am working.

People that feel they need to carry all the time are scared. Scared people are not rational. And not rational people make bad decisions.

Guess I'll just have to take my chances when I am at work. OHSA is looking out for me. Right. They've got a work place safety plan.

Yeah, I figured you were fucking with me. My comments were me fucking with you back. Although I do have an extensive knowledge of firearms. I am 54 and have been shooting since I was about 8 or 9, hunting since I was 12, and reading about firearms for as long as I can remember. Guns are a hobby and a passion for me. But I have rarely owned guns that most people consider "assault weapons". My prized hunting rifle is a single shot Ruger.

I think there are extremes on both sides. There are some that I would prefer not be armed and carrying. There are also some I think are actively trying to remove most firearms from private ownership. The majority of us are in the middle.

And if your employer is OSHA compliant, they will have a safety plan that deals with workplace violence, fires, storms & other natural disasters, as well as the site specific hazards that deal with your specific type of work.
First and foremost: universal back ground checks.
An uneforcable law that cannot stop gun violence?
Worthless idea.

Secondly, a ban on high capacity magazines.
They were banned once. Didnlt stop anything.
Worthless idea.

Once you arm yourself with the means to discharge more than ten rounds, you have gone from a defensive weapon to an offensive weapon.
This is, of course a mindless, unsupportable, abritrary determination.
Worthless idea.

Thank you for agaon helping to prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I offered documented evidence concerning the background checks and personal observations about magazine capacities. I notice you dismissed my offered solution of keeping violent felons behind bars? Since I also offered documented evidence that a large percentage of those felons released are rearrested for committing violent crime, I would think it was a good idea.
Who has the political will to spend billions on prisons while cutting benefits to the elderly and impoverished? Who has the political will to keep an even larger percentage of our citizens behind bars?

Certainly no one with a modicum of forethought. That eliminates the current crop of small government hyperConservatives. They would never agree to expanding the budget to build more government facilities.

We are not reducing gun violence by locking up the criminals for a longer time. They have to have committed a crime, been convicted and sentenced for that crime to be in prison in the first place. Do you see a lot of shooters being convicted? They usually snuff themselves out in the cafeteria or playground before they can be arrested.

The ones who are willing to die committing their crime are not going to be stopped by background checks or limits on magazine capacities either.

But since convicted felons account for a larger portion of the gun murders than the crazies doing mass shootings, my solution seems to be much better.

I have a suggestion concerning prison populations as well. Release all the people in prison for nonviolent drug crimes, especially marijuana related crimes. This will reduce the prison population significantly.

I am not giving up on the problem. I simply think that the solution should be aimed at the actual cause of the deaths. The shooters and not the tools they use.
Here's my solution. A complete ban on all weapons with semiautomatic firing systems. A buy back program on those weapons that extends for one year. If you have the receipt for the weapon, a full reembursement. If you do not have the receipt, you get either 80% of the current market value or a new bolt action rifle or revolver depending if you turned in a long gun or pistol.

After the year buy back program, turning in semi automatics will get you 50% of the market value of the previous year. After the second year, any semi automatic weapons in private hands results in a $5,000 fine and two years in federal prison. Any semi automatic weapons used in crimes results in a $250,000 fine and an additional 25 years to life sentence.

The ban extends to the manufacture, distribution and importation of such weapons. No longer will containers of guns be allowed through customs, gunmakers will have to settle on making bolt action. Rifles, shot guns and revolvers.

There would also be steep taxes on ammunition sales as well as reloading supplies.

That would make gun violence wither on the vinefasterthan any Conservative proposal to eliminate Medicare.
Winter, don't let the statement I made about your gun knowledge go to your head. I was fucking with you. I have no idea if you are a gun god or not. And don't really care. I like my guns. I am not interested in working with people who are carrying. They concern me more than the idea that a chance, random shooter could walk in to where I am working.

People that feel they need to carry all the time are scared. Scared people are not rational. And not rational people make bad decisions.

Guess I'll just have to take my chances when I am at work. OHSA is looking out for me. Right. They've got a work place safety plan.

Yeah, I figured you were fucking with me. My comments were me fucking with you back. Although I do have an extensive knowledge of firearms. I am 54 and have been shooting since I was about 8 or 9, hunting since I was 12, and reading about firearms for as long as I can remember. Guns are a hobby and a passion for me. But I have rarely owned guns that most people consider "assault weapons". My prized hunting rifle is a single shot Ruger.

I think there are extremes on both sides. There are some that I would prefer not be armed and carrying. There are also some I think are actively trying to remove most firearms from private ownership. The majority of us are in the middle.

And if your employer is OSHA compliant, they will have a safety plan that deals with workplace violence, fires, storms & other natural disasters, as well as the site specific hazards that deal with your specific type of work.

Yea I got to admit that you are the most rational gun nutter I have ever engaged with.
Good for you. There are probably some degree of solution that could be found to the gun violence problem. But it ain't gonna happen when the NRA is nothing more than the marketing arm for the gun manufactures.

I am 60 and have been shooting since I was about 12. My dad was a crazy with a gun(s) that shouldn't have had one. I have seen irrational acts with a gun in hand on several occasions. You seem to want to give WAY to much credit to your fellow citizens in allowing more and more people to carry a gun.

But hey, whatever. Keep your powder dry and your head down. Right? Later.
Here's my solution. A complete ban on all weapons with semiautomatic firing systems.
There no rational reason to do this.
There's also no way to argue that doing so is constitutional.
Your "solution" fails.

The right of the people to live without the fear of semi automatic guns discharged in schools, churches, places of business and the streets trumps the right of anyone to own such weapons.

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