Pocahontas Calls for Abortion Clinics to be Built in National Parks in Red States

Everything this goofy lady says is insane. Anytime she takes the mic, it's guaranteed she'll screech and rant and make some ridiculous proposal.
Now she wants Biden to use federal lands in red states to constuct baby-killing centers.

She reminds you of the bitchy nutty English teacher you had in tenth grade.

She is one sicko, probably with a demon. But what a sicko.
Fetuses aren't viable.
We do not count fetuses on the Census.
We do not allow fetuses to be taken as tax deductions/dependents on tax forms.
Even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having one.

Fetuses aren't babies.

You're fruitier than a nutcake.
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Yeah, because most R's are spineless and are worthless. Orange man came along and did not care and appointed justices that did overturn this abomination RvW.

Maybe that is why so many R's opposed Trump?

Anyhow, those bastards owe Trump multiple apologies.
Eventually, SCOTUS will have to rule on partial-birth abortions and extend 5th and 14th Amendment protections to those children.

Not to mention the lunacy promoted by some leftoids of allowing mothers to wait days after a child is born to decide if it should live or die.
Then why do specialized surgeons operate on them in the womb? What, they operate on clumps of cells?

They don't operate on 8 week fetuses. If they are deformed at that point, they are aborted.

Eventually, SCOTUS will have to rule on partial-birth abortions and extend 5th and 14th Amendment protections to those children.

Not to mention the lunacy promoted by some leftoids of allowing mothers to wait days after a child is born to decide if it should live or die.

Actually, all they have to do is walk away after big insurance won't cover what's wrong with them.
The events of the last week prove you wrong, kid. Do try to keep up.

Are you a fucking retard? Did you not read the WHOLE of the post and understand it? It should NOT have taken 50 years to get enough justices to overturn Roe, unless Republicans who aren't crazy like Trump really didn't want it overturned. Go back, read what I wrote, and then have a grown up explain the big words to you.
Are you a fucking retard?
Nope, are you?
Your irrational and emo-dingbattery here is funny to watch.
Here, just for you:
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We need to keep the options open for women in Red States who want an abortion

Blue states are open to help
Everything this goofy lady says is insane. Anytime she takes the mic, it's guaranteed she'll screech and rant and make some ridiculous proposal.
Now she wants Biden to use federal lands in red states to constuct baby-killing centers.

She reminds you of the bitchy nutty English teacher you had in tenth grade.
Hey MashedPotatoBrain, since when did federal lands equal national parks? Many states have hundreds of square miles of federal land and maybe one or no national parks.

For example, my former state has 1.05 million acres of federal land and the one national park has 52,380 acres.

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