Pocket US Constitution becomes best-seller after speech

Imagine all of those people who bought a pocket constitution reading it, then discovering some inconvenient truths.

Liberals claim they've read the Constitution and still can't show specific words in it they claim it has.
In Donald's version, it has twelve Articles.

In a Liberal's version, words like abortion, healthcare, government housing, WIC, and food stamps appear. There could be 7 Articles or 700 Articles but the words I stated still don't appear despite Liberals claiming they do.
Tea Party members were known for carrying pocket copies of the Constitution. Maybe Mr. Kahn should read it instead of wave it before he accuses a civilian of being responsible for his son's combat death.
I wonder if that numbnut was ever able to point out where in the constitution it says you can't prevent groups of people from immigrating to the U.S.?

I hope he wasn't trying to use Article VI, Clause 3 to claim what Trump was doing was unconstitutional. That clause said no religious test can be used as a qualification for holding pubic office or a position of public trust. I hope he wasn't trying to use Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 dealing with naturalization because Congress has the authority to regulate rules for naturalization and immigration as determined by the SCOTUS. Nothing limits them from using whatever they want to limit that and keeping someone out for religious reasons doesn't violate Article 6 since someone coming here isn't running for office.

Liberals claim they've read the Constitution and still can't show specific words in it they claim it has.

Actually Khan's words were: "Have you even read the United States Constitution?" While that doesn't refer to any particular Article, clause or issue (it refers to the whole thing) ---- it is a very valid question begged by myriad Rump declarations, such as most blatantly, this one:

That's Amendment Number One, the building block of the whole Concept, being dissed into the same bag with "rapists" and "pigs" and "losers". So the answer to Khan's question would appear to be "No".

Khan spoke for seven minutes. Are you claiming that's all he said? His reference to Trump reading the Constitution was based on Khan's criticism of Trump's suggestion of building a wall along the Mexican border and temporary ban of foreign Muslims into the U.S. Whether those policies are a good or bad political policy is left up to each individual. Whether they are unconstitutional is left up to fact and the facts say neither are unconstitutional.

I quoted him, verbatim. Did he or did he not say "have you even read the United States Constitution?"?

What you left out was the rest of what he said and the issues to which he made that statement. I never said he didn't make that statement. I said that wasn't all he said and explained the mindset he had for saying it.

No Sparky, what you did was try to narrow a general comment about "the Constitution" into specific cherrypicked clauses that were never mentioned anyway. Well I came along and widened the road again back to where it was.

You're welcome.
Imagine all of those people who bought a pocket constitution reading it, then discovering some inconvenient truths.
I know. Like you can't ban people based or their religion. Republicans who read that must be freaking out. They want a rewrite.

Pocket US Constitution becomes best-seller after speech

Why the U.S. Constitution Is Suddenly an Amazon Best Seller

Just watching a Trump speech. As people were being kicked out, every single one was holding up a pocket constitution. Some members of the audience were even trying to snatch them away but couldn't.

We should get everyone to mail a copy to Donald Trump.

Maybe you should read It instead of using it as props for your unconstitutional agenda
What agenda is that? Banning someone based on there religion? Oh, scuze me, that wouldn't be Democrats.

Pocket US Constitution becomes best-seller after speech

Why the U.S. Constitution Is Suddenly an Amazon Best Seller

Just watching a Trump speech. As people were being kicked out, every single one was holding up a pocket constitution. Some members of the audience were even trying to snatch them away but couldn't.

We should get everyone to mail a copy to Donald Trump.

Maybe you should read It instead of using it as props for your unconstitutional agenda
What agenda is that? Banning someone based on there religion? Oh, scuze me, that wouldn't be Democrats.

You've forgotten your own agenda? Seriously rdean you need to focus.

Considering your party has been eating a war on religious liberty for decades, you really aren't in a position to complain about one of your donors viewpoints.
I hope he wasn't trying to use Article VI, Clause 3 to claim what Trump was doing was unconstitutional. That clause said no religious test can be used as a qualification for holding pubic office or a position of public trust. I hope he wasn't trying to use Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 dealing with naturalization because Congress has the authority to regulate rules for naturalization and immigration as determined by the SCOTUS. Nothing limits them from using whatever they want to limit that and keeping someone out for religious reasons doesn't violate Article 6 since someone coming here isn't running for office.

Liberals claim they've read the Constitution and still can't show specific words in it they claim it has.

Actually Khan's words were: "Have you even read the United States Constitution?" While that doesn't refer to any particular Article, clause or issue (it refers to the whole thing) ---- it is a very valid question begged by myriad Rump declarations, such as most blatantly, this one:

That's Amendment Number One, the building block of the whole Concept, being dissed into the same bag with "rapists" and "pigs" and "losers". So the answer to Khan's question would appear to be "No".

Khan spoke for seven minutes. Are you claiming that's all he said? His reference to Trump reading the Constitution was based on Khan's criticism of Trump's suggestion of building a wall along the Mexican border and temporary ban of foreign Muslims into the U.S. Whether those policies are a good or bad political policy is left up to each individual. Whether they are unconstitutional is left up to fact and the facts say neither are unconstitutional.

I quoted him, verbatim. Did he or did he not say "have you even read the United States Constitution?"?

What you left out was the rest of what he said and the issues to which he made that statement. I never said he didn't make that statement. I said that wasn't all he said and explained the mindset he had for saying it.

No Sparky, what you did was try to narrow a general comment about "the Constitution" into specific cherrypicked clauses that were never mentioned anyway. Well I came along and widened the road again back to where it was.

You're welcome.

What you did it exactly what I expected you to do. Make excuses for the type that needs to be prohibited from coming here.
Did Trump actually answer the question...has he even read the Constitution?

Pocket US Constitution becomes best-seller after speech

Why the U.S. Constitution Is Suddenly an Amazon Best Seller

Just watching a Trump speech. As people were being kicked out, every single one was holding up a pocket constitution. Some members of the audience were even trying to snatch them away but couldn't.

We should get everyone to mail a copy to Donald Trump.

Maybe you should read It instead of using it as props for your unconstitutional agenda
What agenda is that? Banning someone based on there religion? Oh, scuze me, that wouldn't be Democrats.

You've forgotten your own agenda? Seriously rdean you need to focus.

Considering your party has been eating a war on religious liberty for decades, you really aren't in a position to complain about one of your donors viewpoints.
Still upset you aren't allowed to kill gays.

Pitiful, just pitiful.
Do you know what this means? The only people who watched that were democrats and as much as they cried about how racist the constitution was half wanted to do everything the tea party was doing and run out and buy one as well. They didn't because they were too afraid that if they did they would be considered racist for buying it. The minute some non-white guy pulls out a pocket constitution they figured that it was OK for them to do so and they did.

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