Poland prepares plans to invade Belarus

You mean to say that neither NATO surveillance nor the UAF, had noticed and analyzed those defenses, that had been significantly strengthened since October last year? That would be indeed a totally ridiculous assumption and nonsense statement.

Why do you think it took the inadequately trained and equipped Russian Forces 5-8 month to drive the UAF out of e.g. Lyshychansk/Sieveirodonesk and Bakhmut - objectives that the UAF had fortified and readied for 7 years ??? whilst the Western MSM, the Goebbels scholar and NATO did it's best to ridicule the Russian Forces and forward/propagate horrendous Russian losses?

Any practically experienced military person - had repeatedly placed the question latest since March/April 2023 - where is the respective Pioneering equipment, aside from bridging equipment and limited assault boats for the UAF? Only now presently - upon the failures and losses, the Goebbels scholar is "officially" asking/begging for it. All in all, it's a very poorly planed and executed UAF/NATO offensive. Not even to mention a more or less non existing, active UAF aviation force.

NATO and the UAF have/are simply relying since mid of last year, onto mid to long range artillery and drones - to bring the war into Russia, and to target infrastructure and logistic objectives in the occupied territories.

For NATO to re-execute it's intended Croatia/Serb campaign in Ukraine - the preparation for the UAF would have taken till 2024/25 - that is why Putin decided to attack in Feb. 2022, in order to prevent/disrupt this process, whilst additionally hoping to achieve a government change in Ukraine.

Off course I do not expect someone like you, to understand/comprehend this.
Obviously, Ukraine and its allies underestimate the Russian defenses, both the huge and dense minefields and Russia's plan to defend them, but the minefields are finite and will eventually be cleared and all these months of blowing up Russian supply depots and troop concentrations far behind the front line will leave the Russian front lines weakened and ready to retreat just as they were last year.
Obviously, Ukraine and its allies underestimate the Russian defenses, both the huge and dense minefields and Russia's plan to defend them, but the minefields are finite and will eventually be cleared and all these months of blowing up Russian supply depots and troop concentrations far behind the front line will leave the Russian front lines weakened and ready to retreat just as they were last year.
All in hopes that Russia has the inability (when conducting war), to then make adjustments in strategies, technology, and other such necessities in it's battle plans in which will be absent on the battlefields if your analysis is to be correct. Do you think the Russians are that stupid, and are we seeing a modern education in warfare that no nation has experienced since the last major world war had taken place ??

Remember how we as Americans were losing battles against major enemies during world war two, until we adjusted our forces, created new tactics, new radar's , new weaponry etc ?
And in this so called retreat, what will Putin's next move be ?? Would Ukraine have defeated the mighty Russia, the great nuclear power, the largest oil and gas producer in the world, the most modern military in the world or maybe just succeed in showing the Russians the back door, and not to let the screen door hit them in the ace ????

It seems that if Russia is defeated, it will only come as a result of other nation's helping Ukraine to achieve it, but not by Ukraine alone. So what would Russia's next move be on the world stage with Putin still in charge ???

Will Russia back off, lick it's wounds, and return home defeated ?

It's a precarious situation that carries a lot of war pride now built up between these two nation's, otherwise two nations that are locked in a battle of attrition ,staunch patriotism, and determination to save face along with a serious hope to triumph from either side.

The world should have been staunchly vowing for peace, and should have been having peace talks every month until a break through came.

Isolating Putin in hopes of his defeat by way of such a strategy was a bad idea in my opinion.

Guess we'll see what's next in this sad situation.
If Putin had wanted peace, he never would have invaded Ukraine, and if the civilized world has any hope of laws and treaties carrying any weight, it cannot allow Russian war to retain any part of Ukraine.

Why do you suppose so many nations support Ukraine and hardly any support Russia? It is because this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, it is a war between Russia and the civilized world, and in addition to suffering unsustainable losses on the battlefield Russia is being isolated economically and diplomatically from the rest of the world.

The bottom line is there is no way either Russia or the Russian people will benefit from continuing this war.
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All in hopes that Russia has the inability (when conducting war), to then make adjustments in strategies, technology, and other such necessities in it's battle plans in which will be absent on the battlefields if your analysis is to be correct. Do you think the Russians are that stupid, and are we seeing a modern education in warfare that no nation has experienced since the last major world war had taken place ??

Remember how we as Americans were losing battles against major enemies during world war two, until we adjusted our forces, created new tactics, new radar's , new weaponry etc ?
That the Russian leadership is stupid and incompetent is beyond question. Russia did not even bother to get up to date intelligence before invading Ukraine. never had enough infantry to hold any ground it might capture and never secured it supply lines so it was unable to supply its forces as they moved west leading to the retreat from Kiev.

During last year's counteroffensive, Russia appeared to have no idea how to position its forces to meet the attacks from the AFU, and Putin's attempts to leverage Europe's dependence on Russian gas to get them to abandon Ukraine, has cost Russia at least 30% of the value of its gas and oil reserves and any prospects of being able to retore is trade relations with Europe in the foreseeable future and was a major factor in motivating sanction that have isolated Russia from international financial systems, making trade with the rest of the world much for difficult and much less profitable.

And the invasion of Ukraine has enlarged and strengthened NATO beyond anything the US could have done and spurred unprecedented investment in new weapons by its members.

Russia didn't just make a few tactical mistakes as you suggest, but a flawed world view and a lack of strategic thinking by its leadership.

The one thing Russia has done right in this botched invasion is to set up these huge and dense minefields, but that is just slowing down the inevitable result of a weakened Russia retreating from Ukraine.
If Putin had wanted peace, he never would have invaded Ukraine, and if the civilized world has any hope of laws and treaties carrying any weight, it cannot allow Russian war to retain any part of Ukraine.

Why do you suppose so many nations support Ukraine and hardly any support Russia? It is because this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, it is a war between Russia and the civilized world, and in addition to suffering unsustainable losses on the battlefield Russia is being isolated economically and diplomatically from the rest of the world.

The bottom line is there is no way either Russia or the Russian people will benefit from continuing this war.
It definitely is a war between Ukraine and Russia, but what Russia has learned is that Ukraine is being helped by the west to push it's forces back out of Ukraine all due to western infiltration and influence in Ukraine.

If it weren't for that, Ukraine would be under Russian control 500 days ago. Most of Ukraine would still be intact, the government would have been replaced by a Russian puppet, and NATO influence or involvement would be ousted from the area.

So here we are up to our eyeballs in Ukraine trying to help them oust the Russian forces. Not sure what's going to happen next.

Agree that it best Russia leave Ukraine, but where will that leave Russia on the world stage in the aftermath ? They will be a pariah, an untrusted member of the global community, a nation with an extreme chip on it's shoulder, a nuclear power still, a major gas and oil producer, a nation determined to remain a super power even more so than ever before.

Would the global community forgive Russia, and will Ukraine stand down after it's long war with Russia or will it work to try everything that it can to continue to destroy Russia out of vengeance for what it had experienced with it's neighbor in the war ??
That the Russian leadership is stupid and incompetent is beyond question. Russia did not even bother to get up to date intelligence before invading Ukraine. never had enough infantry to hold any ground it might capture and never secured it supply lines so it was unable to supply its forces as they moved west leading to the retreat from Kiev.

During last year's counteroffensive, Russia appeared to have no idea how to position its forces to meet the attacks from the AFU, and Putin's attempts to leverage Europe's dependence on Russian gas to get them to abandon Ukraine, has cost Russia at least 30% of the value of its gas and oil reserves and any prospects of being able to retore is trade relations with Europe in the foreseeable future and was a major factor in motivating sanction that have isolated Russia from international financial systems, making trade with the rest of the world much for difficult and much less profitable.

And the invasion of Ukraine has enlarged and strengthened NATO beyond anything the US could have done and spurred unprecedented investment in new weapons by its members.

Russia didn't just make a few tactical mistakes as you suggest, but a flawed world view and a lack of strategic thinking by its leadership.

The one thing Russia has done right in this botched invasion is to set up these huge and dense minefields, but that is just slowing down the inevitable result of a weakened Russia retreating from Ukraine.
The biggest mistake Russia made, was not realizing that Ukraine had embraced western culture and aid to the point that it's new allies weren't going to abandon Ukraine because of it's new relationship's, otherwise especially after Ukraine had pissed the bear off in ways that made it act out against it like it has done.

Putin undoubtedly figures Russia as a super power would of course have caused Ukraines allies to abandon it once the Russian forces had finally moved on Ukraine like it had done.

He undoubtedly figured that the bonds between the west were just resources based (trade) or revenue exchange based (money).

So he figured once the military moved in, then all ties would quickly disolve, and Ukraine would have to get back in line with not allowing outside influences to go to far in Ukraine.

He gambled wrong, and found out that western alliance's had infiltrated Ukraines political mindset more so than the Russians were able to do in the same sense as a result of.
It definitely is a war between Ukraine and Russia, but what Russia has learned is that Ukraine is being helped by the west to push it's forces back out of Ukraine all due to western infiltration and influence in Ukraine.

If it weren't for that, Ukraine would be under Russian control 500 days ago. Most of Ukraine would still be intact, the government would have been replaced by a Russian puppet, and NATO influence or involvement would be ousted from the area.

So here we are up to our eyeballs in Ukraine trying to help them oust the Russian forces. Not sure what's going to happen next.

Agree that it best Russia leave Ukraine, but where will that leave Russia on the world stage in the aftermath ? They will be a pariah, an untrusted member of the global community, a nation with an extreme chip on it's shoulder, a nuclear power still, a major gas and oil producer, a nation determined to remain a super power even more so than ever before.

Would the global community forgive Russia, and will Ukraine stand down after it's long war with Russia or will it work to try everything that it can to continue to destroy Russia out of vengeance for what it had experienced with it's neighbor in the war ??
Again, Putinhead, it is not a war between Russia and Ukraine. When Russia invaded Ukraine, ignoring all international laws and treaties, it effectively declared war on the civilized war, and that's why so many countries support Ukraine and nearly no countries support Russia. These laws and treaties form the fabric of civilization, and following these laws and abiding by these treaties is what makes peace and trade possible, not by appeasing imperialist aggressions as you propose.

Ukraine didn't turn to the west because of "western infiltration" but for the same reason that all the Warsaw pact states clamored to join NATO and the EU, because freedom, democracy and prosperity is a better way of life than living under a brutal Russian dictatorship.

"Agree that it best Russia leave Ukraine, but where will that leave Russia on the world stage in the aftermath ? They will be a pariah, an untrusted member of the global community, a nation with an extreme chip on it's shoulder, a nuclear power still, a major gas and oil producer, a nation determined to remain a super power even more so than ever before."

Russia already is a pariah state and has no place in the global community because it has rejected all its laws, all its treaties and all its norms of civilized behavior, and it will remain so until it convincingly abandons all its imperialist ambitions.

Russia is not a superpower; it has a mediocre military and cannot use its nuclear weapons without destroying itself.

Your description of what Russia will become if it is forced out of Ukraine, appeaser, is a perfect description of what it has been ever since Putin came to power, and the clear evidence that appeasing Russia will not bring peace, is that the West has been appeasing Putin, as it invaded Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine, and each failure to take a stand against Russian aggression has led to further aggressions.

No one was trying to destroy Russia before it invaded Ukraine, Putinhead, and it is clear no one has an interest in attacking Russia if it leaves Ukraine, but it will have to remain isolated from the rest of the world until it convincingly abandons its imperialist ambitions, and that is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future.
The biggest mistake Russia made, was not realizing that Ukraine had embraced western culture and aid to the point that it's new allies weren't going to abandon Ukraine because of it's new relationship's, otherwise especially after Ukraine had pissed the bear off in ways that made it act out against it like it has done.

Putin undoubtedly figures Russia as a super power would of course have caused Ukraines allies to abandon it once the Russian forces had finally moved on Ukraine like it had done.

He undoubtedly figured that the bonds between the west were just resources based (trade) or revenue exchange based (money).

So he figured once the military moved in, then all ties would quickly disolve, and Ukraine would have to get back in line with not allowing outside influences to go to far in Ukraine.

He gambled wrong, and found out that western alliance's had infiltrated Ukraines political mindset more so than the Russians were able to do in the same sense as a result of.
I agree with you that Putin is grossly incompetent.
Guys, today Russian patrol ship fired warning shots on a Palau cargo ship in Turkish territorial waters, and boarded it. Technically it's an act of war against a NATO member. But nobody cares (including the Turks, who don't want to become another Ukraine). If the Russian ships can act freely in Turkish waters, who said, that the Russian saboteurs can't act freely in Polish forests?


The biggest mistake Russia made, was not realizing that Ukraine had embraced western culture and aid to the point that it's new allies weren't going to abandon Ukraine because of it's new relationship's, otherwise especially after Ukraine had pissed the bear off in ways that made it act out against it like it has done.

Putin undoubtedly figures Russia as a super power would of course have caused Ukraines allies to abandon it once the Russian forces had finally moved on Ukraine like it had done.

He undoubtedly figured that the bonds between the west were just resources based (trade) or revenue exchange based (money).

So he figured once the military moved in, then all ties would quickly disolve, and Ukraine would have to get back in line with not allowing outside influences to go to far in Ukraine.

He gambled wrong, and found out that western alliance's had infiltrated Ukraines political mindset more so than the Russians were able to do in the same sense as a result of.
Well the people in Donbass didn't embrace what you call Western Culture and they were attacked by their own Army, that's one reason for the War, the Ukrainians or the so called Nationalists have a subservient mind set to big powers as shown when they thought they would be on the winning side with Hitler, they are making the same mistake again siding with the US Empire and it's vassals, it will probably cost them their Country.
Guys, today Russian patrol ship fired warning shots on a Palau cargo ship in Turkish territorial waters, and boarded it. Technically it's an act of war against a NATO member. But nobody cares (including the Turks, who don't want to become another Ukraine). If the Russian ships can act freely in Turkish waters, who said, that the Russian saboteurs can't act freely in Polish forests?

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In War they will do what they have to, and i don't know where that ship was boarded, Nato seem to hijack and board ships anywhere they like including the Persian Gulf,
The biggest mistake Russia made, was not realizing that Ukraine had embraced western culture and aid to the point that it's new allies weren't going to abandon Ukraine because of it's new relationship's, otherwise especially after Ukraine had pissed the bear off in ways that made it act out against it like it has done.
I don't think it can be put in those terms. Russia may as well have "embraced Western culture". American films, Western music, McDonalds (even if they changed the name), capitalism, etc.

A lot of people in Russia would also like freedom of speech and democracy, which did exist for a while after the fall of Communism. There isn't much of a choice in that regard now.

If they had continued on the path of democracy, it would have brought economic benefits, and I suppose Russia could have after some time even gained some kind of relationship with the EU, like Norway, and a close partnership with NATO. Putin did not want that though. Russia was a NATO partner before, btw, they did some joint exercises.

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