Poland's Tel Aviv embassy vandalized with swastikas in Israel.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
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Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
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Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
Thats really shocking stuff !!
Thanks for posting.
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
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Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
Thats really shocking stuff !!
Thanks for posting.

Yes, it is shocking that Jews have resorted to vandalism to hide their Jewish Nazi collaborators.
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
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Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
Thats really shocking stuff !!
Thanks for posting.

Yes, it is shocking that Jews have resorted to vandalism to hide their Jewish Nazi collaborators.
Someone sprayed the gate. Its not an act of war.
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
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Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
Thats really shocking stuff !!
Thanks for posting.

Yes, it is shocking that Jews have resorted to vandalism to hide their Jewish Nazi collaborators.
Someone sprayed the gate. Its not an act of war.

So Jews are now Holocaust deniers, right?

Because last week Polish were Holocaust deniers to Jews, and yourself for denying the Polish role in the Holocaust.

So, by the same logic Jews are now Holocaust deniers, for denying the Jewish role in the Holocaust.
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
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Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
Thats really shocking stuff !!
Thanks for posting.

Yes, it is shocking that Jews have resorted to vandalism to hide their Jewish Nazi collaborators.
Someone sprayed the gate. Its not an act of war.

So Jews are now Holocaust deniers, right?

Because last week Polish were Holocaust deniers to Jews, and yourself for denying the Polish role in the Holocaust.

So, by the same logic Jews are now Holocaust deniers, for denying the Jewish role in the Holocaust.
Nope. They are pissed off because of the rise of evil in Poland. Its not difficult.
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
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Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
Thats really shocking stuff !!
Thanks for posting.

Yes, it is shocking that Jews have resorted to vandalism to hide their Jewish Nazi collaborators.
Someone sprayed the gate. Its not an act of war.

So Jews are now Holocaust deniers, right?

Because last week Polish were Holocaust deniers to Jews, and yourself for denying the Polish role in the Holocaust.

So, by the same logic Jews are now Holocaust deniers, for denying the Jewish role in the Holocaust.
Nope. They are pissed off because of the rise of evil in Poland. Its not difficult.

Haha, so when Jews blame Poles for the Holocaust it's not evil, but when Poles blame Jews for the Holocaust it's evil?

So, how come Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto, stated that Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators of the Polish Blue Police?

Of course they were, Jewish Ghetto Police delivered 10,000 Jews a day to the Nazi Germans for the camps, each Jewish Ghetto police man sent 2,000 Jews to their deaths.


Arthur Leonard, eds.,Jewish Community Book: Suwalk and Vicinity(Tel Aviv: The Yair–Abraham Stern–PublishingHouse, 1989), 50. During the massive deportation of some 265,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto in the summer of1942, “Jewish police delivered 7,000 victims for transport to Treblinka [on July 25] and from then on delivered them ata minimum daily rate of 10,000. The average Jewish policeman in the Warsaw ghetto sent two thousand Jews to theirdeath, in order to save his own life.” See Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski,Jews in Poland: A Documentary History(NewYork: Hippocrene, 1993; Revised edition–1998), 115. The Jewish police, whose numbers had swollen from 1,600 inDecember 1941 to nearly 2,200, made itself notorious by its cooperation with the Germans in rounding up Jews.Emanuel Ringelblum wrote (in December 1942): “The Jewish police had a bad reputation even before the deportation.Unlike the Polish police, which did not take part in the abduction for the labour camps [from spring 1941], the Jewishpolice did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and demoralization.”See Abraham Lewin,A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto(Oxford and New York: Basil Black inassociation with the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1988), 17, 19.8 Yehuda Bauer has recently acknowledged that in the larger ghettos, it was the Judenräte who provided the Germanswith lists and cooperated in the handing over of victims. According to that historian, the Jewish police played a “majorrole” in the deportation of the Warsaw Jews to Treblinka in the summer of 1942, with similar roles being played by theJewish police forces in Łódź, Kraków, and elsewhere. See Yehuda Bauer,Rethinking the Holocaust(New Haven andLondon: Yale University Press, 2001), 143–44, 154. The ghetto in Grodno followed a typical pattern: “The Judenratwas compelled to prepare lists of names, transfer Jews from one ghetto to another, and declare that the deportees were,supposedly, being sent to places of work. …
I guess the truth of Jewish Nazi collaborators caused Chimp spasms in Jews, but when Jews do the same to Poles we're supposed to like it.

Swastikas sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv embassy day after 'Jewish Holocaust perpetrators' remark

Home > Israel News
Swastikas Sprayed on Poland's Tel Aviv Embassy Day After 'Jewish Holocaust Perpetrators' Remark

Police investigating graffiti found at entrance to Tel Aviv embassy. On Saturday, Polish PM said Holocaust had Polish perpetrators 'just as there were Jewish ones'

Josh Breiner Feb 18, 2018 3:40 PM
1comments Subscribe now

Swastikas sprayed on the gate of the Poland's embassy in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2018.Israel Police
Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones[/paste:font]
Swastikas and anti-Polish slogans were found sprayed on Sunday at the entrance to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. Israel Police said an investigation has been launched.

The graffiti was sprayed a day after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the Holocaust had Polish perpetrators, just as it had Jewish ones.
Thats really shocking stuff !!
Thanks for posting.

Yes, it is shocking that Jews have resorted to vandalism to hide their Jewish Nazi collaborators.
Someone sprayed the gate. Its not an act of war.

So Jews are now Holocaust deniers, right?

Because last week Polish were Holocaust deniers to Jews, and yourself for denying the Polish role in the Holocaust.

So, by the same logic Jews are now Holocaust deniers, for denying the Jewish role in the Holocaust.
Nope. They are pissed off because of the rise of evil in Poland. Its not difficult.

Israels' more evil than Poland ever was.

Israel has a walled off buffer zone with Gaza, where armed guards shoot at Gazans, including children approaching the buffer zone, even if it's just to leave, like a prison.

How does Poland compare to that?

If Poland were to act like that, say by putting a buffer zone at the Ukrainian border with armed guards.

I'm sure Jews would be some of the first, to kick, and scream injustice.

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