Police admit they were wrong in delaying engaging shooter in Uvalde School

Would you have waited til a tactical team to arrive to go after the shooter?

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
They admitted they were wrong. Here they say it. And it shows a timeline.

Police acknowledge delaying confrontation with gunman was “wrong decision”​

At 11:33 a.m., the gunman entered the building through a door propped open by a teacher who had left the school to retrieve her cell phone to report the gunshots. He fired more than 100 rounds into nearby classrooms and entered a pair of adjoining classrooms, rooms 111 and 112, where he committed his attack. Two minutes later, three Uvalde police officers entered the building. The gunman fired at them, and two of the officers received grazing wounds.

A tactical Border Patrol unit arrived at the school at 12:15 p.m. and was part of a group of 19 officers stationed in a school hallway near the classroom the shooter had locked himself in. Law enforcement eventually breached the classroom door at 12:50 p.m., after receiving keys from the janitor to unlock the door, and shot and killed the gunman.

Throughout the more than hour-long standoff, at least two children inside the classroom made numerous 911 calls reporting that multiple people had been killed — and that they and other kids in the classroom were still alive — and repeatedly asking for help. “Please send the police now,” one caller said.

Yes, this small town police department that never had a mass shooting before... still should have engaged this shooter when they had him trapped in a classroom.

Of course, it would have been nice if the gun industry hadn't provided this mentally unstable 18 year old with a gun to start with.
11:35 a.m. They trap him in the room.

12:50 they breech the room

1 hour and 15 minutes.

I voted NO.............AND WILL ADD.............YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE UNIFORM YOU WEAR. All of you should RESIGN IN DISGRACE.

Hour and 15 minutes knowing the children are being murdered in there. Sickening to me.
Yes, this small town police department that never had a mass shooting before... still should have engaged this shooter when they had him trapped in a classroom.

Of course, it would have been nice if the gun industry hadn't provided this mentally unstable 18 year old with a gun to start with.

Would it have been more acceptable if he went old school jihadi and strapped himself with an explosive?

Look, I've never owed a gun in my life, never touched one, and I agree with you, he shouldn't have possessed a gun. However, you aren't going to have any fool proof system that handles all the deranged, especially when they come from a broken home and lack resources.

In Canada in the last few years, we have had 22 people killed by a madman in one attack in N.S. This was a guy who LOVED the police. Even bought replica gear and vehicles out of admiration. He was a dentist FFS.

We've had mass killings in Toronto on the Danforth with guns by a terrorist, we've had a cretin run over many people with a van etc. A storming of parliament by a madman with an ak, resulting in murder (and it could have been much worse for than PM Harper). This, from a little shyte nation of 35M people and strict gun laws.

The difference between now and 50 years ago is social media and the general lack of morals and community that helps prevent murders. Yes, even in Chicago, NY and the like, I say "it takes a village to raise a child". A murderer must pay the price, but prevention can save lives before nuts go wild. Why focus on punishment alone when prevention is cheaper and more effective?
Sure the cops have a lot to answer for but I also hope the teacher that propped that door open where the shooter gained access is not only fired but charged with criminal negligence.

I don't know how that works in Texas but usually it goes like would a reasonable person have propped a door open (that was supposed to remain locked) and did that person's actions result in injury or death?

The same case can be made if the school recourse officer assigned to the school was off tooling around someplace instead of being on post but that officer's responsibilities has not really been fleshed-out yet that I have heard.
Sure the cops have a lot to answer for but I also hope the teacher that propped that door open where the shooter gained access is not only fired but charged with criminal negligence.
This thread isn't about that. It is about would you have just sat there for over an hour knowing in that room children were being murdered.

Live or Die............I would have went after him.
Sure the cops have a lot to answer for but I also hope the teacher that propped that door open where the shooter gained access is not only fired but charged with criminal negligence.

I don't know how that works in Texas but usually it goes like would a reasonable person have propped a door open (that was supposed to remain locked) and did that person's actions result in injury or death?

The same case can be made if the school recourse officer assigned to the school was off tooling around someplace instead of being on post but that officer's responsibilities has not really been fleshed-out yet that I have heard.

You will love the teacher shortage next year.

when the three-day weeks hit, never say I didn't tell you so.
This thread isn't about that. It is about would you have just sat there for over an hour knowing in that room children were being murdered.

Live or Die............I would have went after him.

I would not have. But then--I know who initiated my life, who owns it, and where I am going.

We have lost that, eagle. It is fundamentally a spiritual problem. People like to pretend that being a secular society is either 1. Great or 2. Has no effect.

Now we are learning differently.
They admitted they were wrong. Here they say it. And it shows a timeline.

Police acknowledge delaying confrontation with gunman was “wrong decision”​

At 11:33 a.m., the gunman entered the building through a door propped open by a teacher who had left the school to retrieve her cell phone to report the gunshots. He fired more than 100 rounds into nearby classrooms and entered a pair of adjoining classrooms, rooms 111 and 112, where he committed his attack. Two minutes later, three Uvalde police officers entered the building. The gunman fired at them, and two of the officers received grazing wounds.

A tactical Border Patrol unit arrived at the school at 12:15 p.m. and was part of a group of 19 officers stationed in a school hallway near the classroom the shooter had locked himself in. Law enforcement eventually breached the classroom door at 12:50 p.m., after receiving keys from the janitor to unlock the door, and shot and killed the gunman.

Throughout the more than hour-long standoff, at least two children inside the classroom made numerous 911 calls reporting that multiple people had been killed — and that they and other kids in the classroom were still alive — and repeatedly asking for help. “Please send the police now,” one caller said.

By “police” you mean the Texas DPS

The local police have not admitted any mistakes yet

But I think they will have to eventually

He (DPS spokesman) acknowledged that the police commander on scene — now identified as Uvalde Central Independent School District police chief Pete Arredondo — waited too long to confront the gunman, and it’s not yet clear whether the delay cost any of the victims their lives.
Jesus. The children inside the classroom were talking to police and the killer was in the adjoining room and not their room. The window in the door was shot out.

So they could have said come in now he was not in their room. The girl survived by smearing blood on her face and played dead. Sat there hearing the screams in the next room. The killer also played music while he killed them.

Utter disgrace here.......How could they just sit there outside.

I would not have. But then--I know who initiated my life, who owns it, and where I am going.

We have lost that, eagle. It is fundamentally a spiritual problem. People like to pretend that being a secular society is either 1. Great or 2. Has no effect.

Now we are learning differently.
I'm ex military. and even that doesn't matter. No way I'd sit there knowing they were being killed right in front of me.

They were armed...........they had the numbers......They should have went in. NO EXCUSES.
You will love the teacher shortage next year.

when the three-day weeks hit, never say I didn't tell you so.
So the teacher should not be held responsible for her/his actions? Was propping the door open a act of Gawd or some shit?
So the teacher should not be held responsible for her/his actions? Was propping the door open a act of Gawd or some shit?

There was an event at school that day if I understand correctly. It was the end of the school year. If you think doors are not propped open on those days to let big groups of parents in and out I don't know what you're thinking.

But yeah, since that teacher already probably literally wants to die--if she is already not one of two teachers who died--go ahead and vilify her more. Teachers don't get enough of that crap and there are SO MANY people banging on the school doors who can't wait to be teachers!!!!!!!!
We can arm chair QB all we want but most of us do not know what we would have done in that moment.

A few have told me I would have done everything I could until he entered the room with the kids and they told me I would have used negotiation and be visual to the person, so he would talk to me.

I would have to clearly know no child would het hit by a bullet shot by me and I would have to know what I am dealing with and in this case I would have to use a shotgun with slug shot on him.

With the hope I took him down…

All of us think we know what we would do but very few of us have been in a firefight where we know what it takes and I tell ya it is hard for me to say I would have chased after him in the room seeing those kids were in danger at the time and I would have attempted to talk first and shoot second.

Now with that knowing the outcome I would have had to open fire first and take the proper cover to get my shots off.

If the kids were properly trained to flip their desks and use their desks as a shield then it would be easier and I could draw the killer to come after me with the hope I diverted him enough to get him in the hall for a better shot…

So many details have to be thought of in a split second and the outcome could still be the same…

I get your point people should die trying and you are right but most are cowards in the heat of the moment…
You will love the teacher shortage next year.

when the three-day weeks hit, never say I didn't tell you so.
I simply don't care. Those on our side and parents who saw what was being taught because of Covid want the ones teaching Baloney to be fired.

If they are the ones quitting.............bye...........The case in Florida was started in Tallahassee where the school renamed their daughter to a boy. Allowed the girl to use the boys bathroom, and then LIED TO THE PARENTS and told them they had no right to know.

Different issue here. No one is saying YOU SUE must arm yourself. NO ONE IS SAYING THAT. Some are saying those willing to do so could arm themselves and get training.

I've been getting slammed by some for saying train on non lethal means of protection..........lol..........

Anyways.........I think you are a good person..........we just disagree here............If you think I'm the enemy for saying those grooming tactics being used in some schools are a problem or my view on some teachers getting armed.........Then so be it.
I simply don't care. Those on our side and parents who saw what was being taught because of Covid want the ones teaching Baloney to be fired.

If they are the ones quitting.............bye...........The case in Florida was started in Tallahassee where the school renamed their daughter to a boy. Allowed the girl to use the boys bathroom, and then LIED TO THE PARENTS and told them they had no right to know.

Different issue here. No one is saying YOU SUE must arm yourself. NO ONE IS SAYING THAT. Some are saying those willing to do so could arm themselves and get training.

I've been getting slammed by some for saying train on non lethal means of protection..........lol..........

Anyways.........I think you are a good person..........we just disagree here............If you think I'm the enemy for saying those grooming tactics being used in some schools are a problem or my view on some teachers getting armed.........Then so be it.

I don't think you're the enemy nor do I think you're wrong for wanting teachers who are "groomers" to leave the profession. I agree with you.

The problem is our warped society. The message teachers are hearing is: we don't trust you to share anything about your personal life at all with our children. So shut up about everything: your vacations, pets, kids, favorite flavor of ice cream. But also, here's a gun. Take a bullet and exchange bullets for my child. K thanks.

C'mon now. Why should anyone, or WOULD anyone, go into teaching now?
We can arm chair QB all we want but most of us do not know what we would have done in that moment.
And no one ever will. The video I showed to the first teacher killed via Mia who saw what happened.

The killer shot out the window in the door. Walked at the teacher as she backed up. Then said GOOD NIGHT. And shot her at point blank range. Then shot the next teacher and shot at everyone in the room.

A few have told me I would have done everything I could until he entered the room with the kids and they told me I would have used negotiation and be visual to the person, so he would talk to me.

I would have to clearly know no child would het hit by a bullet shot by me and I would have to know what I am dealing with and in this case I would have to use a shotgun with slug shot on him.

With the hope I took him down…
Watch the MIA video........the reporter told her story. She took the phone off the dead teacher and called for help. The shooter was in the next room. Pleading.........WE ARE IN TROUBLE. HELP.

Are you telling me if you were outside and heard that you would JUST SIT THERE?
I don't think you're the enemy nor do I think you're wrong for wanting teachers who are "groomers" to leave the profession. I agree with you.

The problem is our warped society. The message teachers are hearing is: we don't trust you to share anything about your personal life at all with our children. So shut up about everything: your vacations, pets, kids, favorite flavor of ice cream. But also, here's a gun. Take a bullet and exchange bullets for my child. K thanks.

C'mon now. Why should anyone, or WOULD anyone, go into teaching now?
I'd say the same for the military when the country allows sex change MENTAL IDIOTS INTO THE SERVICE.

Would you want to serve next to that 365 by 24 hours next to that? It's not a job you can quit. Different place.

Would you want to serve when the CNC allows you to leave Americans behind enemy lines?

Would you want to serve when they would Court Martial you for slapping around a terrorist who burned Americans alive and hung them on a bridge with signs?

It is NOT JUST SCHOOLS our society is dying from.
I simply don't care. Those on our side and parents who saw what was being taught because of Covid want the ones teaching Baloney to be fired.

If they are the ones quitting.............bye...........The case in Florida was started in Tallahassee where the school renamed their daughter to a boy. Allowed the girl to use the boys bathroom, and then LIED TO THE PARENTS and told them they had no right to know.

Different issue here. No one is saying YOU SUE must arm yourself. NO ONE IS SAYING THAT. Some are saying those willing to do so could arm themselves and get training.

I've been getting slammed by some for saying train on non lethal means of protection..........lol..........

Anyways.........I think you are a good person..........we just disagree here............If you think I'm the enemy for saying those grooming tactics being used in some schools are a problem or my view on some teachers getting armed.........Then so be it.
Question the non-lethal means include a shotgun with bean bag round, and taser style gun?
There was an event at school that day if I understand correctly. It was the end of the school year. If you think doors are not propped open on those days to let big groups of parents in and out I don't know what you're thinking.

But yeah, since that teacher already probably literally wants to die--if she is already not one of two teachers who died--go ahead and vilify her more. Teachers don't get enough of that crap and there are SO MANY people banging on the school doors who can't wait to be teachers!!!!!!!!
There is no dang way I'd attack whoever did that for whatever reason. The guy would have shot the dang door open anyway. It's pointless to blame the door.

Now on after it was a mass shooting. Yeah........I BLAME THE GUYS WITH GUNS JUST OUTSIDE THAT DOOR FOR NOT GOING IN.

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