Police chief in tears over murder of cop by illegal alien

This is happening too often that illegal aliens are killing people after they have already been convicted of other crimes. We need to put a stop to this. Democrats are alienating the American people with their refusal to recognize the problem.

California illegal immigrant ‘cop-killer’ taken into custody, officials say
As long as there are lots of guns there will be lots of dead cops. Illegals or not.
Guns don't kill people, they are harmless unless used by a person.
Yes and they are often used against law enforcement in this country.
Correct. Remember when anti cop protesters and rioters broke into pawn shops and stole guns during the lovely BLM race baiting protests.
And? Our cop shooters have very little in common. Sometimes they might be an illegal. Next time a white gun nut on a domestic disturbance call. Next time it's a felon they are trying to arrest. The culture problem is the gun culture.

No it's liberlism.

Yeah, you probably don't want to go there silly boy. Londons gun crime rate is skyrocketing, and will soon be higher than any city in the USA.
You have quite the imagination. It's miniscule compared to the US. It's easy to skyrocket when the base is almost none.

We have a huge population of Latin Americans who have been here for decades. Latin America has 8 percent of the worlds population yet suffers 27% of the murders in the world. Those are the people you want to come here, and you want to disarm the very people who DON'T do those crimes. In other words, you're 'tard.
Interesting claim. Do you ever base anything on facts?

Poor ignorant silly person, it's actually really easy if you just try to use your head. Hard for you I know, but try...

Latin America Is the Murder Capital of the World
Riven by drugs, gangs, weak institutions and lawlessness, the region is facing a crisis

Latin America Is the Murder Capital of the World

"A new report [text, PDF] by IGARAPÉ Institute outlines the continuing rise in crime in Latin America and demands urgent solutions.

According to the report released Thursday, crime rates will continue to rise until new innovative preventive programs are implemented. Currently, Latin America is home to 8 percent of the world’s population yet experiences 33 percent of the world’s homicide. Highly concentrated in the region with Brazil, Columbia, Mexico and Venezuela, the area accounts for 1 in 4 homicides globally.

Throughout Latin America, public confidence in the criminal justice system has been increasingly low, with large portions of the population showing no faith in the judiciary or law enforcement.

Although Latin America has taken steps in its growing devotion to citizen-based security, the report urges for more innovative strategies to decrease the numbers of homicides and other violent crimes.

The various solutions pointed out in the report address taking preventive measures, such as employment opportunities and youth education, while increasing citizen cooperation in the push for an overall safer region"
New report urges solutions to crime in Latin America

And here is the actual report. Try learning something instead of parroting the same ignorant bull poo you always do.


And they are some of the most Christian. Go figure.

Has zero to do with their religion silly boy. Has EVERYTHING to do with their machismo culture.
This is happening too often that illegal aliens are killing people after they have already been convicted of other crimes. We need to put a stop to this. Democrats are alienating the American people with their refusal to recognize the problem.

California illegal immigrant ‘cop-killer’ taken into custody, officials say
He was deported and came back try blaming the guy who broke the law for a change...
The Democrat's opposition to increased enforcement of immigration laws means they are morally to blame for all crimes caused by their opposition.
Awful, awful logic. Youd never accept it against your own positions. Dont be a loser and use it against this. Dems voted for a bill that traded daca for your pathetic wall but trump was being a piss poor leader and it was squashed. Stop lieing. Stop the deceit. You are going to hell for it if you and trumpco continue.

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