Police corruption

The one about LAPD does not state the most current problems of corruption. I didn't read the other links. But I am curious if there are any stats..or if anyone knows of stats concerning ongoing current investigations. I'm pretty sure the Dorner case is top of the list right now, but what else besides that one?

So what is your point?

That Dorner was "justified" in murdering two police officers and two family members of a police officer, and wounding other police officers?

Dorner is burnt to a crisp. JUSTICE has been served, and it was served on an open flame. :clap2:
Who investigates the investigators? The Attorney General is guilty of obstruction of a congressional investigation and the president is a co-conspirator. The gun-running of 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and estimated murder of 400 Mexican citizens supersedes any investigation into alleged corruption in state and local government Police agencies.
Mebbe dey didn't want what he had to say to come out?...
Tear gas may have inflamed fugitive Dorner’s cabin
Fri, Feb 15, 2013 - Sheriff’s deputies who believed they had cornered a fugitive ex-cop in the mountains above Los Angeles did not purposely torch a cabin where a nine-day manhunt ended, but the deputies may have ignited the blaze by firing tear gas, officials said on Wednesday.
Former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner, 33, was wanted in a killing spree targeting law enforcement officers that left four people dead. A man matching his description was surrounded inside a lodging nestled in the San Bernardino National Forest on Tuesday. “We did not intentionally burn down that cabin to get Mr Dorner out,” San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said at an afternoon press conference.

Investigators had not yet formally identified charred remains found in the burned-out structure, although they are believed to be those of Dorner. “The suspect that we were following ... matched his description,” McMahon said. “Our coroner’s division is working on trying to confirm the identity through forensics and we should know that at some point here soon,” he said. Dorner lost his job with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in 2008 after a police board of inquiry found he lied in accusing a training officer of using excessive force against a homeless man. LAPD Chief Charlie Beck has opened a review of that case.

On Feb. 6, Dorner was named as the prime suspect in a double slaying that occurred the weekend before, about 64km south of Los Angeles in Irvine. Police say he killed a university security officer and his fiancee, the 28-year-old daughter of a retired LAPD captain who represented Dorner in disciplinary action that led to his termination. The search intensified on Thursday last week after he was accused of killing a Riverside policeman and wounding another officer in an ambush about 100km east of Los Angeles.

Law enforcement converged later that day in the San Bernardino Mountains after a pickup truck identified as Dorner’s was found abandoned and burning in the snow near the ski resort community of Big Bear Lake northeast of Los Angeles. The ensuing manhunt, which stretched all the way from the desert north of the mountains to the Mexican border, was described by Beck as the region’s most extensive ever. It ended on Tuesday following a shootout at the cabin that saw the slaying of San Bernardino Sheriff’s Deputy Jeremiah MacKay, 35, a married father of two young children, and the wounding of another deputy.

Tear gas may have inflamed fugitive Dorner?s cabin - Taipei Times

See also:

Coroner Confirms Charred Body is Alleged LA Cop Killer
February 14, 2013 - A California coroner's office confirms that the charred remains found in the ruins of a burned cabin is that of fugitive ex-policeman and murder suspect Christopher Dorner.
Dorner was on the run for a week before he stole a truck Tuesday, drove into the mountains north of Los Angeles, and barricaded himself in the cabin. He killed a deputy sheriff during the shootout with police. San Bernadino County Sheriff John McMahon said a pyrotechnic tear gas canister shot into the cabin caused the fire, which he said was unintentional.

Dorner allegedly killed three other people before Tuesday's shootout, including the daughter of a former Los Angeles police captain. Dorner was fired from the Los Angeles police in 2008 for what officials say was falsely accusing a fellow officer of kicking a suspect in the face.

He wrote in a long online manifesto last week that he would wage "unconventional" warfare on the L.A. police until it stated what he said was the truth about why he was fired. Dorner, an African-American, insisted his story was true. He also accused Los Angeles officers of racism.

Coroner Confirms Charred Body is Alleged LA Cop Killer

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