Police department disbanded.

here's what the ST Louis newspaper is saying about it, which is NOTHING like what the right wing media is touting....

The Mayor asked for it to be disbanded...

WELLSTON • Most residents who packed a Wellston City Council meeting Wednesday night rallied around Mayor Nathaniel Griffin, who had led a surprise move this week to disband the city’s police department and contract with Vinita Park for police services, despite one council member’s allegation that the change was a “hostile takeover.”

Councilwoman Linda Garner was escorted out of Wednesday’s council meeting by police at the mayor’s direction. “I was told to leave because I was asking questions about the contract,” Garner said.

The council earlier this week had voted 5-2 in a special closed meeting to shut down the Wellston Police Department and to allow Vinita Park police to patrol the city under a new name — the North County Police Cooperative. Vinita Park Police Chief Tim Swope said the contract calls for Wellston to pay $610,000 the first two years and $560,000 the third. It initially allows for a nine-month period to try out the arrangement.

The contract also covers street cleaning and snow plowing, the mayor said.

Swope said he expected that would be a “substantial savings” for cash-strapped Wellston. He said: “Isn’t this what people have been talking about – consolidating North County’s services, infrastructure and personnel” and eliminating so much duplication?

Garner on Wednesday night was one of the few dissenting voices to shutting down the Wellston department in favor of the new contracted arrangement. Most residents who spoke at the meeting supported the mayor.

“I hated to do it,” Griffin said at the meeting to a crowd of about 90 people. He said he had friends who were police officers and that he had grown up in Wellston and felt pride in having the name on the uniforms and cars.

But Griffin said there were strong financial reasons to disband the department and contract for services and a need to cut spending, which he said this would allow. He did not give a figure on how much would be saved.

Griffin added that the Wellston department had become “dysfunctional” in some ways. He ticked off a list of alleged problems including: lack of internal controls, evidence mishandling, missing bail money and sexual harassment suits.

Garner issued a statement earlier Wednesday that blasted the mayor and city attorney for negotiating a contract in secret and going to great lengths to conceal it, without calling a meeting to allow public comments by residents or the council.

“The City Council has never approved a contract for the current services that are being provided by the city of Vinita Park as it relates to policing our community,” Garner said. “It is unacceptable how this matter was handled by Mayor Nathaniel Griffin and Attorney Wesley Bell. No respect nor consideration was afforded Police Chief G.T. Walker, the employees of the Wellston Police Department, the citizens of Wellston, nor the Wellston City Council.”

The mayor said Wednesday night that he would hold town hall meetings and bring the public into the discussion in the future.

Vinita Park took over almost immediately after the vote Monday night and also will take over policing the small community of Vinita Terrace starting July 1, as part of a newly formed North County Police Cooperative.

The shutdown of the Wellston Police Department will eliminate 23 jobs, including those of 17 patrol officers. Some may be hired by the new police department. Swope said he expected to add 8 to 10 officers to the existing 22 in the cooperative.

Swope is a former St. Charles County Sheriff and former police chief of St. Charles. On Wednesday, he and other officers went door to door in Wellston to meet business workers and residents to try to establish good relations.

Samuel Shannon, a resident reflecting the sentiments of many who spoke, said Wednesday night: “Let’s do what we can to make this work.”
here's what the ST Louis newspaper is saying about it, which is NOTHING like what the right wing media is touting....

The Mayor asked for it to be disbanded...

WELLSTON • Most residents who packed a Wellston City Council meeting Wednesday night rallied around Mayor Nathaniel Griffin, who had led a surprise move this week to disband the city’s police department and contract with Vinita Park for police services, despite one council member’s allegation that the change was a “hostile takeover.”

Councilwoman Linda Garner was escorted out of Wednesday’s council meeting by police at the mayor’s direction. “I was told to leave because I was asking questions about the contract,” Garner said.

The council earlier this week had voted 5-2 in a special closed meeting to shut down the Wellston Police Department and to allow Vinita Park police to patrol the city under a new name — the North County Police Cooperative. Vinita Park Police Chief Tim Swope said the contract calls for Wellston to pay $610,000 the first two years and $560,000 the third. It initially allows for a nine-month period to try out the arrangement.

The contract also covers street cleaning and snow plowing, the mayor said.

Swope said he expected that would be a “substantial savings” for cash-strapped Wellston. He said: “Isn’t this what people have been talking about – consolidating North County’s services, infrastructure and personnel” and eliminating so much duplication?

Garner on Wednesday night was one of the few dissenting voices to shutting down the Wellston department in favor of the new contracted arrangement. Most residents who spoke at the meeting supported the mayor.

“I hated to do it,” Griffin said at the meeting to a crowd of about 90 people. He said he had friends who were police officers and that he had grown up in Wellston and felt pride in having the name on the uniforms and cars.

But Griffin said there were strong financial reasons to disband the department and contract for services and a need to cut spending, which he said this would allow. He did not give a figure on how much would be saved.

Griffin added that the Wellston department had become “dysfunctional” in some ways. He ticked off a list of alleged problems including: lack of internal controls, evidence mishandling, missing bail money and sexual harassment suits.

Garner issued a statement earlier Wednesday that blasted the mayor and city attorney for negotiating a contract in secret and going to great lengths to conceal it, without calling a meeting to allow public comments by residents or the council.

“The City Council has never approved a contract for the current services that are being provided by the city of Vinita Park as it relates to policing our community,” Garner said. “It is unacceptable how this matter was handled by Mayor Nathaniel Griffin and Attorney Wesley Bell. No respect nor consideration was afforded Police Chief G.T. Walker, the employees of the Wellston Police Department, the citizens of Wellston, nor the Wellston City Council.”

The mayor said Wednesday night that he would hold town hall meetings and bring the public into the discussion in the future.

Vinita Park took over almost immediately after the vote Monday night and also will take over policing the small community of Vinita Terrace starting July 1, as part of a newly formed North County Police Cooperative.

The shutdown of the Wellston Police Department will eliminate 23 jobs, including those of 17 patrol officers. Some may be hired by the new police department. Swope said he expected to add 8 to 10 officers to the existing 22 in the cooperative.

Swope is a former St. Charles County Sheriff and former police chief of St. Charles. On Wednesday, he and other officers went door to door in Wellston to meet business workers and residents to try to establish good relations.

Samuel Shannon, a resident reflecting the sentiments of many who spoke, said Wednesday night: “Let’s do what we can to make this work.”

yea, and who, in the leftist media is going to cover this nationally?

in obamas booming economy
here's what the ST Louis newspaper is saying about it, which is NOTHING like what the right wing media is touting....

The Mayor asked for it to be disbanded...

WELLSTON • Most residents who packed a Wellston City Council meeting Wednesday night rallied around Mayor Nathaniel Griffin, who had led a surprise move this week to disband the city’s police department and contract with Vinita Park for police services, despite one council member’s allegation that the change was a “hostile takeover.”

Councilwoman Linda Garner was escorted out of Wednesday’s council meeting by police at the mayor’s direction. “I was told to leave because I was asking questions about the contract,” Garner said.

The council earlier this week had voted 5-2 in a special closed meeting to shut down the Wellston Police Department and to allow Vinita Park police to patrol the city under a new name — the North County Police Cooperative. Vinita Park Police Chief Tim Swope said the contract calls for Wellston to pay $610,000 the first two years and $560,000 the third. It initially allows for a nine-month period to try out the arrangement.

The contract also covers street cleaning and snow plowing, the mayor said.

Swope said he expected that would be a “substantial savings” for cash-strapped Wellston. He said: “Isn’t this what people have been talking about – consolidating North County’s services, infrastructure and personnel” and eliminating so much duplication?

Garner on Wednesday night was one of the few dissenting voices to shutting down the Wellston department in favor of the new contracted arrangement. Most residents who spoke at the meeting supported the mayor.

“I hated to do it,” Griffin said at the meeting to a crowd of about 90 people. He said he had friends who were police officers and that he had grown up in Wellston and felt pride in having the name on the uniforms and cars.

But Griffin said there were strong financial reasons to disband the department and contract for services and a need to cut spending, which he said this would allow. He did not give a figure on how much would be saved.

Griffin added that the Wellston department had become “dysfunctional” in some ways. He ticked off a list of alleged problems including: lack of internal controls, evidence mishandling, missing bail money and sexual harassment suits.

Garner issued a statement earlier Wednesday that blasted the mayor and city attorney for negotiating a contract in secret and going to great lengths to conceal it, without calling a meeting to allow public comments by residents or the council.

“The City Council has never approved a contract for the current services that are being provided by the city of Vinita Park as it relates to policing our community,” Garner said. “It is unacceptable how this matter was handled by Mayor Nathaniel Griffin and Attorney Wesley Bell. No respect nor consideration was afforded Police Chief G.T. Walker, the employees of the Wellston Police Department, the citizens of Wellston, nor the Wellston City Council.”

The mayor said Wednesday night that he would hold town hall meetings and bring the public into the discussion in the future.

Vinita Park took over almost immediately after the vote Monday night and also will take over policing the small community of Vinita Terrace starting July 1, as part of a newly formed North County Police Cooperative.

The shutdown of the Wellston Police Department will eliminate 23 jobs, including those of 17 patrol officers. Some may be hired by the new police department. Swope said he expected to add 8 to 10 officers to the existing 22 in the cooperative.

Swope is a former St. Charles County Sheriff and former police chief of St. Charles. On Wednesday, he and other officers went door to door in Wellston to meet business workers and residents to try to establish good relations.

Samuel Shannon, a resident reflecting the sentiments of many who spoke, said Wednesday night: “Let’s do what we can to make this work.”

They actually have several articles. This is one.
Disbanding of Wellston police department gives rise to new North County police force News

You may not choose to acknowledge this but local politics can get down right dirty just like state or national.
WTF is wrong with people?
people know that if they are a pol, they can get away with damn near anything, as long as they are a (D)

fdr; tortured poor blacks
jfk and clinton cheated on their wives
kennedy fucking killed a woman
obama has not idea what his people are doing unless it makes him look good
this skank fired all the cops and it's local news

Don't kid yourself, you can do it as a (R) too.
WTF is wrong with people?
people know that if they are a pol, they can get away with damn near anything, as long as they are a (D)

fdr; tortured poor blacks
jfk and clinton cheated on their wives
kennedy fucking killed a woman
obama has not idea what his people are doing unless it makes him look good
this skank fired all the cops and it's local news

Don't kid yourself, you can do it as a (R) too.
Bush allowed water boarding and was reviled for it
fdr tourtured poor black people and is regarded by leftist filth as the best Pres ever

I know the difference is subtle, but just think about it like this; someone that murdered your mom got treated like shit vs someone that murdered you mom getting treated like a god
WTF is wrong with people?
people know that if they are a pol, they can get away with damn near anything, as long as they are a (D)

fdr; tortured poor blacks
jfk and clinton cheated on their wives
kennedy fucking killed a woman
obama has not idea what his people are doing unless it makes him look good
this skank fired all the cops and it's local news

Don't kid yourself, you can do it as a (R) too.
Bush allowed water boarding and was reviled for it
fdr tourtured poor black people and is regarded by leftist filth as the best Pres ever

I know the difference is subtle, but just think about it like this; someone that murdered your mom got treated like shit vs someone that murdered you mom getting treated like a god

Not that any of that has anything to do with any of this.

FDR isn't labeled as the best pres ever. Executive Order 1066? Not moving fast enough or refusing to aid Jewish refugees?
You might want to be careful with throwing around that fdr tortured black people thang.
We Can Control Our Affairs Pretty Well Southern Senators Protest Proposed Antilynching Legislation

Read Bennett's explanation. That is the exact same argument that was used every time legislation came up. You will notice that it is the basis of many arguments that are made today.

It's simply a way to slam FDR for the New Deal which was necessary and put over 350, 000 African Americans to work. You are unwittingly making the case for federal overreach.
Last edited:
Checking Vegas to see where they've pegged the odds for an uptick in violent crime in the area formerly patrolled by the Wellston PD.

Hunker down, folks. Bullets be flying around a lot more now than you're used to. Innocent blacks will unfortunately die as criminal thug blacks self-cull their herd.
No need to worry guise, I'm sure that is the ONLY corrupt Police Department in the ENTIRE United States.
Good job not addressing the issue.
Rick Perry fires a drunk and gets accused of abuse of power.
This bitching puts a couple dozen (most likely) dad's out of work and her city at risk and all you can vomit is 'other departments are corrupt'
WTF is wrong with people?
people know that if they are a pol, they can get away with damn near anything, as long as they are a (D)

fdr; tortured poor blacks
jfk and clinton cheated on their wives
kennedy fucking killed a woman
obama has not idea what his people are doing unless it makes him look good
this skank fired all the cops and it's local news

Don't kid yourself, you can do it as a (R) too.
Bush allowed water boarding and was reviled for it
fdr tourtured poor black people and is regarded by leftist filth as the best Pres ever

I know the difference is subtle, but just think about it like this; someone that murdered your mom got treated like shit vs someone that murdered you mom getting treated like a god

Not that any of that has anything to do with any of this.

FDR isn't labeled as the best pres ever. Executive Order 1066? Not moving fast enough or refusing to aid Jewish refugees?
You might want to be careful with throwing around that fdr tortured black people thang.
We Can Control Our Affairs Pretty Well Southern Senators Protest Proposed Antilynching Legislation

Read Bennett's explanation. That is the exact same argument that was used every time legislation came up. You will notice that it is the basis of many arguments that are made today.

It's simply a way to slam FDR for the New Deal which was necessary and put over 350, 000 African Americans to work. You are unwittingly making the case for federal overreach.
supporting government overreach?

you are aware of what he did to American citizens with yellow skin, right?
WTF is wrong with people?
people know that if they are a pol, they can get away with damn near anything, as long as they are a (D)

fdr; tortured poor blacks
jfk and clinton cheated on their wives
kennedy fucking killed a woman
obama has not idea what his people are doing unless it makes him look good
this skank fired all the cops and it's local news

Don't kid yourself, you can do it as a (R) too.
Bush allowed water boarding and was reviled for it
fdr tourtured poor black people and is regarded by leftist filth as the best Pres ever

I know the difference is subtle, but just think about it like this; someone that murdered your mom got treated like shit vs someone that murdered you mom getting treated like a god

Not that any of that has anything to do with any of this.

FDR isn't labeled as the best pres ever. Executive Order 1066? Not moving fast enough or refusing to aid Jewish refugees?
You might want to be careful with throwing around that fdr tortured black people thang.
We Can Control Our Affairs Pretty Well Southern Senators Protest Proposed Antilynching Legislation

Read Bennett's explanation. That is the exact same argument that was used every time legislation came up. You will notice that it is the basis of many arguments that are made today.

It's simply a way to slam FDR for the New Deal which was necessary and put over 350, 000 African Americans to work. You are unwittingly making the case for federal overreach.
supporting government overreach?

you are aware of what he did to American citizens with yellow skin, right?

See that Executive Order 1066 above?

I'm aware.

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