Police, DHS Target Christians


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Police, DHS Target Christians

I know you liberals will OH glen beck. But listen to him . What if he is right?? that This country is going to turn Christians He is reading a leader from a police officer in Colorado.. We see it every day now in this country . This list has Christians above Al Queda .. US is lost if people dont wake up
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Lovey, you are willing to believe ANYTHING aren't you?

Quick, look outside, there's a black helicopter over your house.

There coming to take you away dude. Take you away.

I sure hope you don't own guns.

And when you have to use Glen I love to make shit up Beck for your source of info, your cause is lost.
Or just a joke. Which is it?

Glenn Beck went off the rails around early 2011. He has slowly but surely morphed into a full anti-police nut. I hear his radio show here from 9am-12 sometimes. He preaches fear and doom. Makes cops sound like the boogey man now.

Its pathetic, sad..........and yes, dangerous. What he is doing isnt much different than the Arab schools in the ME who are preaching to their kids about the evils of Jews, Americans and "Zionists". He's brainwashing those will weak, willing ears.

Glenn Beck went off the rails around early 2011. He has slowly but surely morphed into a full anti-police nut. I hear his radio show here from 9am-12 sometimes. He preaches fear and doom. Makes cops sound like the boogey man now.

Its pathetic, sad..........and yes, dangerous. What he is doing isnt much different than the Arab schools in the ME who are preaching to their kids about the evils of Jews, Americans and "Zionists". He's brainwashing those will weak, willing ears.
So you think the story is not true?
One single, solitary undersheriff from a rural Colorado county heard something in a single, solitary presentation by a Colorado State Police officer on the "sovereign citizen" movement, which nobody else in the room heard....and all of sudden it's a sure and clear sign that "they" are coming to get Christian's?

Man, you really need to get a grip and divorce yourself from Glenn Beck. Next thing you know, he'll have you spotting liberal aliens out there in the pasture disguised as cows.
US Christians Becoming A 'Hated Minority'...
When Christians become a 'hated minority'
May 5th, 2013 - When Peter Sprigg speaks publicly about his opposition to homosexuality, something odd often happens.
During his speeches, people raise their hands to challenge his assertions that the Bible condemns homosexuality, but no Christians speak out to defend him. “But after it is over, they will come over to talk to me and whisper in my ear, ‘I agree with everything you said,’" says Sprigg, a spokesman for The Family Research Council, a powerful, conservative Christian lobbying group. We’ve heard of the “down-low” gay person who keeps his or her sexual identity secret for fear of public scorn. But Sprigg and other evangelicals say changing attitudes toward homosexuality have created a new victim: closeted Christians who believe the Bible condemns homosexuality but will not say so publicly for fear of being labeled a hateful bigot.


Evangelical Christians say they are the new victims of intolerance - they're persecuted for condemning homosexuality.

As proof, Sprigg points to the backlash that ESPN commentator Chris Broussard sparked recently. Broussard was called a bigot and a purveyor of hate speech when he said an NBA player who had come out as gay was living in “open rebellion to God.” Broussard said the player, Jason Collins, was “living in unrepentant sin” because the Bible condemns homosexuality. “In the current culture, it takes more courage for someone like Chris Broussard to speak out than for someone like Jason Collins to come out,” says Sprigg, a former pastor. “The media will hail someone who comes out of the closet as gay, but someone who simply expresses their personal religious views about homosexual conduct is attacked.”

When is disagreement hate?

Bryan Litfin, a theology professor at Moody Bible Institute in Illinois, says Christians should be able to publicly say that God designed sex to take place within a marriage between a man and a woman. “That isn’t so outrageous,” Litfin says. “Nobody is expressing hate toward homosexuals by saying that. Since when is disagreement the same as hate?”

But quoting the Bible doesn't inoculate anyone from becoming a bigot or hater, some scholars say. There's a point at which a Christian's opposition to homosexuality can become bigotry, and even hate speech, they say. Crossing such a line has happened many times in history. A literal reading of the Bible was used to justify all sorts of hatred: slavery, the subjugation of women and anti-Semitism, scholars and pastors say. “Truly damaging speech cannot be excused just because it expresses genuine religious belief,” says Mark D. Jordan, author of “Recruiting Young Love: How Christians Talk about Homosexuality.” “Some religious beliefs, sincerely held, are detestable. They cannot be spoken without disrupting social peace,” says Jordan, a professor at the John Danforth Center on Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis.

More When Christians become a 'hated minority' ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Granny says if anybody discriminates against her bein' a Christian - she gonna whop `em upside the head.
One single, solitary undersheriff from a rural Colorado county heard something in a single, solitary presentation by a Colorado State Police officer on the "sovereign citizen" movement, which nobody else in the room heard....and all of sudden it's a sure and clear sign that "they" are coming to get Christian's?

Man, you really need to get a grip and divorce yourself from Glenn Beck. Next thing you know, he'll have you spotting liberal aliens out there in the pasture disguised as cows.

The whackadoos who have been camouflaging themselves as "conservatives" are starting to take their masks off. Their hatred of our troops is now out in the open. Their paranoia is really going off the rails. After discovering their naked hatred of blacks and gays and Hispanics and Muslims was now acceptable in the social circles in which they travel, they are now moving even further into insanity.

These are not conservatives. That's why I call them UnConservatives. They are faux conservatives who change their colors more frequently than a chameleon. This has gone way past hypocrisy now.
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Glenn Beck went off the rails around early 2011. He has slowly but surely morphed into a full anti-police nut. I hear his radio show here from 9am-12 sometimes. He preaches fear and doom. Makes cops sound like the boogey man now.

Its pathetic, sad..........and yes, dangerous. What he is doing isnt much different than the Arab schools in the ME who are preaching to their kids about the evils of Jews, Americans and "Zionists". He's brainwashing those will weak, willing ears.
.....And, you've gotta be MORE than a little whacked to be dumped by FAUX Noise!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mQ6jV6VgQI]Glenn Beck barks ((( are you losing it glenn?))) - YouTube[/ame]​
Police, DHS Target Christians

I know you liberals will OH glen beck. But listen to him . What if he is right?? that This country is going to turn Christians He is reading a leader from a police officer in Colorado.. We see it every day now in this country . This list has Christians above Al Queda .. US is lost if people dont wake up

I find it revealing you condemn the entire military on the basis of something some yahoo from who knows where put together.

You don't even give them the benefit of the doubt. You are so ready to believe our troops are going to come for you as soon as they are done fighting in Afghanistan, eh?

I guess all those flag pins and "Support Our Troops" magnetic bumper stickers really were just for show. It only took a slide from some unknown reservist to cause you to heave all that faux patriotism out the window.


I can't help but notice Glenn Beck has a fetish for the colors red and black.
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Glenn Beck sez he hasn't seen the evangelical cross burnings. "Maybe I've just been asleep at the switch."

Let me help you out, Glenn! Let's go to a funeral!


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Police, DHS Target Christians

I know you liberals will OH glen beck. But listen to him . What if he is right?? that This country is going to turn Christians He is reading a leader from a police officer in Colorado.. We see it every day now in this country . This list has Christians above Al Queda .. US is lost if people dont wake up

I knew HLS had the evangelicals on the list. I also was told by someone who should know that the Pentagon considered evangelicals the number one threat to our national security.

Something you may not know that they have begun doing - they marked mailboxes in some rural areas with red dot - it indicates person living there is a christian. I had looked it up on youtube and didn't a neighbor of mine tell us he found one on his mailbox. ( it is off of there now! )
I know the Pentagon has a lot of influence on Hollywood movies because they allow these directors to use their properties as props in many films. One hand washes the other. I believe the Pentagon very well could have asked Hollywood to turn up the heat against Christians. Film is a powerful tool, you know? Why do I say this?

I see alot of bashing of Christians in hollywood movies these days. More than usual. Every movie it seems must make some mention or reference to Christians as being crazy. A line in a movie recently.....you don't believe in the bible do you? I believe this is not just some idea in a Hollywood producers mind but is coming from a source - because it seems almost ALL the films these days have some bad depiction of christians.

I guess when I think about how far they intend to take this I remember Gods promises to the Christians in 2 Thessalonians It says God counts it a righteous thing to recompense with trouble those who trouble us. In other words they had better watch out because God does repay trouble for those who trouble Christians. It is not a wise thing to do.

- Jeremiah
I knew HLS had the evangelicals on the list. I also was told by someone who should know that the Pentagon considered evangelicals the number one threat to our national security.

Something you may not know that they have begun doing - they marked mailboxes in some rural areas with red dot - it indicates person living there is a christian.

You are one of the most credulous people on this forum. And that is saying a great deal. That is a real achievment around here.
Glenn Beck sez he hasn't seen the evangelical cross burnings. "Maybe I've just been asleep at the switch."

Let me help you out, Glenn! Let's go to a funeral!



That must be part of Westboro baptist cult. I personally believe it is a front organization for communists whose aim is to discredit evangelicals. Let me tell you why. I have been an evangelical christian for over 20 years and I have never in my life met any christian who would consider an american soldier maimed to be a good thing. Not at all. These people are payed actors. I'm not buying it.
Police, DHS Target Christians

Yet another thread fail for the OP, just like the ricin terrorist was a ‘democrat’ thread.

It’s becoming difficult to determine if your blind hyper-partisanism contributes to your stupidity or if your innate stupidity manifests itself in being a hyper-partisan rightwing hack.
I am not quite sure what you are trying say, G5000, but I realise sometimes evangelicals can sound quite strange and I am no exception.

Anyhow I am not running for the mountains in fear of black helicopters or a FEMA camp or a list HLS may or may not have. Glenn Beck has been wrong before. So have other people. I did look up the story on stickers on mailboxes - HLS - on youtube and saw a video but again there isn't anything conclusive - it could be a hoax.

I don't feel good about hearing such rumors but I doubt anyone would. Nothing out of the ordinary about that. - Jeri
Glenn Beck sez he hasn't seen the evangelical cross burnings. "Maybe I've just been asleep at the switch."

Let me help you out, Glenn! Let's go to a funeral!



THESE ^^^^^ are NOT Christians.

I agree!!! A real Christian would never tell gay people God hates them. He would never approve of what these people are doing. That is the furthest thing from Christian behavior I have seen in my life and they are advertising it. It's terrible that this church seems to get more publicity than any other these days! They are a despicable bunch.

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