Police fire on Yemeni protesters


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
well, they ratcheted up the stakes. In others cite there are 2 dead.

Saleh has tried the soft approach at the very beginning, he then shifted a few days later putting police on streets, beatings, and blaming us ( and Israel) for the unrest, even though he is ostensibly our ally, now hes decided to try and intimidate and put them by force.

What should Obamas response be? does he wait for more violence before calling for Saleh to go, or sppt. him? help, not help?

The place is Afghanistan- Waziristan south as far as AQ and their offshoots goes. He has done everything to help us but let us use predators in his borders.

Make no mistake, IF Yemen goes fully over the top and Saleh falls, we will not like who and what comes next.

SANAA, Yemen – Police on rooftops fired live bullets and tear gas at protesters Sunday, wounding at least 100 people camping out near Sanaa University. The day's violence, which also left two dead in a southern province, was evidence that monthlong protests demanding the resignation of Yemen's longtime leader may be spiraling out of control.

Embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh has resorted to increasingly violent tactics to try to put down the burgeoning uprising against his 32-year rule, deploying dozens of armed supporters on the streets in an attempt to intimidate protesters.

Wielding clubs and knives, police and regime supporters described by protesters as government sponsored thugs attacked activists camped out near Sanaa university, said Mohammed al-Abahi, a doctor in charge of a makeshift hospital near the university.

Among the 100 wounded Sunday in Sanaa, more than 20 suffered gas inhalation, and one was in critical condition after being struck with a bullet, the doctor said.

In the main square and in surrounding streets, witnesses spoke of people being beaten up, threatened and missing. The escalating violence came a day after security forces killed seven demonstrators in protests around the country.

Read more: Police fire on Yemeni protesters, 100 plus injured - FoxNews.com
Nothing surprising there. Saudi Arabia is financing a return to the Sunni egg. The Shia are not going to do so well in that arena.

Now that the eyes of the world are elsewhere you can be assured that both the Sunni and Shia are on the move.
Yemen is a hotbed in the war on terror, it is a very poor country with a weak central government and a very high illiteracy rate, those are the kind of places Al Qaeda thrives in. Things can get really nasty over there, they are already in a civil war state anyways with the Shia tribes, hell Saudi Arabia has even bombed Yemen a few times.

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