Police have 350,000,000 interactions with the public annually, 9 unarmed black people killed

ONE police lynching is too many

And there have been many more than one and the threat of many others

You keep confirming you are an irrelevant, bliss ninny. Just stop. It's for the children, right? :rolleyes:
And that is what this issue is here, people are LYING abut the frequency of cops comitting violence on blacks, it happens but infrequently.

Unfortunately the MSM controls the minds of many people. Because they never broadcast when whites get killed by police officers, they assume it never happens.

Nearly every death at the hands of police officers would have never happened if they only did one thing: Listen and obey all commands by the police. That's it......so simple. They'd all be alive today. But we all know how the left has a hard time learning new things no matter how many times their mistakes happen.

If these Hollywood whores, talk show hosts, and stupid jocks wanted to do something, they can quit shooting off their mouth to the media against police officers. What they should be doing instead is going to these high schools, particularly black high schools, and preach the message of always complying with police officers. Forget what their friends tell them, forget what their cop hating family members tell them, they will always be ahead of the game if they only obey commands.
What are we suppose to look at in Seattle?
Hopefully soon you'll be looking at the National Guard taking that city back from ANTIFA

Its not Antifa, its the protestors and:
are they in the capital buildings with ak 14's and have they locked Lansing down all of main street backed up to the hospital when no ambulances and workers were able to get to the hospital. When they protest at the governors home let me know, and when they hang a Barbie doll naked with a noose around its neck, let me know.

Oh the hypocrisy of people on the right.
Listen you ignorant POS . You have NO RIGHT to take over a portion of a major city.

What Michigan protestors did was a PROTEST.

THIS IS AN OCCUPATION. That cannot be tolerated and soon it wont.

The OCCUPATION ARMY calls themselves an ARMY. Their leader says they are AT WAR with the United States.

Time to send in the military and deal with them AS AN INVADING ARMY

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What are we suppose to look at in Seattle?
Hopefully soon you'll be looking at the National Guard taking that city back from ANTIFA

Its not Antifa, its the protestors and:
are they in the capital buildings with ak 14's and have they locked Lansing down all of main street backed up to the hospital when no ambulances and workers were able to get to the hospital. When they protest at the governors home let me know, and when they hang a Barbie doll naked with a noose around its neck, let me know.

Oh the hypocrisy of people on the right.
You run the city. The city is yours. It is true blue. It has been for years. The businesses need to wise up. They need to leave these areas. They are held up for blackmail all the time. The cities live off of old infrastructure from another era. The era when mostly ethnic white groups built it. Built it at a far cheaper price then what it could today. Yes....the cities are blue.
What are we suppose to look at in Seattle?
Hopefully soon you'll be looking at the National Guard taking that city back from ANTIFA

Its not Antifa, its the protestors and:
are they in the capital buildings with ak 14's and have they locked Lansing down all of main street backed up to the hospital when no ambulances and workers were able to get to the hospital. When they protest at the governors home let me know, and when they hang a Barbie doll naked with a noose around its neck, let me know.

Oh the hypocrisy of people on the right.
You run the city. The city is yours. It is true blue. It has been for years. The businesses need to wise up. They need to leave these areas. They are held up for blackmail all the time. The cities live off of old infrastructure from another era. The era when mostly ethnic white groups built it. Built it at a far cheaper price then what it could today. Yes....the cities are blue.
Business will always be in... cities

that kinda means they will always be blue in character.
Mr. Haney’s country store isn’t gonna cut it as far as the basis of a national economy

The police brutality thing was merely a ruse to push the communist agenda of BLM and ANTIFA.


Is that about police brutality? Nope....it will go on and on. They are moving the goalposts like liberals always do.


Yes, falling from the bed is a bigger issue for the black community than police brutality.

The leftists are attacking cops because they love criminals and therefore hate cops. They want to let everyone go free of prison.

It's a dysgenic ideology of parasitism by losers for even bigger losers.
Two months ago yous guys were complaining that the left was oppressive and denying you your rights and you didn't want to follow the emergency health guidelines and were acting all rebellious...I suppose some people do have a Jekyll/Hyde persona....

I missed those riots, where did they happen? I did hear Hillary / you guys call those people domestic terrorists. What did the evil people do?

Of course, Americans protesting over freedoms being taken away is completely reasonable. In fact the constitution provides the 2nd amendment if someone tries taking freedoms away and are incapable of receiving a hint. Now that is a legitimate reason to "riot", not to loot stores but to eliminate the un-American influence.
What are we suppose to look at in Seattle?
Hopefully soon you'll be looking at the National Guard taking that city back from ANTIFA

Its not Antifa, its the protestors and:
are they in the capital buildings with ak 14's and have they locked Lansing down all of main street backed up to the hospital when no ambulances and workers were able to get to the hospital. When they protest at the governors home let me know, and when they hang a Barbie doll naked with a noose around its neck, let me know.

Oh the hypocrisy of people on the right.
You run the city. The city is yours. It is true blue. It has been for years. The businesses need to wise up. They need to leave these areas. They are held up for blackmail all the time. The cities live off of old infrastructure from another era. The era when mostly ethnic white groups built it. Built it at a far cheaper price then what it could today. Yes....the cities are blue.
Business will always be in... cities

that kinda means they will always be blue in character.
Mr. Haney’s country store isn’t gonna cut it as far as the basis of a national economy
No, they will do what Detroit did. Each of these cities will become a donut hole as businesses flee to the suburbs.

What's left will be the blacks who will get the JUSTICE they deserve -- a new ghetto
Just turn off




CNN polls are done by the survey and market research firm SSRS.

Here is one of the recent polls about Trump's job approval they claimed is 38%. While their numbers are correct, they samples are cherry picked to show what CNN wanted them to show. Out of 1259 interviewed people, 250, or 20% were blacks (despite being 13% of the population). Also, they 32% of interviewed were Democrats and 25% were Republicans. Here is the link to poll itself.Read the first sentence where they acknowledge they oversample blacks, but they don't care.

But here is the kicker. Even initially they said there were 250 black respondents, later below they say that were actually 362 (32%) blacks and 634 (56%) whites out of 1125 registered voters.



Once they published it, MSNBC used the same numbers on their show, and Drudge run the numbers on their front page comparing it to Carters.
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Just turn off




CNN polls are done by the survey and market research firm SSRS.

Here is one of the recent polls about Trump's job approval they claimed is 38%. While their numbers are correct, they samples are cherry picked to show what CNN wanted them to show. Out of 1259 interviewed people, 250, or 20% were blacks (despite being 13% of the population). Also, they 32% of interviewed were Democrats and 25% were Republicans. Here is the link to poll itself.

But here is the kicker. Even initially they said there were 250 black respondents, later below they say that were actually 362 (32%) blacks and 634 (56%) whites out of 1125 registered voters.

View attachment 348974
View attachment 348976

Once they published it, MSNBC used the same numbers on their show.
That's good to hear. I have to admit, these endless polls are disheartening. I did wonder about the sample though.
Just turn off




CNN polls are done by the survey and market research firm SSRS.

Here is one of the recent polls about Trump's job approval they claimed is 38%. While their numbers are correct, they samples are cherry picked to show what CNN wanted them to show. Out of 1259 interviewed people, 250, or 20% were blacks (despite being 13% of the population). Also, they 32% of interviewed were Democrats and 25% were Republicans. Here is the link to poll itself.

But here is the kicker. Even initially they said there were 250 black respondents, later below they say that were actually 362 (32%) blacks and 634 (56%) whites out of 1125 registered voters.

View attachment 348974
View attachment 348976

Once they published it, MSNBC used the same numbers on their show.
That's good to hear. I have to admit, these endless polls are disheartening. I did wonder about the sample though.

Their sample is crap. If they wanted to show real picture, they would sample based on exact demographics, and political preference. But then, we would never see the results.

It seems Trump knows about their sample and cooking the numbers...

if the police did their jobs, people would respect them, there's no song called "Fuck The Fire Department"
Just turn off




CNN polls are done by the survey and market research firm SSRS.

Here is one of the recent polls about Trump's job approval they claimed is 38%. While their numbers are correct, they samples are cherry picked to show what CNN wanted them to show. Out of 1259 interviewed people, 250, or 20% were blacks (despite being 13% of the population). Also, they 32% of interviewed were Democrats and 25% were Republicans. Here is the link to poll itself.

But here is the kicker. Even initially they said there were 250 black respondents, later below they say that were actually 362 (32%) blacks and 634 (56%) whites out of 1125 registered voters.

View attachment 348974
View attachment 348976

Once they published it, MSNBC used the same numbers on their show.
That's good to hear. I have to admit, these endless polls are disheartening. I did wonder about the sample though.

Their sample is crap. If they wanted to show real picture, they would sample based on exact demographics, and political preference. But then, we would never see the results.

It seems Trump knows about their sample and cooking the numbers...

Itll make the landslide all the sweeter!

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