Police literally opened the doors to the Capitol to protesters.

100% coordinated,

There are a lot of Trump sympathizers in law enforcement, all over the country as well as among the Capital Police. In LA some cops just stood by and watched while a bunch of Trump thugs set upon a black woman... 'I'm Just Getting Cornered by 30, 40 People': A Trump Mob in Los Angeles Attacked a Black Woman on Same Day as U.S. Capitol Terror

The Capitol building is one the most secure in the USA, especially on the day in question. Those cops were given an order. They is no way they would risk their jobs, normal procedures, future employment and pensions.

Those in charge were Trump sympathizers.
Pigs for trump. The thin blue line of traitorous activity.

Fry 'em like bacon.
Yeah, it's the cops fault that the Trumpets got into the Capitol...Not the Trumpets...Or the Not-Trumpets..
Well dummy, they opened the doors. That’s an open invitation.
Oh yeah, they said come on in and forget about security features and don't wipe yer feet. And the crowd was too ignorant to know that aught not go in...

Fuck off loser. As expected, that went right over your head.
And the party of law and order strikes again...Derpa..
100% coordinated,

There are a lot of Trump sympathizers in law enforcement, all over the country as well as among the Capital Police. In LA some cops just stood by and watched while a bunch of Trump thugs set upon a black woman... 'I'm Just Getting Cornered by 30, 40 People': A Trump Mob in Los Angeles Attacked a Black Woman on Same Day as U.S. Capitol Terror

The Capitol building is one the most secure in the USA, especially on the day in question. Those cops were given an order. They is no way they would risk their jobs, normal procedures, future employment and pensions.

Their Chief resigned, probably because the coming inquiry into what happened might reveal he ordered his cops to take a passive role and not interfer with the mob coming in.
Why people were rightfully fired
Who was fired in addition to the US Capitol Police chief who was forced (rightfully so) to resign? I can't find any other names of security fired, only those involved from the other side. Please advise and thanks in advance.
100% coordinated,

There are a lot of Trump sympathizers in law enforcement, all over the country as well as among the Capital Police. In LA some cops just stood by and watched while a bunch of Trump thugs set upon a black woman... 'I'm Just Getting Cornered by 30, 40 People': A Trump Mob in Los Angeles Attacked a Black Woman on Same Day as U.S. Capitol Terror

The Capitol building is one the most secure in the USA, especially on the day in question. Those cops were given an order. They is no way they would risk their jobs, normal procedures, future employment and pensions.

Their Chief resigned, probably because the coming inquiry into what happened might reveal he ordered his cops to take a passive role and not interfer with the mob coming in.

Reportedly he was forced to resign, hard to know with MSM failings of reporting facts, but here is a source that I cannot claim to be 100% accurate.

"Lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, called for Sunds' resignation. "Many of our Capitol Police just acted so bravely and with such concern for the staff," Pelosi said Thursday. "But there was a failure at the top of the Capitol Police."

Fabricated event so the on the house floor it became a no no to talk about mass voter fraud.

Then it was kind of stupid for Trump to instigate it to start with.

Of course, there was no massive voter fraud...

Everyone in Washington knows this, but too many in the GOP want to placate the Angry Orange Man.
Yup..just four dead..no biggie
Four dead in Benghazi, and they held 8 different congressional investigations over it.

Four dead on Capitol Hill, and how many investigations do republicans want? None.
Oh I am all for investigations. We need to know who ordered the police to let them in. Do you have evidence that no Repbublicans want an investigation?
100% coordinated,

There are a lot of Trump sympathizers in law enforcement, all over the country as well as among the Capital Police. In LA some cops just stood by and watched while a bunch of Trump thugs set upon a black woman... 'I'm Just Getting Cornered by 30, 40 People': A Trump Mob in Los Angeles Attacked a Black Woman on Same Day as U.S. Capitol Terror

The Capitol building is one the most secure in the USA, especially on the day in question. Those cops were given an order. They is no way they would risk their jobs, normal procedures, future employment and pensions.

Their Chief resigned, probably because the coming inquiry into what happened might reveal he ordered his cops to take a passive role and not interfer with the mob coming in.

Reportedly he was forced to resign, hard to know with MSM failings of reporting facts, but here is a source that I cannot claim to be 100% accurate.

"Lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, called for Sunds' resignation. "Many of our Capitol Police just acted so bravely and with such concern for the staff," Pelosi said Thursday. "But there was a failure at the top of the Capitol Police."

I hope Sund isn't related to Seth Rich.
Four dead on Capitol Hill, and how many investigations do republicans want? None.
Oh I am all for investigations. We need to know who ordered the police to let them in. Do you have evidence that no Repbublicans want an investigation?
If you want to open the investigation door, don't think you can stop all the investigations from going through it. Remember, democrats hold both the house and the senate, so hold onto your hat when it comes to investigations.

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