Police Officers, Fed Up with Rick Scott, Leave Republican Party En Masse

Dick Tuck

Board Troll
Aug 29, 2009
It's not like a cop can hire an agent to represent him He/she has to depend on collective bargaining, via their union.

Police Officers, Fed Up with Rick Scott, Leave Republican Party En Masse

Next month the Broward County Police Benevolent Association is holding a "Party to Leave the Party" -- an event coordinated with the Supervisor of Elections where police officers and the general public can switch their voter registrations from Republican to Democratic or Independent.

The reason for the switch? The association, which serves as the bargaining union for the county's law enforcement officers, is unhappy with the leadership of Governor Rick Scott and the results of the past legislative session, including changes to the Florida Retirement System that will require the workers to pay more of their own wages into retirement savings.

Romney pointed out that three of the biggest problems in the country are teachers, policemen and firemen. He, along with most of the Republicans, don't see any need for more than the bare minimum. What we need to be spending our resources on is policing women's bodies. The GOP thinks women can't take care of themselves, which is why the GOP feels they should be paid less than men. To give the men money to take care of those poor unfortunates.

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Most everyone in Florida is fed up with Rick Scott.

I voted for Scott. I've met Scott and he is a typical nerdy type!
And being a nerdy type he is though an executive and like most executives doesn't have a good manipulation of the MSM which is where most of the negative perceptions are coming from!

Case in point the Broward policemen's latest moan.
Geez.. how sad they have to contribute to their pension!
Almost ALL for profit companies have moved towards employee's contributing and it is now the whiny.. public employees bitching about paying THEIR fair share!

How many municipalities in this country are nearly broke BECAUSE of UNION mandated pension paid entirely by the cities?

So Scott like Walker has simply asked public employees to help out their employers that have seen property values decline which in turn decline property taxes.. something evidently most public employees don't consider!

Lower property tax revenue means more decisions regarding expenditures.
It is that simple!
But evidently to complicated for the Broward Police!

According to the Sun-Sentinel salary database, there were 5,331 employees in the Broward County Sheriff's Office in 2009.[3]
The highest paid employee is Lieutenant Daphnys Jean-Baptiste with total compensation of $287,357.74 There are 19 employees that earned more than $150,000 in total pay.

Medical insurance
Life, dental, vision, and disability insurance
Retirement plan under the Florida Retirement System
Leave including sick, annual, holiday, military, ect
24-hour fitness center
Wellness programs
Additional benefits for deputies

Training academy paid for
Laptop and take-home vehicle provided

The Broward County Sheriff's Office has about 2,900 employees with take home vehicles and union members that do not receive vehicles receive $453 a month.
Gas and maintenance for the take-home vehicles is paid for by the Sheriff's Office.[6]
Broward County Sheriff's Office, Florida - Sunshine Review

FACTS had a way of getting in the way of biased inaccurate opinions!
Most everyone in Florida is fed up with Rick Scott.

I voted for Scott. I've met Scott and he is a typical nerdy type!
And being a nerdy type he is though an executive and like most executives doesn't have a good manipulation of the MSM which is where most of the negative perceptions are coming from!

Case in point the Broward policemen's latest moan.
Geez.. how sad they have to contribute to their pension!
Almost ALL for profit companies have moved towards employee's contributing and it is now the whiny.. public employees bitching about paying THEIR fair share!

How many municipalities in this country are nearly broke BECAUSE of UNION mandated pension paid entirely by the cities?

So Scott like Walker has simply asked public employees to help out their employers that have seen property values decline which in turn decline property taxes.. something evidently most public employees don't consider!

Lower property tax revenue means more decisions regarding expenditures.
It is that simple!
But evidently to complicated for the Broward Police!

According to the Sun-Sentinel salary database, there were 5,331 employees in the Broward County Sheriff's Office in 2009.[3]
The highest paid employee is Lieutenant Daphnys Jean-Baptiste with total compensation of $287,357.74 There are 19 employees that earned more than $150,000 in total pay.

Medical insurance
Life, dental, vision, and disability insurance
Retirement plan under the Florida Retirement System
Leave including sick, annual, holiday, military, ect
24-hour fitness center
Wellness programs
Additional benefits for deputies

Training academy paid for
Laptop and take-home vehicle provided

The Broward County Sheriff's Office has about 2,900 employees with take home vehicles and union members that do not receive vehicles receive $453 a month.
Gas and maintenance for the take-home vehicles is paid for by the Sheriff's Office.[6]
Broward County Sheriff's Office, Florida - Sunshine Review

FACTS had a way of getting in the way of biased inaccurate opinions!
^^^^^ This

The police get very generous pension terms in Florida, way more so than other government workers. It's something like 2x better. So Scott is changing that.
The police get very generous pension terms in Florida, way more so than other government workers. It's something like 2x better. So Scott is changing that.

So at least we have to Scott some credit for being consistent. Walker left the police union out of his union-busting scheme because they supported him.
this 'party to leave the party' has not even happened yet, but Dickless Fuck already claims the mass exodus has occurred... See thread title..

this 'party to leave the party' has not even happened yet, but Dickless Fuck already claims the mass exodus has occurred... See thread title..


Another Tick Duck failure that should make Chrissy green with envy!
You know, people dont have to be police officers. If they want more money they could always find another line of employment. Not to disrespect the men and women who serve, at all. But usually they get into the business knowing it wont be high pay.

But then why on earth would they immediately turn to the Democrats? I mean they are the party who prefer to cut police funding the second there are budget issues rather than touching one of their unnecessary social programs.
I'm torn on this issue. On one hand, we cant pay and compensate to a level that will bankrupt the govt.

However, to ask people to do a shitty job, with shitty hours, where they could get killed, get spit on, get hated by half the population, and also ask them to be polite, restrained, calm, safe, and smart while doing it......................you gotta have some kind of perks to keep the good cops there, and keep morale somewhat normal.

Sorry if it is insensitive. But not all jobs are equal. Cops and firemen could get killed any day on the job. Thats different from the fat lady who works in the school district office pushing papers. One is a bit more crucial than others. So.....cutting pay or benefits for SOME govt employees may be necessary. But cops and firemen should be last resort. Our society has a private sector that can fill in almost any role. But public police, fire and military are NOT amongst them.
You know, people dont have to be police officers. If they want more money they could always find another line of employment. Not to disrespect the men and women who serve, at all. But usually they get into the business knowing it wont be high pay.

But then why on earth would they immediately turn to the Democrats? I mean they are the party who prefer to cut police funding the second there are budget issues rather than touching one of their unnecessary social programs.

No, they dont. But we the public do HAVE to have police officers. And we want GOOD ones, not joe blows who are on a power trip. We dont want pissed off cops with low morale roaming around. Not saying we have to make 'em rich. But they should get some kind of pay and perks that make doing that job worth it.
The story is dishonest. The truth is that the PBA union leadership is doing what municipal unions do best which is attempting to bluff elected officials into caving on contracts. Scott is looking out for the taxpayers and the municipal unions see it differently. It's business as usual.
Since when did left-turds start caring about the well being of police officers?

Who they going to pretend they like next?

The military?


Old people?
I'm torn on this issue. On one hand, we cant pay and compensate to a level that will bankrupt the govt.

However, to ask people to do a shitty job, with shitty hours, where they could get killed, get spit on, get hated by half the population, and also ask them to be polite, restrained, calm, safe, and smart while doing it......................you gotta have some kind of perks to keep the good cops there, and keep morale somewhat normal.

Sorry if it is insensitive. But not all jobs are equal. Cops and firemen could get killed any day on the job. Thats different from the fat lady who works in the school district office pushing papers. One is a bit more crucial than others. So.....cutting pay or benefits for SOME govt employees may be necessary. But cops and firemen should be last resort. Our society has a private sector that can fill in almost any role. But public police, fire and military are NOT amongst them.

I agree, they should be paid more, but when you jack up the price, because govt janitors and whatever union they have skyrocket the costs of that kind of job, you dont have as much in the budget for the imporant ones.
It's not like a cop can hire an agent to represent him He/she has to depend on collective bargaining, via their union.

Police Officers, Fed Up with Rick Scott, Leave Republican Party En Masse

Next month the Broward County Police Benevolent Association is holding a "Party to Leave the Party" -- an event coordinated with the Supervisor of Elections where police officers and the general public can switch their voter registrations from Republican to Democratic or Independent.

The reason for the switch? The association, which serves as the bargaining union for the county's law enforcement officers, is unhappy with the leadership of Governor Rick Scott and the results of the past legislative session, including changes to the Florida Retirement System that will require the workers to pay more of their own wages into retirement savings.


awww, they're having a hissy fit because they are being asked to CONTRIBUTE more to their retirements, ain't life a BITCH..
In my opinion, police officers deserve every bit of compensation they get. I think few people have any idea of the kind of sacrifices our law enforcement people make. Quoting a friend who is a retired officer, " It's days of drudgery punctuated by moments of shear terror and heartbreak."

"Police Sacrifice"
While you sleep, we're there.

When you're sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner, or celebrating Christmas, we're there.

When its raining and cold, and you're glad to be in your home with your family, we're out there.

When it's your children's birthday, we're out there.

When it's our children's birthday, we're still out there.

You put on a suit and dress to go to work, we strap on a ballistic vest and a gun.

There's little room for error in your job, in ours there is none.

An error by you means a demotion, an error by us means a funeral.

When you tell your families "see you tonight" as you leave for work, you mean it. When we tell our family that, we pray we will.

At your job you strive to succeed, at our job we strive to survive.

In your job, one bad person is the talk of the office, in our job, one bad officer makes the news and suddenly were all bad.

In these headlines it's not what good we've done, but how much better it could have been done.

When you're scared you call us, when we're scared, we must carry on.

While you're eating a home cooked meal, we're having another hamburger.

While you're asleep with your spouse, ours sleep alone.

So the next time you're out with your family or friends, and you see a patrol car go by, remember the incredible sacrifice made by these officers every day.

Inside that car is a person that sacrifices his/her life, both professionally and personally Every day.

Author Unknown

Police Poems - Police Sacrifice
It's not like a cop can hire an agent to represent him He/she has to depend on collective bargaining, via their union.

Police Officers, Fed Up with Rick Scott, Leave Republican Party En Masse

Next month the Broward County Police Benevolent Association is holding a "Party to Leave the Party" -- an event coordinated with the Supervisor of Elections where police officers and the general public can switch their voter registrations from Republican to Democratic or Independent.

The reason for the switch? The association, which serves as the bargaining union for the county's law enforcement officers, is unhappy with the leadership of Governor Rick Scott and the results of the past legislative session, including changes to the Florida Retirement System that will require the workers to pay more of their own wages into retirement savings.


awww, they're having a hissy fit because they are being asked to CONTRIBUTE more to their retirements, ain't life a BITCH..

Look for the notion to spread. The gravy train is at the terminal.

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