Police radio calls surface in Brown shooting

Liberals won't be satisfied until all non-blacks are imprisoned. Thing is they haven't figured out that most of them (liberals) are white.

What do you think of chances they'll figure that in time to save their own sorry asses?
I thought the claim had been that officer Wilson was unaware of the convenience store robbery when he came upon Brown ?

Looks to me more and more authorities are preparing the public for a likely Grand Jury dismissal.

Ferguson police radio calls surface from Michael Brown shooting

FERGUSON, Mo. -- The Aug. 9 confrontation between a white police officer and an unarmed black teenager that ended with Officer Darren Wilson fatally shooting 18-year-old Michael Brown lasted less than 90 seconds, according to emergency radio calls.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a timeline Friday night, based on an analysis of police and EMS calls. It begins at 11:29 a.m. with Wilson responding to another case.

At 11:53 a.m., a dispatcher reported a "stealing in progress" at the Ferguson Market and a brief description of the suspect, who was believed to have taken a packet of cigars. Officers were told to look for a black male wearing a white T-shirt, running toward the QuikTrip convenience store. Additional information was soon added: the man was wearing a red Cardinals hat, khaki shorts and yellow socks; a second man was with him.
At noon, Wilson asked the officers searching for the robbery suspects if they needed assistance. An officer responded that the men had disappeared.
Two minutes later, at 12:02 p.m. Wilson radioed in, "Put me on Canfield with two. And send me another car," a request for additional officers.
Sources have told the newspaper that prior to making that call, Wilson claimed he told Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson to stop walking in the street. Wilson said it was after that that he recognized that Brown matched the robbery suspect's description, called for backup and stopped his SUV next to the two men.

What happened next remains unclear.
Wilson claimed the teenager attacked him. Some witnesses have said Wilson and Brown struggled, either outside or inside the officer's vehicle. Others say they saw Brown with his hands over his head, getting on the ground.
At 12:03 p.m., a witness sent a tweet that read, "I JUST SAW SOMEONE DIE."
Within moments, other officers arrived on scene, and an ambulance was called. One officer erroneously said someone had been hit by a Taser,
The last radio call the Post-Dispatch mentions was made at 12:07 p.m. An unidentified officer says, "Get us several more units over here. There's gonna be a problem." A woman is crying in the background.

MORE: Ferguson police radio calls surface from Michael Brown shooting - CBS News

Shooting an unarmed person multiple times at a distance still isn't going to fly, especially since some of those shots were to the back.
No shots to the back
"Unarmed"? If a 6'4 300 lb football player charged you would you fight and hope you win but risk being beaten to death? Or shoot him?

Unarmed doesnt mean non-lethal.

Brock Lesnar is 6'3 270 lbs. Unarmed...he could kill 98% of humans out there bare handed. Would shooting him in a fight be wrong?
The sad thing is once Wilson is fully exonerated, and he will be, and no matter how obvious it will be shown that it was a good shooting - the riots will start again no matter what. Even our misguided President himself told these people to basically "not give up".
There will be riots and then what dumbass remark will Obama say?
Perhaps he will go in front of the U.N. again and make incredibly naive statements...again

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