Police state national ID card tucked in immigration bill

If we have to change in ways that threaten our very freedoms here as Americans, then the illegals should be rounded up completely, and they should be sent to packing it back across the border. Period.
And a foolproof way of identifying them, i.e., the biometric ID card, will make that possible.
I'd rather have better enforcement of immigration laws where employers are concerned, rather than a mandatory national ID.
Better enforcement of immigration laws requires implementation of a foolproof (biometric) Citizen ID card.

You might not be aware that all types of convincingly authentic fake ID documents, driver licenses, Social Security cards, birth certificates, college transcripts, etc., are readily available to illegals. But the biometric ID system cannot be faked.

Why do you assume a biometric ID cannot be faked?

I'm not comfortable being forced by law to purchase an ID, or having tax dollars spent for one, to assuage your somewhat irrational fear of immigrants.

Why are the Left Wingers so against controlling immigration?
All countries have borders and immigration laws.
. Immigration can be controlled without us giving up our freedoms here as United States citizens. Every inch of our freedoms taken, does lead to the ultimate end of our freedoms as we once knew and had here, and it's getting worse and worse by the day.

So what freedom are you giving up by having a National ID?

You actually have one already, because your driver's license is used for ID for practically every need.

When states start making their driver's licenses ineffective by giving them to anyone with pulse, its use as a voter ID is non-existent.
. So punish us is your answer ?? Just like with anything, just fix the problem at it's origin, and leave us with our freedoms intact... Every little chip leaves us with less and less, and yet we are the ones who should pay for all the bullcrap ?
Why do you assume a biometric ID cannot be faked?
Because it's more than a card. It is a veritable system.

The card will contain a fingerprint, photo, and bar-coded iris (eye) characteristics and it will be addressable by swiping, just like a credit card. All employers will be required to use a swiping device, which connects to an ordinary phone line, to identify all employees. ICE agents will be equipped with portable versions of the device -- which can read a fingerprint and an iris.

It is very futuristic, but it will solve the problem of illegal aliens. When they can no longer obtain jobs they won't bother coming here. Those who are here will leave. And those remaining will eventually be detected and arrested.
Better enforcement of immigration laws requires implementation of a foolproof (biometric) Citizen ID card.

You might not be aware that all types of convincingly authentic fake ID documents, driver licenses, Social Security cards, birth certificates, college transcripts, etc., are readily available to illegals. But the biometric ID system cannot be faked.

Why do you assume a biometric ID cannot be faked?

I'm not comfortable being forced by law to purchase an ID, or having tax dollars spent for one, to assuage your somewhat irrational fear of immigrants.

Why are the Left Wingers so against controlling immigration?
All countries have borders and immigration laws.
. Immigration can be controlled without us giving up our freedoms here as United States citizens. Every inch of our freedoms taken, does lead to the ultimate end of our freedoms as we once knew and had here, and it's getting worse and worse by the day.

So what freedom are you giving up by having a National ID?

You actually have one already, because your driver's license is used for ID for practically every need.

When states start making their driver's licenses ineffective by giving them to anyone with pulse, its use as a voter ID is non-existent.
. So punish us is your answer ?? Just like with anything, just fix the problem at it's origin, and leave us with our freedoms intact... Every little chip leaves us with less and less, and yet we are the ones who should pay for all the bullcrap ?

OK, how do you get punishment out of my post?

Are you on some weird auto-response program?

How about answering my post instead of going all Pelosi on me?
If we have to change in ways that threaten our very freedoms here as Americans, then the illegals should be rounded up completely, and they should be sent to packing it back across the border. Period.
And a foolproof way of identifying them, i.e., the biometric ID card, will make that possible.
. Wouldn't need it if they aren't staying.. Remember we are also going to enforce the border, so problem soon to be solved unless there is more to this stuff than meets the eye.
Why do you assume a biometric ID cannot be faked?

I'm not comfortable being forced by law to purchase an ID, or having tax dollars spent for one, to assuage your somewhat irrational fear of immigrants.

Why are the Left Wingers so against controlling immigration?
All countries have borders and immigration laws.
. Immigration can be controlled without us giving up our freedoms here as United States citizens. Every inch of our freedoms taken, does lead to the ultimate end of our freedoms as we once knew and had here, and it's getting worse and worse by the day.

So what freedom are you giving up by having a National ID?

You actually have one already, because your driver's license is used for ID for practically every need.

When states start making their driver's licenses ineffective by giving them to anyone with pulse, its use as a voter ID is non-existent.
. So punish us is your answer ?? Just like with anything, just fix the problem at it's origin, and leave us with our freedoms intact... Every little chip leaves us with less and less, and yet we are the ones who should pay for all the bullcrap ?

OK, how do you get punishment out of my post?

Are you on some weird auto-response program?

How about answering my post instead of going all Pelosi on me?
. If you are this dumb, then I can't help you.
Why do you assume a biometric ID cannot be faked?
Because it's more than a card. It is a veritable system.

The card will contain a fingerprint, photo, and bar-coded iris (eye) characteristics and it will be addressable by swiping, just like a credit card. All employers will be required to use a swiping device, which connects to an ordinary phone line, to identify all employees. ICE agents will be equipped with portable versions of the device -- which can read a fingerprint and an iris.

It is very futuristic, but it will solve the problem of illegal aliens. When they can no longer obtain jobs they won't bother coming here. Those who are here will leave. And those remaining will eventually be detected and arrested.
Just go ahead and go with the implant, because that's coming next.
Why are the Left Wingers so against controlling immigration?
All countries have borders and immigration laws.
. Immigration can be controlled without us giving up our freedoms here as United States citizens. Every inch of our freedoms taken, does lead to the ultimate end of our freedoms as we once knew and had here, and it's getting worse and worse by the day.

So what freedom are you giving up by having a National ID?

You actually have one already, because your driver's license is used for ID for practically every need.

When states start making their driver's licenses ineffective by giving them to anyone with pulse, its use as a voter ID is non-existent.
. So punish us is your answer ?? Just like with anything, just fix the problem at it's origin, and leave us with our freedoms intact... Every little chip leaves us with less and less, and yet we are the ones who should pay for all the bullcrap ?

OK, how do you get punishment out of my post?

Are you on some weird auto-response program?

How about answering my post instead of going all Pelosi on me?
. If you are this dumb, then I can't help you.

In other words, I am just a mindless drone who repeats what people tell me, with no intelligent thought on my part.

National ID is bad!

That's all you have posted.

Come on! Man up! Don't be a douche canoe!
I honestly see nothing wrong with a national ID. They fact we don't have one already have one now, shows how behind the times America is. Every other country I've traveled and lived in has a national ID. Citizens are required to get one so everyone can be easily identified.
‘Police State’ National ID Card Tucked In Immigration Bill

Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”


XXXX -- Mod Edit -- ONE TOPIC per OP.. Already too much thread noise about your 2nd topic.

OMG!!! How are illegal aliens going to pass now?
I'm not going to go full Godwin's law and equate a national ID to Nazis, but I don't like the idea of having to 'have my papers' when I'm out and about. :dunno:
There was a time in America when it wasn't necessary to be prepared to identify oneself but that time has passed. Europe has been invaded and soon will be effectively occupied. So we need to take unusual steps to avoid infiltration by the same furtively determined enemy, aka "migrants." We need to purge them and properly identifiable citizens are vital to that purpose.

The biometric Citizen ID card is a good thing
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id, regardless.
Some interesting arguments are evolving on this thread. The diversity visa requires a background check. How far does that go? The Chinese have deliberately used hepatitis B virus as a colonizing tool. We've seen it happen to the Uighurs in Xinjiang, and the Uighurs were already living in the same valley the Han Chinese claim as their original homeland. Stupid shit, because the diversity visa is most drawing from under-represented African countries. When one looks at the map in a 2017 edition of clinical virology, Africa leads the colored-in places. Taiwanese are especially susceptible to liver cancer from Chinese virus.

How far does the background check go? Knowing something about a genome isn't simply Orwellian, and the possibility of smuggling the virus is real, Mr. and Mrs. Einstein. It can subsist in cream-filled cookies and on styrene surfaces for up to two weeks.

In 1995-7, we saw the Triads enter Wisconsin, buying up real estate. Along with that was the introduction of hepatitis B and HIV-AIDS seen in plasma centers, nursing homes, etc. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly has documented some of these occurrences.
Danielpalos in post #35 replies to badger 2 with an ID statement about immigrants, though badger's example shows the vicious circle an American-born citizen may confront when attempting to obtain a photo ID of any type.
#73: Commerce Clause? What's the value at the point of exchange for foreign viruses?
Some questions regarding a possible national ID: What happens if your ID is lost or destroyed? Do you pay for a replacement? Will there be punishments for not carrying the ID? When will getting this ID be required? Will people have to travel to someplace to have their information recorded? Under what authority does the government collect the information used to create such an ID, particularly in a mandatory fashion?
Huh...is this not the solution to all the whining about election fraud?

Everyone has ID.....and can prove they have the right to vote.
No whining on the Right about voter fraud..no illegals voting.
No whining on the Left about minorities being frozen out of the process.

This could significantly slow down illegal alien employment as well....got to show ID for right to work!

Win/Win No wonder everyone hates it!
#77 is incorrect. Not every American-born U.S.citizen has a photo ID or a voter's ID. We explained the driver's license catch-22, the Wisconsin pathology, earlier in this thread. Proof of the right to vote is via a birth certificate. A voter's ID is not offered if one had a previous driver's license. If the social security card is lost and driver's license expired, it requires birth certificate and photo ID to obtain a social security card. This is the catch-22 pathology at both the state and federal level: you quit driving a fossil-fuel cockroach, you (photographically) disappear. from the system.
#77 is incorrect. Not every American-born U.S.citizen has a photo ID or a voter's ID. We explained the driver's license catch-22, the Wisconsin pathology, earlier in this thread. Proof of the right to vote is via a birth certificate. A voter's ID is not offered if one had a previous driver's license. If the social security card is lost and driver's license expired, it requires birth certificate and photo ID to obtain a social security card. This is the catch-22 pathology at both the state and federal level: you quit driving a fossil-fuel cockroach, you (photographically) disappear. from the system.

Curious..this is a thread about a National ID care...that everyone one would have. How does your argument against voter ID laws apply here?

National ID..required by every citizen..not required to have on person...but required for employment and voting.
Identification at the state or federal level carries the same conundrum that we have shown, revealing the contradictions of immigration ID. The argument is not against voter ID, but the non-law within the law: American-born citizens have the priority when it comes to identification as such. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as an immigrant.

Not all American-born citizens can obtain a photo ID, is the point.

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