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POLICE STATE: Park Ranger Caught On Camera Pointing Pistol At Couple...

When the dumb ass kid took off, the next stop was a felony stop whether he was charged for felony eluding or not. The officer was justified in drawing his weapon and waiting on backup.
Then why was he not charged with anything more serious than being in the Park after closing time, which isn't even a misdemeanor offense?

Do you have a reading comprehension problem, I think I explained it pretty clearly. It's up to prosecutors to decide on the final charges. The second stop was treated as a felony stop and rightfully so, the kid failed to comply with lawful commands twice and then took off, for all the cop knew they could have had a car full of drugs and weapons. You don't take off from a stop before the cop releases you, period.

The second stop was treated as a felony stop and rightfully so, the kid failed to comply with lawful commands twice and then took off, for all the cop knew they could have had a car full of drugs and weapons.
So, these kids being in the park a few minutes after closing time suggests they are carrying drugs or weapons -- like WMDs, maybe? Were any drugs found? No! Were any weapons found? No!

Rest assured no sensible DA is going to justify the behavior of this frustrated wannabe cop by prosecuting some kid for not taking that jerk seriously and driving away from him when he started acting out his Miami Vice fantasy.

You don't take off from a stop before the cop releases you, period.
And therein lies the tale. Refuse to play in the game some of you frustrated authoritarian screwball cops are obsessed with and they go right for the gun. This is a serious problem which needs to be dealt with. Giving this kind of authority freak a gun is asking for serious problems. Because he is going to pull that gun at every opportunity and if no opportunities arise he will manage to create them -- such as plainly demonstrated in this example.

This "Reasonable Suspicion" bullshit has to be restored to Probable Cause which will put an end to most of the games these authority screwballs live to play and put them back in their place.
Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

It shouldn't take being told three times when a person of authority in a uniform is confronting you. It's called appearing to be resisting, duh. Same scenario would be a game warden having to ask a hunter three times to see his license. The guy, in my opinion, was asking for it. We cruise on open water a lot and from time to time see the Coast Guard. They have more authority than the military in that they can board your vessel WITHOUT provocation with weapons drawn. You'd better believe it wouldn't take three requests for me to show my papers or anything else they wanted to see. Complying is the prudent thing to do rather than having my boat literally taken apart, which they are well within their rights to do, or ending up dead. People just have no respect anymore. Wise up.
The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not this Ranger's actions were grossly out of proportion with the circumstances. What did he believe this young couple had done to justify his action.

When the Probable Cause requirement was in effect no sensible cop would have behaved this way -- because nothing was done to justify such an out of proportion response. Those people had done absolutely nothing to warrant the threat of deadly force. If anything, their license plate number could have been used to issue a summons by mail. And if they didn't appear an arrest warrant could then be issued for contempt of court.

But in case you haven't noticed, a substantial percentage of Americans who, unlike you, do not worship authority in any form, are fed up with the excessive actions of far too many cops who seem to believe their badge places them above the Common Law.

But in advance of your reply let me say I do not expect you to agree because I am quite familiar with the authoritarian personality syndrome in all its aspects.

Society becoming more evil and disrespectful has caused the shift in how cops treat these sorts of situations. We can only guess what the officer actually encountered and what he determined the threat to actually be. We can speculate endlessly. What we do know, however, is folks no longer respect authority of any kind. Kids don't respect their parents and certainly don't respect their elders. Adults no longer respect anyone over them be it bosses in the workplace, state and local officials, anyone. No wonder we have the mess we have today. No wonder cops have felt forced to become militarized in their approach. It's gotten absolutely nuts.

Most cops have never been held accountable for their crimes. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans were completely clueless about what cops routinely get away with. And even when recorded breaking the law, most cops only lose their jobs. They're rarely arrested & prosecuted.

It's time for Police to be held to the same legal standards average Citizens are. If they break the law, thay have to be arrested and prosecuted. Losing their job isn't good enough.

The whole with great power dig. Officers of the law are given special powers over our rights and abilities and as such should be held to a higher standard. There is little worse than abuse of that power.

The second stop was treated as a felony stop and rightfully so, the kid failed to comply with lawful commands twice and then took off, for all the cop knew they could have had a car full of drugs and weapons.
So, these kids being in the park a few minutes after closing time suggests they are carrying drugs or weapons -- like WMDs, maybe? Were any drugs found? No! Were any weapons found? No!

Rest assured no sensible DA is going to justify the behavior of this frustrated wannabe cop by prosecuting some kid for not taking that jerk seriously and driving away from him when he started acting out his Miami Vice fantasy.

You don't take off from a stop before the cop releases you, period.
And therein lies the tale. Refuse to play in the game some of you frustrated authoritarian screwball cops are obsessed with and they go right for the gun. This is a serious problem which needs to be dealt with. Giving this kind of authority freak a gun is asking for serious problems. Because he is going to pull that gun at every opportunity and if no opportunities arise he will manage to create them -- such as plainly demonstrated in this example.

This "Reasonable Suspicion" bullshit has to be restored to Probable Cause which will put an end to most of the games these authority screwballs live to play and put them back in their place.

Fuck off, I'm not going to play your word games, my point was the officer had no idea what he had on his hands, did he? It's great to play Monday morning quarterback when it isn't your life on the line.
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Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

It shouldn't take being told three times when a person of authority in a uniform is confronting you. It's called appearing to be resisting, duh. Same scenario would be a game warden having to ask a hunter three times to see his license. The guy, in my opinion, was asking for it. We cruise on open water a lot and from time to time see the Coast Guard. They have more authority than the military in that they can board your vessel WITHOUT provocation with weapons drawn. You'd better believe it wouldn't take three requests for me to show my papers or anything else they wanted to see. Complying is the prudent thing to do rather than having my boat literally taken apart, which they are well within their rights to do, or ending up dead. People just have no respect anymore. Wise up.
Submission to an abuse of authority should not be a requirement and asking an officer why you were stopped is completely justified. A simple answer is not just called for - it is your right.

Just because you and so many others have been cowed into giving up our basic rights does not make it correct or even good.

Sadly, most do feel frightened and powerless in this Police State. They feel it's just easier to submit to tyranny.
Submission is always easier in the short term - particularly when you will be accosted for exercising your basic rights. Just refuse a search a few times - you will find out just what the police think of your right to be secure in your person and effects when you refuse a blatantly uncalled for search.
Most cops have never been held accountable for their crimes. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans were completely clueless about what cops routinely get away with. And even when recorded breaking the law, most cops only lose their jobs. They're rarely arrested & prosecuted.

It's time for Police to be held to the same legal standards average Citizens are. If they break the law, thay have to be arrested and prosecuted. Losing their job isn't good enough.
The problem is government officials are reluctant to offend police agencies because of the looming threat of non-performance job-actions in which the police simply become dormant, ignoring street crime and failing to issue revenue-producing summonses. And their unions have become so strong that officials are constrained from imposing punitive action on known offenders.
Therein lies a basic problem - the police have become revenue collectors for the state. The one thing that should be blatantly obvious in the last 'protest' where the cops started refusing to do cursory stops is that they provide exactly ZERO protection or safety to the populous in general. It is disgusting that people do not look at that and realize how truly broken the system has become.

The police and justice system should be barred from generating revenue - that is NOT their purpose.
They did the same thing as all of the others have done.
Did not obey the park rules and did not do what the park ranger asked him to do.

That word implies politeness, which I strongly doubt was manifest in this example. I doubt it because this young man (the driver) doesn't seem the type who would behave rudely or contemptuously toward anyone who approached him politely, much less a uniformed officer.

Does it occur to you that this Ranger might initially have engaged that couple in an exaggeratedly authoritarian manner which was entirely inappropriate under the circumstances? After all, what offense did this couple commit? Being a few minutes over the visiting time limit? Does that justify a vehicle pursuit, a potentially destructive vehicular action-stop followed by a demonstrative threat of deadly force?

That couple's "offense" called for issuance of a summons and nothing more. If their vehicle failed to stop for the Ranger's signal its plate number could be used to issue a summons by mail. What this Ranger did was excessive under the circumstances and would be acceptable (and lawful) only under circumstances in which he had valid cause to suspect those people of some felonious offense.

There is a problem in that contemporary police, owing to a progression of increased police authority and aggressive procedures when making car-stops, have acquired the idea that their authority is omnipotent and that civilians may not under any circumstances disregard or disobey their commands. This exaggerated impression of their authority has led to an infuriated response by some cops when a civilian fails to behave submissively toward them.

It is important to understand that the extremely counterproductive War On Drugs is directly responsible for the rising conflict between the public and the police.

They were still in the Park when it closed.
The Park Rangers then have full authority to ask for ID, which he did not do.
If they had gotten out of the Park before it closed they would not have been stopped like that.
Did it ever occur to you that they could have been up to something?
That is the point of view from Park Rangers when someone does not follow park rules.
How do you know for certain how long it was. To them a few minutes could be anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes or even longer.
The direct conflict between the police and the public is directly due to Sharpton, Holder and Obama accusing them of being racists.
Sure, they could have been up to something. That is irrelevant though - we do not accost people because they might have been up to something. Had there been actual EVIDENCE that they were up toi something that would be different. As Mike stated - they could have simply sent a ticket to them for both being in the park late and driving off.
They did the same thing as all of the others have done.
Did not obey the park rules and did not do what the park ranger asked him to do.

That word implies politeness, which I strongly doubt was manifest in this example. I doubt it because this young man (the driver) doesn't seem the type who would behave rudely or contemptuously toward anyone who approached him politely, much less a uniformed officer.

Does it occur to you that this Ranger might initially have engaged that couple in an exaggeratedly authoritarian manner which was entirely inappropriate under the circumstances? After all, what offense did this couple commit? Being a few minutes over the visiting time limit? Does that justify a vehicle pursuit, a potentially destructive vehicular action-stop followed by a demonstrative threat of deadly force?

That couple's "offense" called for issuance of a summons and nothing more. If their vehicle failed to stop for the Ranger's signal its plate number could be used to issue a summons by mail. What this Ranger did was excessive under the circumstances and would be acceptable (and lawful) only under circumstances in which he had valid cause to suspect those people of some felonious offense.

There is a problem in that contemporary police, owing to a progression of increased police authority and aggressive procedures when making car-stops, have acquired the idea that their authority is omnipotent and that civilians may not under any circumstances disregard or disobey their commands. This exaggerated impression of their authority has led to an infuriated response by some cops when a civilian fails to behave submissively toward them.

It is important to understand that the extremely counterproductive War On Drugs is directly responsible for the rising conflict between the public and the police.

They were still in the Park when it closed.
The Park Rangers then have full authority to ask for ID, which he did not do.
If they had gotten out of the Park before it closed they would not have been stopped like that.
Did it ever occur to you that they could have been up to something?
That is the point of view from Park Rangers when someone does not follow park rules.
How do you know for certain how long it was. To them a few minutes could be anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes or even longer.
The direct conflict between the police and the public is directly due to Sharpton, Holder and Obama accusing them of being racists.
Sure, they could have been up to something. That is irrelevant though - we do not accost people because they might have been up to something. Had there been actual EVIDENCE that they were up toi something that would be different. As Mike stated - they could have simply sent a ticket to them for both being in the park late and driving off.

Right, he was probably driving daddies car, what ya going to do, send two tickets to the registered owner, the cop hadn't identified the two in the car, when they guy drove off all he had was a plate number.
They did the same thing as all of the others have done.
Did not obey the park rules and did not do what the park ranger asked him to do.

That word implies politeness, which I strongly doubt was manifest in this example. I doubt it because this young man (the driver) doesn't seem the type who would behave rudely or contemptuously toward anyone who approached him politely, much less a uniformed officer.

Does it occur to you that this Ranger might initially have engaged that couple in an exaggeratedly authoritarian manner which was entirely inappropriate under the circumstances? After all, what offense did this couple commit? Being a few minutes over the visiting time limit? Does that justify a vehicle pursuit, a potentially destructive vehicular action-stop followed by a demonstrative threat of deadly force?

That couple's "offense" called for issuance of a summons and nothing more. If their vehicle failed to stop for the Ranger's signal its plate number could be used to issue a summons by mail. What this Ranger did was excessive under the circumstances and would be acceptable (and lawful) only under circumstances in which he had valid cause to suspect those people of some felonious offense.

There is a problem in that contemporary police, owing to a progression of increased police authority and aggressive procedures when making car-stops, have acquired the idea that their authority is omnipotent and that civilians may not under any circumstances disregard or disobey their commands. This exaggerated impression of their authority has led to an infuriated response by some cops when a civilian fails to behave submissively toward them.

It is important to understand that the extremely counterproductive War On Drugs is directly responsible for the rising conflict between the public and the police.

They were still in the Park when it closed.
The Park Rangers then have full authority to ask for ID, which he did not do.
If they had gotten out of the Park before it closed they would not have been stopped like that.
Did it ever occur to you that they could have been up to something?
That is the point of view from Park Rangers when someone does not follow park rules.
How do you know for certain how long it was. To them a few minutes could be anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes or even longer.
The direct conflict between the police and the public is directly due to Sharpton, Holder and Obama accusing them of being racists.
Sure, they could have been up to something. That is irrelevant though - we do not accost people because they might have been up to something. Had there been actual EVIDENCE that they were up toi something that would be different. As Mike stated - they could have simply sent a ticket to them for both being in the park late and driving off.

Right, he was probably driving daddies car, what ya going to do, send two tickets to the registered owner, the cop hadn't identified the two in the car, when they guy drove off all he had was a plate number.
And if you let your kids drive your car then you are culpable.

Real tough right? I guess it is better to just allow the cops to do anything they want so that we all have a security blanket that does not add any real security.
Hmm. You'd think yall would be part of the black lives matter movement .

Oh I forget. Jack boots are fine if they are hassling brown people .

This Police State effects us all. It's not only about race.

I agree.

But it's funny how conservatives automatically back the police when they shoot down an unarmed black guy. But when a gun is drawn on white people, it's the worst injustice ever .
You are just looking through your race whore glasses.

Funny how you have an intrinsic need to drag race into a topic that has nothing to do with it at all and yet have the gall to point racial accusations at others. If you want to know where the racist lies, look in a mirror.
Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

It shouldn't take being told three times when a person of authority in a uniform is confronting you. It's called appearing to be resisting, duh. Same scenario would be a game warden having to ask a hunter three times to see his license. The guy, in my opinion, was asking for it. We cruise on open water a lot and from time to time see the Coast Guard. They have more authority than the military in that they can board your vessel WITHOUT provocation with weapons drawn. You'd better believe it wouldn't take three requests for me to show my papers or anything else they wanted to see. Complying is the prudent thing to do rather than having my boat literally taken apart, which they are well within their rights to do, or ending up dead. People just have no respect anymore. Wise up.
The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not this Ranger's actions were grossly out of proportion with the circumstances. What did he believe this young couple had done to justify his action.

When the Probable Cause requirement was in effect no sensible cop would have behaved this way -- because nothing was done to justify such an out of proportion response. Those people had done absolutely nothing to warrant the threat of deadly force. If anything, their license plate number could have been used to issue a summons by mail. And if they didn't appear an arrest warrant could then be issued for contempt of court.

But in case you haven't noticed, a substantial percentage of Americans who, unlike you, do not worship authority in any form, are fed up with the excessive actions of far too many cops who seem to believe their badge places them above the Common Law.

But in advance of your reply let me say I do not expect you to agree because I am quite familiar with the authoritarian personality syndrome in all its aspects.

Society becoming more evil and disrespectful has caused the shift in how cops treat these sorts of situations. We can only guess what the officer actually encountered and what he determined the threat to actually be. We can speculate endlessly. What we do know, however, is folks no longer respect authority of any kind. Kids don't respect their parents and certainly don't respect their elders. Adults no longer respect anyone over them be it bosses in the workplace, state and local officials, anyone. No wonder we have the mess we have today. No wonder cops have felt forced to become militarized in their approach. It's gotten absolutely nuts.

Most cops have never been held accountable for their crimes. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans were completely clueless about what cops routinely get away with. And even when recorded breaking the law, most cops only lose their jobs. They're rarely arrested & prosecuted.

It's time for Police to be held to the same legal standards average Citizens are. If they break the law, thay have to be arrested and prosecuted. Losing their job isn't good enough.

Even when shit is on camera it's not enough ! God forbid you be against police brutality !!

You mean like this? This Gestapo asshole only lost his job...

Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

It shouldn't take being told three times when a person of authority in a uniform is confronting you. It's called appearing to be resisting, duh. Same scenario would be a game warden having to ask a hunter three times to see his license. The guy, in my opinion, was asking for it. We cruise on open water a lot and from time to time see the Coast Guard. They have more authority than the military in that they can board your vessel WITHOUT provocation with weapons drawn. You'd better believe it wouldn't take three requests for me to show my papers or anything else they wanted to see. Complying is the prudent thing to do rather than having my boat literally taken apart, which they are well within their rights to do, or ending up dead. People just have no respect anymore. Wise up.
Submission to an abuse of authority should not be a requirement and asking an officer why you were stopped is completely justified. A simple answer is not just called for - it is your right.

Just because you and so many others have been cowed into giving up our basic rights does not make it correct or even good.

Sadly, most do feel frightened and powerless in this Police State. They feel it's just easier to submit to tyranny.
Submission is always easier in the short term - particularly when you will be accosted for exercising your basic rights. Just refuse a search a few times - you will find out just what the police think of your right to be secure in your person and effects when you refuse a blatantly uncalled for search.

Most Cops either don't know the Constitution, or don't care. They just wanna bully. We have to stop giving dumb bullies guns & badges.
They did the same thing as all of the others have done.
Did not obey the park rules and did not do what the park ranger asked him to do.

That word implies politeness, which I strongly doubt was manifest in this example. I doubt it because this young man (the driver) doesn't seem the type who would behave rudely or contemptuously toward anyone who approached him politely, much less a uniformed officer.

Does it occur to you that this Ranger might initially have engaged that couple in an exaggeratedly authoritarian manner which was entirely inappropriate under the circumstances? After all, what offense did this couple commit? Being a few minutes over the visiting time limit? Does that justify a vehicle pursuit, a potentially destructive vehicular action-stop followed by a demonstrative threat of deadly force?

That couple's "offense" called for issuance of a summons and nothing more. If their vehicle failed to stop for the Ranger's signal its plate number could be used to issue a summons by mail. What this Ranger did was excessive under the circumstances and would be acceptable (and lawful) only under circumstances in which he had valid cause to suspect those people of some felonious offense.

There is a problem in that contemporary police, owing to a progression of increased police authority and aggressive procedures when making car-stops, have acquired the idea that their authority is omnipotent and that civilians may not under any circumstances disregard or disobey their commands. This exaggerated impression of their authority has led to an infuriated response by some cops when a civilian fails to behave submissively toward them.

It is important to understand that the extremely counterproductive War On Drugs is directly responsible for the rising conflict between the public and the police.

They were still in the Park when it closed.
The Park Rangers then have full authority to ask for ID, which he did not do.
If they had gotten out of the Park before it closed they would not have been stopped like that.
Did it ever occur to you that they could have been up to something?
That is the point of view from Park Rangers when someone does not follow park rules.
How do you know for certain how long it was. To them a few minutes could be anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes or even longer.
The direct conflict between the police and the public is directly due to Sharpton, Holder and Obama accusing them of being racists.
Sure, they could have been up to something. That is irrelevant though - we do not accost people because they might have been up to something. Had there been actual EVIDENCE that they were up toi something that would be different. As Mike stated - they could have simply sent a ticket to them for both being in the park late and driving off.

They were not accosted. They refused to do what was asked of them. Then they become suspects.
If you have done nothing wrong you do what was asked in the 1st place.
You disobey the laws there are consequences. Period.
Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

These people sound as stupid as you do. What's their excuse for not following directions immediately?
Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

It shouldn't take being told three times when a person of authority in a uniform is confronting you. It's called appearing to be resisting, duh. Same scenario would be a game warden having to ask a hunter three times to see his license. The guy, in my opinion, was asking for it. We cruise on open water a lot and from time to time see the Coast Guard. They have more authority than the military in that they can board your vessel WITHOUT provocation with weapons drawn. You'd better believe it wouldn't take three requests for me to show my papers or anything else they wanted to see. Complying is the prudent thing to do rather than having my boat literally taken apart, which they are well within their rights to do, or ending up dead. People just have no respect anymore. Wise up.
Submission to an abuse of authority should not be a requirement and asking an officer why you were stopped is completely justified. A simple answer is not just called for - it is your right.

Just because you and so many others have been cowed into giving up our basic rights does not make it correct or even good.

Sadly, most do feel frightened and powerless in this Police State. They feel it's just easier to submit to tyranny.
Submission is always easier in the short term - particularly when you will be accosted for exercising your basic rights. Just refuse a search a few times - you will find out just what the police think of your right to be secure in your person and effects when you refuse a blatantly uncalled for search.

Most Cops either don't know the Constitution, or don't care. They just wanna bully. We have to stop giving dumb bullies guns & badges.
One thing is for sure: No one should ever take legal advice from a dummy like you.

The second stop was treated as a felony stop and rightfully so, the kid failed to comply with lawful commands twice and then took off, for all the cop knew they could have had a car full of drugs and weapons.
So, these kids being in the park a few minutes after closing time suggests they are carrying drugs or weapons -- like WMDs, maybe? Were any drugs found? No! Were any weapons found? No!

Rest assured no sensible DA is going to justify the behavior of this frustrated wannabe cop by prosecuting some kid for not taking that jerk seriously and driving away from him when he started acting out his Miami Vice fantasy.

You don't take off from a stop before the cop releases you, period.
And therein lies the tale. Refuse to play in the game some of you frustrated authoritarian screwball cops are obsessed with and they go right for the gun. This is a serious problem which needs to be dealt with. Giving this kind of authority freak a gun is asking for serious problems. Because he is going to pull that gun at every opportunity and if no opportunities arise he will manage to create them -- such as plainly demonstrated in this example.

This "Reasonable Suspicion" bullshit has to be restored to Probable Cause which will put an end to most of the games these authority screwballs live to play and put them back in their place.
I think giving superficial dilettantes a platform from which to speak is a much worse injustice.
Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

It shouldn't take being told three times when a person of authority in a uniform is confronting you. It's called appearing to be resisting, duh. Same scenario would be a game warden having to ask a hunter three times to see his license. The guy, in my opinion, was asking for it. We cruise on open water a lot and from time to time see the Coast Guard. They have more authority than the military in that they can board your vessel WITHOUT provocation with weapons drawn. You'd better believe it wouldn't take three requests for me to show my papers or anything else they wanted to see. Complying is the prudent thing to do rather than having my boat literally taken apart, which they are well within their rights to do, or ending up dead. People just have no respect anymore. Wise up.
The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not this Ranger's actions were grossly out of proportion with the circumstances. What did he believe this young couple had done to justify his action.

When the Probable Cause requirement was in effect no sensible cop would have behaved this way -- because nothing was done to justify such an out of proportion response. Those people had done absolutely nothing to warrant the threat of deadly force. If anything, their license plate number could have been used to issue a summons by mail. And if they didn't appear an arrest warrant could then be issued for contempt of court.

But in case you haven't noticed, a substantial percentage of Americans who, unlike you, do not worship authority in any form, are fed up with the excessive actions of far too many cops who seem to believe their badge places them above the Common Law.

But in advance of your reply let me say I do not expect you to agree because I am quite familiar with the authoritarian personality syndrome in all its aspects.

Society becoming more evil and disrespectful has caused the shift in how cops treat these sorts of situations. We can only guess what the officer actually encountered and what he determined the threat to actually be. We can speculate endlessly. What we do know, however, is folks no longer respect authority of any kind. Kids don't respect their parents and certainly don't respect their elders. Adults no longer respect anyone over them be it bosses in the workplace, state and local officials, anyone. No wonder we have the mess we have today. No wonder cops have felt forced to become militarized in their approach. It's gotten absolutely nuts.

Most cops have never been held accountable for their crimes. Until the recent advent of the cell phone camera, most Americans were completely clueless about what cops routinely get away with. And even when recorded breaking the law, most cops only lose their jobs. They're rarely arrested & prosecuted.

It's time for Police to be held to the same legal standards average Citizens are. If they break the law, thay have to be arrested and prosecuted. Losing their job isn't good enough.

The whole with great power dig. Officers of the law are given special powers over our rights and abilities and as such should be held to a higher standard. There is little worse than abuse of that power.
I can tell you what's much worse than abusing power: Making simple minded characterizations to fit your one dimensional narrative.
Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

These people sound as stupid as you do. What's their excuse for not following directions immediately?

It shouldn't take being told three times when a person of authority in a uniform is confronting you. It's called appearing to be resisting, duh. Same scenario would be a game warden having to ask a hunter three times to see his license. The guy, in my opinion, was asking for it. We cruise on open water a lot and from time to time see the Coast Guard. They have more authority than the military in that they can board your vessel WITHOUT provocation with weapons drawn. You'd better believe it wouldn't take three requests for me to show my papers or anything else they wanted to see. Complying is the prudent thing to do rather than having my boat literally taken apart, which they are well within their rights to do, or ending up dead. People just have no respect anymore. Wise up.
Submission to an abuse of authority should not be a requirement and asking an officer why you were stopped is completely justified. A simple answer is not just called for - it is your right.

Just because you and so many others have been cowed into giving up our basic rights does not make it correct or even good.

Sadly, most do feel frightened and powerless in this Police State. They feel it's just easier to submit to tyranny.
Submission is always easier in the short term - particularly when you will be accosted for exercising your basic rights. Just refuse a search a few times - you will find out just what the police think of your right to be secure in your person and effects when you refuse a blatantly uncalled for search.

Most Cops either don't know the Constitution, or don't care. They just wanna bully. We have to stop giving dumb bullies guns & badges.
One thing is for sure: No one should ever take legal advice from a dummy like you.

Yes we know, 'ALL HAIL THE GESTAPO!!' You Authority-Worshippers are the problem. Beacuse of you, most cops feel they won't really be held accountable. Only the threat of real prison time will get them in line. The threat of possibly losing their job isn't enough.
Why are we giving so many thug bullies guns & badges? What's going on?

A Chesapeake park ranger was caught on camera pointing his pistol at a couple. It was a confrontation that started because the couple left a city park after closing time.

“I was hoping he wasn’t going to shoot at us,” says Dylan Newton, who recorded a 7-minute video of the ranger. “With all the things going on in the media with cops using excessive force and all these videos coming out like that’s the only thing running through my head like I’m going to be one of these people.”

Newton says it all happened Sunday night at the city’s Northwest River Park off Indian Creek Road.

Newton says he and his girlfriend had gone on a hike and were driving out a few minutes past the park’s 6:15 p.m. closing time when the ranger stopped them.

Newton says the ranger asked him three times to turn off his car and hand over his license and registration. He says he asked several times why he was being stopped and who the ranger was, but he got no answer.

“I turned off my car, my hands were in my lap, I proceeded to put my hands on the wheel and I saw him reach for his weapon,” he says. “So I turned my car on because I was genuinely terrified for my girlfriend and myself at that point.”...

Chesapeake park ranger caught on camera pointing pistol at couple leaving park past closing time

These people sound as stupid as you do. What's their excuse for not following directions immediately?

Submission to an abuse of authority should not be a requirement and asking an officer why you were stopped is completely justified. A simple answer is not just called for - it is your right.

Just because you and so many others have been cowed into giving up our basic rights does not make it correct or even good.

Sadly, most do feel frightened and powerless in this Police State. They feel it's just easier to submit to tyranny.
Submission is always easier in the short term - particularly when you will be accosted for exercising your basic rights. Just refuse a search a few times - you will find out just what the police think of your right to be secure in your person and effects when you refuse a blatantly uncalled for search.

Most Cops either don't know the Constitution, or don't care. They just wanna bully. We have to stop giving dumb bullies guns & badges.
One thing is for sure: No one should ever take legal advice from a dummy like you.

Yes we know, 'ALL HAIL THE GESTAPO!!' You Authority-Worshippers are the problem.
You are a very stupid little man. Do you ever wonder why you don't have any thoughts of your own? It seems to be a real problem, you just can't seem to stop yourself from lapping up whatever pablum you're served.

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