POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

Too many non-violent offenders are locked away in cages. Especially drug offenders. It's time to evolve. Our Prison System is archaic. I'm all for locking up and throwing away the key for violent offenders. But it's time to release those who don't really belong in cages. It's time to start focusing on rehabilitation instead.

Violent offenders should be executed immediately after conviction. Druggies (moral crime) as well. Rehabilitation dies not work. Ive got five words for you..... Two-Four-Six-Oh-One.
Too many non-violent offenders are locked away in cages. Especially drug offenders. It's time to evolve. Our Prison System is archaic. I'm all for locking up and throwing away the key for violent offenders. But it's time to release those who don't really belong in cages. It's time to start focusing on rehabilitation instead.

Violent offenders should be executed immediately after conviction. Druggies (moral crime) as well. Rehabilitation dies not work. Ive got five words for you..... Two-Four-Six-Oh-One.

Well, i disagree. Especially when it comes to drug offenders. Decriminalize most drugs and release non-violent offenders. Using drugs isn't a criminal act, anymore than drinking alcohol is. Adults should have the right to decide. I don't care if you snort a mountain of cocaine. That's on you. But you don't belong in a cage for doing it.
Well, i disagree. Especially when it comes to drug offenders. Decriminalize most drugs and release non-violent offenders. Using drugs isn't a criminal act, anymore than drinking alcohol is. Adults should have the right to decide. I don't care if you snort a mountain of cocaine. That's on you. But you don't belong in a cage for doing it.

Moral Crimes (including drug and alcohol use) deserve to be punished most harshly. They don't belong in a cage. They belong in a pine box.
"POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags..."


The United States is not a 'police state,' clearly you're ignorant as to what a 'police state' actually is.

This also fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Last, the reasons why, among others, there are so many Americans in prison is the consequence of the failed 'war on drugs,' along with 'three strikes' sentencing measures – both the product primarily of conservative policy-making.
Why do we have so many people who believe in a right to commit crimes? Where did a mother and son get the idea that beating up an old lady in church and rob her is within their rights? How did non violent offense come to mean non violent offender?
Too many non-violent offenders are locked away in cages. Especially drug offenders. It's time to evolve. Our Prison System is archaic. I'm all for locking up and throwing away the key for violent offenders. But it's time to release those who don't really belong in cages. It's time to start focusing on rehabilitation instead.

Violent offenders should be executed immediately after conviction. Druggies (moral crime) as well. Rehabilitation dies not work. Ive got five words for you..... Two-Four-Six-Oh-One.
You are really comparing apples and oranges because the Soviet Union put dissidents in prison. We have a kind of gulag as well but instead of putting dissidents in jail we call them nasty names and systematically portal them as damgerous. Do you remember when bill Clinton linked anti government mentality to the Oklahoma bombing? What about depicting any criticism of Obama as racism? What about putting conservative and libertarian groups on government watch list? It would be inecxeptable to put people in the gulag because it would become to obvious to the public that we are dealing with authoritarians. They have to employ different strategies.

Btw, I actually do agree we have to many people in jail but sometimes I get the feeling that people who post these things don't want to prosecute any criminals at all.
Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

NO. These people imprison thenselves by refusing to follow the law. I'd prefer to see all who have committed Felonies or violent or moral crimes executed rather than imprisoned. It would solve many problems in our system

I actually don't think people should go to jail for non violent offenses.
in the old soviet union

how many didnt even make it to the "gulag"

which of course was forced labor camp system

just saying

Statistically, the U.S. Government imprisons more of its Citizens than any other nation on the planet. Nothing to boast about.

the gulag was a system with in the system

how many did the old soviet union kill out right

These are very unpleasant times for our nation. American Police are murdering Citizens at at a staggering rate, and imprisoning more of our Citizens than any other nation on earth. It's very sad.

I totally agree because if I don't comply with obamacare I can go to jail.
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags
Typical ain't it for the useful idiots on the left to compare the U.S. prison system to the Russian Gulags by inmate population alone. Does Russia have other incarceration besides the Gulags? How well are inmates treated in U.S. prisons compared to Russia? Inmates in American prisons, even convicts illegally in the Country, enjoy every benefit of the U.S. Constitution as other American citizens. Does Russia have any semblance of the guaranteed rights of inmates? Personally I find it gratifying that vicious criminals are incarcerated in the greatest Country in the world.
I'm with you on violent crimes. But we have way too many Citizens in prison who don't belong there.

Why dont you believe they belong there? Is it a "freedom" issue? If so then you are totally wrong. NOBODY has a Right to act in an immoral manner. Not even in their own home. The Moral foundation of the country is too important (and eroded at this point) to allow such "freedom".

Too many non-violent offenders are locked away in cages. Especially drug offenders. It's time to evolve. Our Prison System is archaic. I'm all for locking up and throwing away the key for violent offenders. But it's time to release those who don't really belong in cages. It's time to start focusing on rehabilitation instead.

Don;'t bother, dude...that psycho is in favor of having all drug users (including anyone drinking alcohol) killed. He is batshit insane and evil on the level of Erzsébet Bathory.

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