POLICE STATE: U.S. Prison System Larger Than Soviet Gulags...

Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags

It is not just the incarcerated that have no true freedom. Once imprisoned your life is through as labeled a felon your opportunities have evaporated. It is easy to control the future of a huge group of Americans by systematically removing their rights and opportunities.
Don't bother, dude...that psycho is in favor of having all drug users (including anyone drinking alcohol) killed. He is batshit insane and evil on the level of Erzsébet Bathory.

I have the papers to prove I'm not insane. Though I do make Liz Bathory look like an Angel.
Why do we have so many people who believe in a right to commit crimes? Where did a mother and son get the idea that beating up an old lady in church and rob her is within their rights? How did non violent offense come to mean non violent offender?

It's not so much that we think people have a right to break the law but more that realizing breaking some laws does not directly hurt others so I wonder why the punishment for these laws are so over the top. An example I use is mandatory insurance laws. Why are the penalties for those laws so much higher than others? Where was the public outcry against violators of these offenses. There wasn't any yet when the same public wants rapist, murderers, and thieves punished harshly the same politicians don't want to. It just tells me that this government is no longer interested in the people's welfare but more interested in using its authority to benefit their own agenda which is mandatory insurance.
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags

It is not just the incarcerated that have no true freedom. Once imprisoned your life is through as labeled a felon your opportunities have evaporated. It is easy to control the future of a huge group of Americans by systematically removing their rights and opportunities.

I work with a guy that is a registered sex offender. He was 20, he had too much Corona, he took a whiz in some guy's shrubbery.
Same shit, different cesspool. You're like Ted Bundy, except for being too much of a pussy to act on your urges.

How many animals have you tortured and killed?

Ooooh. Sticks and stones, dude. Sticks and stones.

None, to be honest. I have much more respect for animals than I do for people.
I guess we can get 100% compliance if we execute everyone but I really don't want to be that scared of my own government.

I would find it better for humanity to be wliminated than for the Immorality of our species to continue. No need to be scared unless you can't live in a proper society.
Maybe if people stopped committing crimes, there would be less people in jail.

I agreed with you on this but does every offense deserve jail time? As a citizen, I really don't care if some laws are violated because they may be minor or not hurt me at all. I just kind of think some of these punishments are over the top.
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags

It is not just the incarcerated that have no true freedom. Once imprisoned your life is through as labeled a felon your opportunities have evaporated. It is easy to control the future of a huge group of Americans by systematically removing their rights and opportunities.

I work with a guy that is a registered sex offender. He was 20, he had too much Corona, he took a whiz in some guy's shrubbery.

He had a moron for a lawyer. His case should be easy to overturn but it won't be cheap.
I guess we can get 100% compliance if we execute everyone but I really don't want to be that scared of my own government.

I would find it better for humanity to be wliminated than for the Immorality of our species to continue. No need to be scared unless you can't live in a proper society.

Should bill Clinton be executed for lying? I know that would be kind of funny because his electrocution would resemble the emporers transformation in ep3.
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags

Our justice system has become a farce. We really need some intelligent discussion on what we should do about our current system. Punishment over rehabilitation has been a massive failure and it is costing us hundreds of billions of dollars yearly.
Many Americans are quite convinced that they live in one of the freest nations on the planet

Even if they don’t think that we are the freest, they still believe that our population has far more rights than the vast majority of the human race. However, these people tend to ignore our large prison population. Can you really call it a free country when that nation restricts the freedoms of such a large percentage of its population, most whom are convicted of nonviolent crimes?

What’s more shocking, is that our prison population has reached an ominous milestone over the past few years. The number of Americans who were in jail and prison, or on probation and parole, was 7 million people by 2009. When you include former inmates who have since left our prison system, you wind up with 19 million people as of 2010. This number exceeds the 18 million people who endured the Soviet Gulag system, between 1929 and 1953.

While the conditions in the gulags were far worse than American prisons, our facilities still utilize slave labor and torture techniques like solitary confinement to keep their inmates in line. And with a per capita incarceration rate that might only be exceeded by countries like North Korea and Cuba, there’s no reason to believe that the United States is still among the free nations of the world.

The US Prison System Is Actually Larger Than Soviet Gulags

It is not just the incarcerated that have no true freedom. Once imprisoned your life is through as labeled a felon your opportunities have evaporated. It is easy to control the future of a huge group of Americans by systematically removing their rights and opportunities.

I work with a guy that is a registered sex offender. He was 20, he had too much Corona, he took a whiz in some guy's shrubbery.

He had a moron for a lawyer. His case should be easy to overturn but it won't be cheap.

He couldn't afford a lawyer...the public defender lied to him. (Told him he was pleading to and would get a year unsupervised probation for public urination & disorderly conduct.)
"SMALLER GOVERNMENT, WE WANT SMALLER GOVERNMENT (except we want larger prisons and a larger military)"

Oh please its libs who have sent millions of young black and Hispanic men to prison out of your Democratic run inner cities. So typical of the lying lowlife scum left to try to blame someone else for their actions.

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