Police ticket couple rushing to the hospital with wife in labor

Marotta explains to the driver that he was stopped for doing "almost 80 in a 50".

That's pretty excessive. The couple's emergency doesn't give them the right to put others in danger. The soon to be father's job first and foremost is to make sure they get to the hospital safely without killing anybody, including his wide and child. IMO they put the cop in a bad situation. The cop has to do his due diligence and find out who they are. This cop is not privy to the their situation or what a doctor may have told them. All he knows is they're speeding excessively and putting everyone else in danger.
The moment he learned she was going to pop a little one he should have offered to lead the way with his car and ticketed papa after mom was in doctors care.
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Apparently the officer needs a lesson on what it is like to be close to popping the little one out. Maybe he'll get a chance to experience something similar at some point like being plugged for days on end and all the sudden needing to find a toilet to get relief.

There is no reason to drive 80 in a 50 zone. If birth was imminent, the officer would have called an ambulance. Did you see how calm these people were? Maybe If they were a little hysterical......:rofl:

At any rate, it's a tempest in a teapot.

I hope they baby is healthy! They will have a very cool story to tell him/her!
Some of us don't panic easily so appearances can't be the only thing to go by. He could have ticketed the dad after leading the way to the hospital.
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Apparently the officer needs a lesson on what it is like to be close to popping the little one out. Maybe he'll get a chance to experience something similar at some point like being plugged for days on end and all the sudden needing to find a toilet to get relief.

There is no reason to drive 80 in a 50 zone. If birth was imminent, the officer would have called an ambulance. Did you see how calm these people were? Maybe If they were a little hysterical......:rofl:

At any rate, it's a tempest in a teapot.

I hope they baby is healthy! They will have a very cool story to tell him/her!
Some of us don't panic easily so appearances can't be the only thing to go by. He could have ticketed the dad after leading the way to the hospital.

Yeah, but at the end of the day- they made it to the hospital and had the baby!!

Life is good.
Common sense is lacking in a lot of areas these days.
when humans interact with each other--especially with ''unhappy'' circumstances, there can be fireworks/explosions...
..humans don't like to be told they are wrong, what to do, stopped by cops, etc......
and if you have a cop like in post # 13.....fire + = explosion
I have met a lot of truly decent officers over the years and only a few that were total assholes but it does seem that a lot of good ones get ran out when a bad one gets some authority in a place were they never belonged in the first place.
I've been stopped in my car about 3 times for going 60mph in a 60mph zone, but I was driving in the far left passing lane on the highway..I think the cop was in a hurry..also for a burnt out bulb, and some other minor car problem
.....I've been ''stopped'' 3 times while riding my bicycle--and doing nothing at all wrong!! --all goofy/long stories
I don't think that's a lot of interaction with cops
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.


An ambulance would have taken at least another ten minutes to arrive on scene. As it was, she gave birth within five minutes of reaching the hospital

If she had waited for an ambulance, she would have given birth in the ambulance
Marotta explains to the driver that he was stopped for doing "almost 80 in a 50".

That's pretty excessive. The couple's emergency doesn't give them the right to put others in danger. The soon to be father's job first and foremost is to make sure they get to the hospital safely without killing anybody, including his wide and child. IMO they put the cop in a bad situation. The cop has to do his due diligence and find out who they are. This cop is not privy to the their situation or what a doctor may have told them. All he knows is they're speeding excessively and putting everyone else in danger.
The moment he learned she was going to pop a little one he should have offered to lead the way with his car and ticketed papa after mom was in doctors care.

And he knows that because they told him? C'mon man. He doesn't know them.
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Apparently the officer needs a lesson on what it is like to be close to popping the little one out. Maybe he'll get a chance to experience something similar at some point like being plugged for days on end and all the sudden needing to find a toilet to get relief.

There is no reason to drive 80 in a 50 zone. If birth was imminent, the officer would have called an ambulance. Did you see how calm these people were? Maybe If they were a little hysterical......:rofl:

At any rate, it's a tempest in a teapot.

I hope they baby is healthy! They will have a very cool story to tell him/her!
Some of us don't panic easily so appearances can't be the only thing to go by. He could have ticketed the dad after leading the way to the hospital.

Yeah, but at the end of the day- they made it to the hospital and had the baby!!

Life is good.

She gave birth five minutes after reaching the hospital

That additional ten minutes while a cop gets his November ticket quota did not help
Marotta explains to the driver that he was stopped for doing "almost 80 in a 50".

That's pretty excessive. The couple's emergency doesn't give them the right to put others in danger. The soon to be father's job first and foremost is to make sure they get to the hospital safely without killing anybody, including his wide and child. IMO they put the cop in a bad situation. The cop has to do his due diligence and find out who they are. This cop is not privy to the their situation or what a doctor may have told them. All he knows is they're speeding excessively and putting everyone else in danger.
The moment he learned she was going to pop a little one he should have offered to lead the way with his car and ticketed papa after mom was in doctors care.

And he knows that because they told him? C'mon man. He doesn't know them.
Sorry that excuse wouldn't fly with me.
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Apparently the officer needs a lesson on what it is like to be close to popping the little one out. Maybe he'll get a chance to experience something similar at some point like being plugged for days on end and all the sudden needing to find a toilet to get relief.

There is no reason to drive 80 in a 50 zone. If birth was imminent, the officer would have called an ambulance. Did you see how calm these people were? Maybe If they were a little hysterical......:rofl:

At any rate, it's a tempest in a teapot.

I hope they baby is healthy! They will have a very cool story to tell him/her!
Some of us don't panic easily so appearances can't be the only thing to go by. He could have ticketed the dad after leading the way to the hospital.

Yeah, but at the end of the day- they made it to the hospital and had the baby!!

Life is good.

She gave birth five minutes after reaching the hospital

That additional ten minutes while a cop gets his November ticket quota did not help
I waited to the last minute before my son was born to head for the hospital because I hated being in the hospital so long with my daughter being born. Difference is no speeding was required. It just took a few minutes for him to be born after we arrived at the hospital. I can't imagine how miserable things would have been had we been stopped along the way.
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.

Apparently the officer needs a lesson on what it is like to be close to popping the little one out. Maybe he'll get a chance to experience something similar at some point like being plugged for days on end and all the sudden needing to find a toilet to get relief.

There is no reason to drive 80 in a 50 zone. If birth was imminent, the officer would have called an ambulance. Did you see how calm these people were? Maybe If they were a little hysterical......:rofl:

At any rate, it's a tempest in a teapot.

I hope they baby is healthy! They will have a very cool story to tell him/her!
Some of us don't panic easily so appearances can't be the only thing to go by. He could have ticketed the dad after leading the way to the hospital.

Yeah, but at the end of the day- they made it to the hospital and had the baby!!

Life is good.

She gave birth five minutes after reaching the hospital

That additional ten minutes while a cop gets his November ticket quota did not help
we, for sure, have certain municipalities where the cops do that.....I would go by the same area every day and a cop had someone stopped for a traffic violation--almost every day....but where I lived in the city, I would hardly ever see a cop for any reason
Meh.....I watched the video. The officer offered to call an ambulance. The "couple" kept the officer there for at least 2-3 minutes asking silly questions.


An ambulance would have taken at least another ten minutes to arrive on scene. As it was, she gave birth within five minutes of reaching the hospital

If she had waited for an ambulance, she would have given birth in the ambulance

So what? Women have been giving birth for thousands of years, no hospital required.

At the end of the day, she had a healthy baby, in the hospital.

Next time, plan a little better and don't speed!

Removing emotions....

They were going 80mph in a 50mph zone....that's pretty damn fast. Absolutely you can cause a severe accident that much over the speed limit. Considering they were apparently only 5 minutes away from hospital that was not necessary, in fact it was reckless.
Having a baby is not a medical emergency, it certainly warrants reasonable expediency and pre-planning to avoid not making it to the hospital as CLEARLY it is better to have the baby there...but it is not an emergency situation that excuses endangering yourself and the general public.
Marotta explains to the driver that he was stopped for doing "almost 80 in a 50".

That's pretty excessive. The couple's emergency doesn't give them the right to put others in danger. The soon to be father's job first and foremost is to make sure they get to the hospital safely without killing anybody, including his wide and child. IMO they put the cop in a bad situation. The cop has to do his due diligence and find out who they are. This cop is not privy to the their situation or what a doctor may have told them. All he knows is they're speeding excessively and putting everyone else in danger.
The moment he learned she was going to pop a little one he should have offered to lead the way with his car and ticketed papa after mom was in doctors care.

And he knows that because they told him? C'mon man. He doesn't know them.
Sorry that excuse wouldn't fly with me.

Are you a police officer?
Marotta explains to the driver that he was stopped for doing "almost 80 in a 50".

That's pretty excessive. The couple's emergency doesn't give them the right to put others in danger. The soon to be father's job first and foremost is to make sure they get to the hospital safely without killing anybody, including his wide and child. IMO they put the cop in a bad situation. The cop has to do his due diligence and find out who they are. This cop is not privy to the their situation or what a doctor may have told them. All he knows is they're speeding excessively and putting everyone else in danger.
The moment he learned she was going to pop a little one he should have offered to lead the way with his car and ticketed papa after mom was in doctors care.

And he knows that because they told him? C'mon man. He doesn't know them.
Sorry that excuse wouldn't fly with me.

Are you a police officer?
No and I do not have to be one to know what they should be acting like as servants of the citizens either.
Marotta explains to the driver that he was stopped for doing "almost 80 in a 50".

That's pretty excessive. The couple's emergency doesn't give them the right to put others in danger. The soon to be father's job first and foremost is to make sure they get to the hospital safely without killing anybody, including his wide and child. IMO they put the cop in a bad situation. The cop has to do his due diligence and find out who they are. This cop is not privy to the their situation or what a doctor may have told them. All he knows is they're speeding excessively and putting everyone else in danger.
The moment he learned she was going to pop a little one he should have offered to lead the way with his car and ticketed papa after mom was in doctors care.

And he knows that because they told him? C'mon man. He doesn't know them.
Sorry that excuse wouldn't fly with me.

Are you a police officer?
No and I do not have to be one to know what they should be acting like as servants of the citizens either.

Then you have no idea what it's like for these men and women to approach a total stranger who was going 80 in a 50. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy because we know the full story now. This officer had no idea who these people were at the time he pulled them over.
The moment he learned she was going to pop a little one he should have offered to lead the way with his car and ticketed papa after mom was in doctors care.

And he knows that because they told him? C'mon man. He doesn't know them.
Sorry that excuse wouldn't fly with me.

Are you a police officer?
No and I do not have to be one to know what they should be acting like as servants of the citizens either.

Then you have no idea what it's like for these men and women to approach a total stranger who was going 80 in a 50. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy because we know the full story now. This officer had no idea who these people were at the time he pulled them over.
Once he pulled them over he could have led the way to the hospital and ticketed the driver (dad) once he got them safely there.
Removing emotions....

They were going 80mph in a 50mph zone....that's pretty damn fast. Absolutely you can cause a severe accident that much over the speed limit. Considering they were apparently only 5 minutes away from hospital that was not necessary, in fact it was reckless.
Having a baby is not a medical emergency, it certainly warrants reasonable expediency and pre-planning to avoid not making it to the hospital as CLEARLY it is better to have the baby there...but it is not an emergency situation that excuses endangering yourself and the general public.

I do not question the cop pulling them over. That is his job. But assessing the situation and being repeatedly warned it was urgent....he should have sent them on their way with a warning

From where they were pulled over, it is a good 20 minutes to the hospital (if you make the lights)

It was an emergency since the woman told him her water just broke and that she gave birth within 5 minutes of reaching the hospital
And he knows that because they told him? C'mon man. He doesn't know them.
Sorry that excuse wouldn't fly with me.

Are you a police officer?
No and I do not have to be one to know what they should be acting like as servants of the citizens either.

Then you have no idea what it's like for these men and women to approach a total stranger who was going 80 in a 50. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy because we know the full story now. This officer had no idea who these people were at the time he pulled them over.
Once he pulled them over he could have led the way to the hospital and ticketed the driver (dad) once he got them safely there.

Did you read the whole article? The officer offered to call an ambulance several times and they declined. It's also against department policy to give police escorts I'm sure for safety reasons. They had access to quick medical care and declined. At the end of the day they were going 80 in 50. That's excessive and extremely unsafe for everyone.

"As Ptl. Marotta approaches the operator he asks him if they would like an ambulance to respond to the scene. The operator and passenger decline and ask for a police escort, which the officer properly declines as that would be a violation of departmental policy," Kudrick said.

Marotta again asks if they want an ambulance, to which the woman in labor responds, "No I do not want an ambulance." Marotta asks, "Are you sure?" and she replies "Yes."

Sorry that excuse wouldn't fly with me.

Are you a police officer?
No and I do not have to be one to know what they should be acting like as servants of the citizens either.

Then you have no idea what it's like for these men and women to approach a total stranger who was going 80 in a 50. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy because we know the full story now. This officer had no idea who these people were at the time he pulled them over.
Once he pulled them over he could have led the way to the hospital and ticketed the driver (dad) once he got them safely there.

Did you read the whole article? The officer offered to call an ambulance several times and they declined. It's also against department policy to give police escorts I'm sure for safety reasons. They had access to quick medical care and declined. At the end of the day they were going 80 in 50. That's excessive and extremely unsafe for everyone.

"As Ptl. Marotta approaches the operator he asks him if they would like an ambulance to respond to the scene. The operator and passenger decline and ask for a police escort, which the officer properly declines as that would be a violation of departmental policy," Kudrick said.

Marotta again asks if they want an ambulance, to which the woman in labor responds, "No I do not want an ambulance." Marotta asks, "Are you sure?" and she replies "Yes."

The couple was right
An ambulance would have taken at least ten minutes to reach their location and the hospital was 20 minutes away

They wouldn't have made it if they waited for the ambulance

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