Police ticket couple rushing to the hospital with wife in labor

Are you a police officer?
No and I do not have to be one to know what they should be acting like as servants of the citizens either.

Then you have no idea what it's like for these men and women to approach a total stranger who was going 80 in a 50. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy because we know the full story now. This officer had no idea who these people were at the time he pulled them over.
Once he pulled them over he could have led the way to the hospital and ticketed the driver (dad) once he got them safely there.

Did you read the whole article? The officer offered to call an ambulance several times and they declined. It's also against department policy to give police escorts I'm sure for safety reasons. They had access to quick medical care and declined. At the end of the day they were going 80 in 50. That's excessive and extremely unsafe for everyone.

"As Ptl. Marotta approaches the operator he asks him if they would like an ambulance to respond to the scene. The operator and passenger decline and ask for a police escort, which the officer properly declines as that would be a violation of departmental policy," Kudrick said.

Marotta again asks if they want an ambulance, to which the woman in labor responds, "No I do not want an ambulance." Marotta asks, "Are you sure?" and she replies "Yes."

The couple was right
An ambulance would have taken at least ten minutes to reach their location and the hospital was 20 minutes away

They wouldn't have made it if they waited for the ambulance

The couple created this debate by driving recklessly prompting the cop to pull them over. The baby was safely delivered in the hospital after the cop let them go. So no harm was done. Also, paramedics are trained to assist in births.
If the ticket had to be written one way or another, the cop could've written it as soon as he was done escorting the couple to the hospital.

God bless you and the couple and their baby always!!!


P.S. May that badge soon be a thing of the cop's past.
Nowadays we even have those speed traps where the city will just mail you a ticket. Is there a reason the officer couldn't let them go, letting them know that they'd receive a ticket in the mail at a later date?
Nowadays we even have those speed traps where the city will just mail you a ticket. Is there a reason the officer couldn't let them go, letting them know that they'd receive a ticket in the mail at a later date?

Given the emergency at hand, the officer could have issued a warning or mailed the summons

I suspect charges will be dismissed anyway due to the publicity

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