Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
One-Hour Special Reviews Policing For Profit Investigation - NewsChannel5.com

So, not only do we have multiple documented cases of police brutality, we also have police taking cash and property for profit. This is against everything we as Americans stand for. This is not justice, nor is it respecting rights. Wake up folks, your country is living a lie. We are not a nation of freedoms and rights, we are a nation at the mercy of our government, and at the mercy of law enforcement.
Freedom doesn't work, Sonny. It is not and never has been the basis for a working society. Law and Order are the basis for a working society.
Freedom doesn't work, Sonny. It is not and never has been the basis for a working society. Law and Order are the basis for a working society.
We have neither. We don't have law and order, and your freedom is your luck.
I want both. I believe that both are necessary in a civil society.

That would be nice but I don't believe it's possible to have both in a modern society.
I believe that is possible, very possible. I see absolutely nothing that would take either away given the right laws and enforcement of those laws. All that would be required is to have equal and fair justice for all, and a judicial system that was without favoritism and corruption. The problem we have is unpunished favoritism and corruption. Neither is punished, and in rare cases where it does make it to a court of law, the law is not applied equally and justly.
I believe that is possible, very possible. I see absolutely nothing that would take either away given the right laws and enforcement of those laws. All that would be required is to have equal and fair justice for all, and a judicial system that was without favoritism and corruption. The problem we have is unpunished favoritism and corruption. Neither is punished, and in rare cases where it does make it to a court of law, the law is not applied equally and justly.

The problem is that we care more about some legal loophole than we do about Right and Wrong and about Justice. We're so caught up in the BS of Legality that we've abandoned JUSTICE.
I believe that is possible, very possible. I see absolutely nothing that would take either away given the right laws and enforcement of those laws. All that would be required is to have equal and fair justice for all, and a judicial system that was without favoritism and corruption. The problem we have is unpunished favoritism and corruption. Neither is punished, and in rare cases where it does make it to a court of law, the law is not applied equally and justly.

The problem is that we care more about some legal loophole than we do about Right and Wrong and about Justice. We're so caught up in the BS of Legality that we've abandoned JUSTICE.
What we're caught up in is long held beliefs that we live in a country of freedom, rights, and a government that cares about us. We're still believing in myths and fairy tales. You can tell by the number of citizens that defend cops, defend politicians, and think that we actually have a system of true justice in this country. Most people are blind to what is really going on. It would tear apart their fairy tale world if they were to believe in what's really going on in this once great nation. "Blind Patriotism" is a terrible affliction, and many are afflicted.
The so-called justice system is, in fact, the Injustice Industry. In classless America, certain classes get different treatment.

The wealthy can buy justice for themselves. The poor are used as fodder for the courts and the prisons. The courts and prisons use tax dollars to pay lawyers and judges and corrections personnel.

And the more poor moving thru the Injustice Industry; the more tax monies flow in for distribution.

Regards from Rosie
The so-called justice system is, in fact, the Injustice Industry. In classless America, certain classes get different treatment.

The wealthy can buy justice for themselves. The poor are used as fodder for the courts and the prisons. The courts and prisons use tax dollars to pay lawyers and judges and corrections personnel.

And the more poor moving thru the Injustice Industry; the more tax monies flow in for distribution.

Regards from Rosie
You're absolutely correct on all counts. Bravo. It's good to see that at least some have their eyes open, and see things for what they really are. Good for you.
What we're caught up in is long held beliefs that we live in a country of freedom, rights, and a government that cares about us. We're still believing in myths and fairy tales. You can tell by the number of citizens that defend cops, defend politicians, and think that we actually have a system of true justice in this country. Most people are blind to what is really going on. It would tear apart their fairy tale world if they were to believe in what's really going on in this once great nation. "Blind Patriotism" is a terrible affliction, and many are afflicted.

I disagree on the Patriotism thing. Nationalism at all costs is something I believe in very much. I also defend police in almost every situation. My issues are with Freedom, Rights and the idea that any individual is more important than Order, Justice and Righteousness in society.
What we're caught up in is long held beliefs that we live in a country of freedom, rights, and a government that cares about us. We're still believing in myths and fairy tales. You can tell by the number of citizens that defend cops, defend politicians, and think that we actually have a system of true justice in this country. Most people are blind to what is really going on. It would tear apart their fairy tale world if they were to believe in what's really going on in this once great nation. "Blind Patriotism" is a terrible affliction, and many are afflicted.

I disagree on the Patriotism thing. Nationalism at all costs is something I believe in very much. I also defend police in almost every situation. My issues are with Freedom, Rights and the idea that any individual is more important than Order, Justice and Righteousness in society.
In what way do you disagree that people are afflicted with Blind Patriotism? Do you understand what I mean by Blind Patriotism?
In what way do you disagree that people are afflicted with Blind Patriotism? Do you understand what I mean by Blind Patriotism?

I believe Blind Patriotism and Nationalism are Good Things not bad. In fact I believe they should be required for Citizenship.
In what way do you disagree that people are afflicted with Blind Patriotism? Do you understand what I mean by Blind Patriotism?

I believe Blind Patriotism and Nationalism are Good Things not bad. In fact I believe they should be required for Citizenship.
Why in this world would Blind Patriotism be good? And, why should it be required? What is your definition of Nationalism?
Why in this world would Blind Patriotism be good? And, why should it be required? What is your definition of Nationalism?

To be a Citizen should require total loyalty to the country you are from. Loyalty to any other group or Nationality above your own country makes you a potential threat to the country.
Why in this world would Blind Patriotism be good? And, why should it be required? What is your definition of Nationalism?

To be a Citizen should require total loyalty to the country you are from. Loyalty to any other group or Nationality above your own country makes you a potential threat to the country.
I understand that. But, please re-read my questions and address them. What you just said neither addresses Blind Patriotism, nor does it address what your definition of Nationalism is. Yes, as citizens, we should be loyal to this country, I agree. And, where did nationality and being a threat come into this conversation? You've lost me. Please explain. Thanks.
The so-called justice system is, in fact, the Injustice Industry. In classless America, certain classes get different treatment.

The wealthy can buy justice for themselves. The poor are used as fodder for the courts and the prisons. The courts and prisons use tax dollars to pay lawyers and judges and corrections personnel.

And the more poor moving thru the Injustice Industry; the more tax monies flow in for distribution.

Regards from Rosie
This is about as close to perfect description of America today.

Just think: When everything is eventually criminalized and all the poor people are put in prison, America will finally have enough slave labor to compete with China.

I thank Veterans for that.

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