What is the opposite of brainwashing?

Braindirtying, I suppose.

Brains dirtied by a steady stream of nothing but Fox News result in indecipherable posts.

So sad.

Regards from Rosie
What is the opposite of brainwashing?

Braindirtying, I suppose.

Brains dirtied by a steady stream of nothing but Fox News result in indecipherable posts.

So sad.

Regards from Rosie
I'm sorry, I didn't see who you were addressing. I didn't see a reference to brainwashing. Who are you addressing?
What is the opposite of brainwashing?

Braindirtying, I suppose.

Brains dirtied by a steady stream of nothing but Fox News result in indecipherable posts.

So sad.

Regards from Rosie
I'm sorry, I didn't see who you were addressing. I didn't see a reference to brainwashing. Who are you addressing?

Mad Scientist.

Regards from Rosie
I understand that. But, please re-read my questions and address them. What you just said neither addresses Blind Patriotism, nor does it address what your definition of Nationalism is.

They're both the same thing..... Loyalty to country above and before anything else. Viewing oneself as an American and an American only. Not interacting with foreigners, foreign companies or any other foreign entities unless absolutely necessary. This is required to ensure we force immigrants to become Americans and keep our culture/society pure and unaltered by outside forces like Socialism and Social Justice.
I understand that. But, please re-read my questions and address them. What you just said neither addresses Blind Patriotism, nor does it address what your definition of Nationalism is.

They're both the same thing..... Loyalty to country above and before anything else. Viewing oneself as an American and an American only. Not interacting with foreigners, foreign companies or any other foreign entities unless absolutely necessary. This is required to ensure we force immigrants to become Americans and keep our culture/society pure and unaltered by outside forces like Socialism and Social Justice.
No No. Blind Patriotism is in no way the same as Nationalism. What is your definition of both? Please explain. Being an American covers a lot of ground when you start talking about foreigners and immigration. We are in a global economy, with multi-national corporations, doing business around the world. Many American corporations are partially owned my foreigners. Our culture is a mixture of cultures acquired over centuries. Please explain. Your brief comment makes blanket statements that can be taken many different ways.
No No. Blind Patriotism is in no way the same as Nationalism. What is your definition of both?

My definition of Patriotism (Blind or not) and Nationalism are the same.... An "America First. America Only" philosophy. The belief that there is nothing outside this country that you want or need. The ideal that you have AMERICANS at the top of the food chain and then everyone else beneath. Blind Patriotism is simply when you accept this philosophy without understanding why these things are so.

Being an American covers a lot of ground when you start talking about foreigners and immigration. We are in a global economy, with multi-national corporations, doing business around the world. Many American corporations are partially owned my foreigners. Our culture is a mixture of cultures acquired over centuries.

Which is why I'm also an Isolationist. American companies should not be able to do business outside the US and foreign companies should not be allowed to do business in the US. Only those foreigners who wish to divorce themselves completely of everything foreign should be allowed to come into the US. US Citizens should lose their citizenship and not be allowed back if they choose to leave the US (except to engage in military operations against foreign enemies).
No No. Blind Patriotism is in no way the same as Nationalism. What is your definition of both?

My definition of Patriotism (Blind or not) and Nationalism are the same.... An "America First. America Only" philosophy. The belief that there is nothing outside this country that you want or need. The ideal that you have AMERICANS at the top of the food chain and then everyone else beneath. Blind Patriotism is simply when you accept this philosophy without understanding why these things are so.

Being an American covers a lot of ground when you start talking about foreigners and immigration. We are in a global economy, with multi-national corporations, doing business around the world. Many American corporations are partially owned my foreigners. Our culture is a mixture of cultures acquired over centuries.

Which is why I'm also an Isolationist. American companies should not be able to do business outside the US and foreign companies should not be allowed to do business in the US. Only those foreigners who wish to divorce themselves completely of everything foreign should be allowed to come into the US. US Citizens should lose their citizenship and not be allowed back if they choose to leave the US (except to engage in military operations against foreign enemies).
Isolation and protectionism will never work. The whole world has adopted global commerce, and as a result, co-dependent one to another. At this stage, it would be almost impossible to create an imaginary barrier between us and the rest of the world. That's avenue will never come to pass.
If you don't support the Cops 100%, then you're a Terrorist who Hates America.
One who supports cops 100% is an authoritarian submissive personality who probably enjoys Bondage & Domination and keeps handcuffs and leather underwear in a closet.

Cops are a necessary evil and should be regarded as such. To perceive them as anything other than agents of the State is to invite serious problems.

They should be fairly compensated for their efforts, treated well and respectfully until they step out of line, exceed their authority and exhibit brutal tendencies. All police officers should be diligently supervised and carefully monitored for the purpose of detecting and eliminating those whose misconduct will inevitably reflect badly on all who wear the uniform.-- a circumstance we are witnessing today.
If you don't support the Cops 100%, then you're a Terrorist who Hates America.
One who supports cops 100% is an authoritarian submissive personality who probably enjoys Bondage & Domination and keeps handcuffs and leather underwear in a closet.

Cops are a necessary evil and should be regarded as such. To perceive them as anything other than agents of the State is to invite serious problems.

They should be fairly compensated for their efforts, treated well and respectfully until they step out of line, exceed their authority and exhibit brutal tendencies. All police officers should be diligently supervised and carefully monitored for the purpose of detecting and eliminating those whose misconduct will inevitably reflect badly on all who wear the uniform.-- a circumstance we are witnessing today.
Very true and so correct.
I disagree on the Patriotism thing. Nationalism at all costs is something I believe in very much.
As was the fundamental principle of the Third Reich.

I also defend police in almost every situation.
That is an authoritarian predisposition. It happens to be socially unhealthy and manifests the storm-trooper mentality.

My issues are with Freedom, Rights and the idea that any individual is more important than Order, Justice and Righteousness in society.
To be too trustingly supportive of authority is extremely dangerous.


Be careful.
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Isolation and protectionism will never work. The whole world has adopted global commerce, and as a result, co-dependent one to another. At this stage, it would be almost impossible to create an imaginary barrier between us and the rest of the world. That's avenue will never come to pass.

Yes, it would require a totally new Government in this nation, but it would be very simple to go about separating ourselves from other nations. We simply tell both people and corporations to make a choice.... you're a citizen of the United States or you're a citizen of the world. Make your choice and be prepared to live with it. Just don't expect to take any of your money or property (physical or intellectual) with you when you go.
As was the fundamental principle of the Third Reich.

That is an authoritarian predisposition. It happens to be socially unhealthy and manifests the storm-trooper mentality.

As an Authoritarian, neither of those things bother me.

To be too trustingly supportive of authority is extremely dangerous. Be careful.

Which is why a new Governmental system would need to be employed with this sort of Society.
Yes, it would require a totally new Government in this nation, but it would be very simple to go about separating ourselves from other nations. We simply tell both people and corporations to make a choice.... you're a citizen of the United States or you're a citizen of the world. Make your choice and be prepared to live with it. Just don't expect to take any of your money or property (physical or intellectual) with you when you go.
I don't know about the isolationist part of your thesis. The world has become far too complicated for that. But I strongly agree with the highlighted part.

There needs to be very rigid laws against removing any part of this Nation's wealth resources to a foreign nation. Wealth created here should remain here. I strongly support a 90% "exit tax."

In what way do you disagree that people are afflicted with Blind Patriotism? Do you understand what I mean by Blind Patriotism?

Unfortunately, no blind patriot understands what blind patriotism is. If they did they wouldn't be blind.

Very good. Blind Patriotism is defined as accepting anything and everything that the government does, the socioeconomics of the country, and regardless of what happens, believing that the country is always right and just in whatever it does. It also means that one respects the government, and totally trust the government. It means loyalty to the nth degree regardless of whether one has rights, freedom, and representation. In other words, it means going through life with blinders on, ignoring anything negative about government or the nation, and refusing to admit that we do have internal problems caused by the government.
Yes, it would require a totally new Government in this nation, but it would be very simple to go about separating ourselves from other nations. We simply tell both people and corporations to make a choice.... you're a citizen of the United States or you're a citizen of the world. Make your choice and be prepared to live with it. Just don't expect to take any of your money or property (physical or intellectual) with you when you go.
We already have that, it's called The Constitution but the question remains: Do Americans have the balls enough to FORCE Politicians to follow it?

I don't think so.
As an Authoritarian, neither of those things bother me.
As it is you are an authoritarian in an academic and theoretical context. But how would you rank if an authoritarian regime, such as emerged in fascist Italy, suddenly came to power? What if you didn't like doing what you were told to do -- which is the name of that game?

The Theory and Practice of Hell, by Eugen Kogen (available from Amazon) is a book I recommend to you.

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