Political antics of this boards left


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The economy is in the crapper and Obama has done little to fix it. So what is the left on this board talking about? Birth Control.

Rush Limbaugh makes an ass of himself in the EXACT same fashion as Ed Shultz and Bill Maher and the left on this board is all shocked and dismayed at what Rush did while claiming the same or worse from their two lefties are nothing at all.

When Bush was President the left was all about blaming gas prices on him. Now for the left on this board any mention of rising gas prices and linkage to Obama is beyond the pale.

Obama routinely blames every failure ever misstep, every problem on Bush. And the left on this board eats it up and regurgitates it as political points on this board. Yet right now we have a thread reminding us all that claiming someone else did something too is a 5th graders game. Can you guess which side of the aisle has made that point and is supported by those on his side? The left of Course.

Obama has through out his career in politics been a staunch gun grabber. Remind the left of this with quotes and facts and they cry foul. A report on an potential attempt to violate the 2nd Amendment by using the UN is met with incredulous dismay by our board lefties as they claim he has never been for gun control.

Bush got us LEGALLY through action in Congress into two wars. The left has decried that ever since it happened. Meanwhile Obama j7stifies ignoring Congress while waging unauthorized wars with claims the International Community approves. And the left on this board eats it up like manna from heaven.

Hypocrite, liar and fraud all come to mind when discussing the politically espoused views of those on the left on this board.
If the political antiques of this board left we would have to call it democratic underground.
The economy is in the crapper and Obama has done little to fix it. So what is the left on this board talking about? Birth Control.

(Nope. The economy is comming back and out auto companies are again the best selling in the WORLD. I'm glad to talk about that all day long. And you morons never mentioned birth control until Rush Limbaugh made an issue of it.)

Rush Limbaugh makes an ass of himself in the EXACT same fashion as Ed Shultz and Bill Maher and the left on this board is all shocked and dismayed at what Rush did while claiming the same or worse from their two lefties are nothing at all.

(And yet the only one to take your spokesman to task is Ron Paul. The others cotinued kissing his ass.)

When Bush was President the left was all about blaming gas prices on him. Now for the left on this board any mention of rising gas prices and linkage to Obama is beyond the pale.

(Show me where I ever blamed Bush for the price of gas.)

Obama routinely blames every failure ever misstep, every problem on Bush. And the left on this board eats it up and regurgitates it as political points on this board. Yet right now we have a thread reminding us all that claiming someone else did something too is a 5th graders game. Can you guess which side of the aisle has made that point and is supported by those on his side? The left of Course.

(Uhhhh.....wrong again. Unlike Bush, Obama clearly admitted to making mistakes. But anyone who blames Obama for the current recession has rocks in his head.)

Obama has through out his career in politics been a staunch gun grabber. Remind the left of this with quotes and facts and they cry foul. A report on an potential attempt to violate the 2nd Amendment by using the UN is met with incredulous dismay by our board lefties as they claim he has never been for gun control.

("Gun grabber"? Please show me one quote from Obama where he states he's in favor of "grabbing guns" or admit it's a lie.)

Bush got us LEGALLY through action in Congress into two wars. The left has decried that ever since it happened. Meanwhile Obama j7stifies ignoring Congress while waging unauthorized wars with claims the International Community approves. And the left on this board eats it up like manna from heaven.

(To try and spread blame for Bush's fiasco in Iraq is disingeious. Bush alone is responsible for causing all of those deaths FOR NO GOOD REASON.)

Hypocrite, liar and fraud all come to mind when discussing the politically espoused views of those on the left on this board.

How's the mirror you're obviously looking in?
The economy is in the crapper and Obama has done little to fix it. So what is the left on this board talking about? Birth Control.

Rush Limbaugh makes an ass of himself in the EXACT same fashion as Ed Shultz and Bill Maher and the left on this board is all shocked and dismayed at what Rush did while claiming the same or worse from their two lefties are nothing at all.

When Bush was President the left was all about blaming gas prices on him. Now for the left on this board any mention of rising gas prices and linkage to Obama is beyond the pale.

Obama routinely blames every failure ever misstep, every problem on Bush. And the left on this board eats it up and regurgitates it as political points on this board. Yet right now we have a thread reminding us all that claiming someone else did something too is a 5th graders game. Can you guess which side of the aisle has made that point and is supported by those on his side? The left of Course.

Obama has through out his career in politics been a staunch gun grabber. Remind the left of this with quotes and facts and they cry foul. A report on an potential attempt to violate the 2nd Amendment by using the UN is met with incredulous dismay by our board lefties as they claim he has never been for gun control.

Bush got us LEGALLY through action in Congress into two wars. The left has decried that ever since it happened. Meanwhile Obama j7stifies ignoring Congress while waging unauthorized wars with claims the International Community approves. And the left on this board eats it up like manna from heaven.

Hypocrite, liar and fraud all come to mind when discussing the politically espoused views of those on the left on this board.

Well stated, Gunny! When you are dealing with leftists, whether on this board or in everyday life, you have to concede the FACT that leftists have undeveloped brains, extremely immature emotional traits, and the complete inability to grasp the concepts of integrity, objectivity, and honesty.

Trying to have an intelligent conversation with a leftist is akin to holding a conversation with a marginally potty-trained 3-year-old.
You are sorely misled. Your FACTS are all wrong, and Rush NEVER STOPS lying. He called a private citizen horrible BS for 9 hrs plus, not a public figure one ONCE on HBO. IDIOT
last i knew it was the rabid right christians who got down on abortion

the left didn't seem to care

either times are changin' quicker than i can keep up, or someone's got their signals crossed

You are sorely misled. Your FACTS are all wrong, and Rush NEVER STOPS lying. He called a private citizen horrible BS for 9 hrs plus, not a public figure one ONCE on HBO. IDIOT

When one CHOOSES to go on National TV to advocate a position one is no longer just a private citizen. She became a PUBLIC Figure the instant she made that choice. And she has followed that choice by continuing to seek NATIONAL ATTENTION.

If the excuse given for why Maher can call Palin names and not be taken to task for it is because Palin is a Public Figure then guess what buddy? SO is your latest PUBLIC FIGURE.

Not only has the left never called Maher n his belittling of palin you stood by silently while Ed Shultz called Laura the same name you found so appalling when used by Rush. And not a peep.
You are sorely misled. Your FACTS are all wrong, and Rush NEVER STOPS lying. He called a private citizen horrible BS for 9 hrs plus, not a public figure one ONCE on HBO. IDIOT

When one CHOOSES to go on National TV to advocate a position one is no longer just a private citizen. She became a PUBLIC Figure the instant she made that choice. And she has followed that choice by continuing to seek NATIONAL ATTENTION.

If the excuse given for why Maher can call Palin names and not be taken to task for it is because Palin is a Public Figure then guess what buddy? SO is your latest PUBLIC FIGURE.

Not only has the left never called Maher n his belittling of palin you stood by silently while Ed Shultz called Laura the same name you found so appalling when used by Rush. And not a peep.

But...but....but THAT'S DIFFERENT!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Rush is the BS leader of your BS party. Maher is a comedian, said something ONCE- same with Ed. Ed were suspended, and we have no idea what he meant- a MISTAKE LOL. Flucke went to the senate to give evidence. Your BS media made her a national figure. Keep it up, lose the WOMEN VOTE LOL.

Pub dupes!
Your moron party slept through 9/11, started the stupidest, longest wars ever, and wrecked the worldeconomy, and you dupes want to do it AGAIN! Ay caramba- how duped and dumb can you get?
You are sorely misled. Your FACTS are all wrong, and Rush NEVER STOPS lying. He called a private citizen horrible BS for 9 hrs plus, not a public figure one ONCE on HBO. IDIOT

When one CHOOSES to go on National TV to advocate a position one is no longer just a private citizen. She became a PUBLIC Figure the instant she made that choice. And she has followed that choice by continuing to seek NATIONAL ATTENTION.

If the excuse given for why Maher can call Palin names and not be taken to task for it is because Palin is a Public Figure then guess what buddy? SO is your latest PUBLIC FIGURE.

Not only has the left never called Maher n his belittling of palin you stood by silently while Ed Shultz called Laura the same name you found so appalling when used by Rush. And not a peep.

You are right. That's why i called Terri Shiavo's parents money grubbing parasites who didn't care about their daughter life, they just wanted the fame and money.
You are sorely misled. Your FACTS are all wrong, and Rush NEVER STOPS lying. He called a private citizen horrible BS for 9 hrs plus, not a public figure one ONCE on HBO. IDIOT

When one CHOOSES to go on National TV to advocate a position one is no longer just a private citizen. She became a PUBLIC Figure the instant she made that choice. And she has followed that choice by continuing to seek NATIONAL ATTENTION.

If the excuse given for why Maher can call Palin names and not be taken to task for it is because Palin is a Public Figure then guess what buddy? SO is your latest PUBLIC FIGURE.

Not only has the left never called Maher n his belittling of palin you stood by silently while Ed Shultz called Laura the same name you found so appalling when used by Rush. And not a peep.

They why do you whine about the comments concerning the Alaska inbreds, the Palins?
You are sorely misled. Your FACTS are all wrong, and Rush NEVER STOPS lying. He called a private citizen horrible BS for 9 hrs plus, not a public figure one ONCE on HBO. IDIOT

I swear on my dittohead fox listening right wing bitter clinging pub soul, you are the poster child for the OP.

One could make a thread entitled "Political antics of this boards right," merely change a few names and have an equally true representation.
You are sorely misled. Your FACTS are all wrong, and Rush NEVER STOPS lying. He called a private citizen horrible BS for 9 hrs plus, not a public figure one ONCE on HBO. IDIOT

When one CHOOSES to go on National TV to advocate a position one is no longer just a private citizen. She became a PUBLIC Figure the instant she made that choice. And she has followed that choice by continuing to seek NATIONAL ATTENTION.

If the excuse given for why Maher can call Palin names and not be taken to task for it is because Palin is a Public Figure then guess what buddy? SO is your latest PUBLIC FIGURE.

Not only has the left never called Maher n his belittling of palin you stood by silently while Ed Shultz called Laura the same name you found so appalling when used by Rush. And not a peep.

They why do you whine about the comments concerning the Alaska inbreds, the Palins?

The children should be off limits. Sadly the swine of the left preferred to target them on a continual basis.

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