Political attack on science

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
If I were a petty person I would point out to rdean that Republicans are not the only ones who hate science. Since I am not I will simply point out that politics and science do not mix.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5J32_ba-y0]YouTube - The Green Regulation Machine: Saving the Planet or Killing Jobs?[/ame]
I saw this over at Reason the other day. The video is well worth watching.

Reason TV: The Green Regulation Machine - Saving the Planet or Killing Jobs? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

When Dwayne Whitney started his trucking business decades ago he had only one truck. Today he has eighteen and 20 employees. But that's about to change.

"The State of California says my trucks are killing people," says Whitney. "What do you say to that?"

In a few years, new air quality regulations approved by the California Air Resources Board will render Whitney's entire fleet illegal.

"New CARB rules are putting me out of business," he says.

CARB claims that diesel particulates, a type of pollution emitted from buses and trucks, contributes to 2,000 premature deaths in California each year. But UCLA epidemiologist Dr. James Enstrom says the number should be closer to zero.

In 2005 Enstrom authored an extensive study that found no relationship between diesel particulates and premature deaths. He says his study, as well as other evidence that agrees with it, have been ignored by an agency bent on passing ever more stringent regulations regardless of their effect on California's economy.
The left seems to give up thinking when they have a liberal president in office. At one time they used to say "question authority" but now you can come up with the most outrageous findings funded by a lavish federal grant and the left trusts it without even reading it. The left is so zombie like under liberal administrations that you can take away their energy source and their livelyhood and tell them any number of lies and they will swallow it just like Monica.
The left seems to give up thinking when they have a liberal president in office. At one time they used to say "question authority" but now you can come up with the most outrageous findings funded by a lavish federal grant and the left trusts it without even reading it. The left is so zombie like under liberal administrations that you can take away their energy source and their livelyhood and tell them any number of lies and they will swallow it just like Monica.

I too heard the nationwide soft scratching sound of Liberals removing their "Question Authority" and "Dissent is Patriotic" stickers from there cars in November 2008.
Ah yes, diesel particulates should be added to the long list of things that the Conservatives know are good for your health, like cigarettes, ddt, and radiation.
Ah yes, diesel particulates should be added to the long list of things that the Conservatives know are good for your health, like cigarettes, ddt, and radiation.

Speaking of anti-science liberals...


WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 — The World Health Organization on Friday forcefully endorsed wider use of the insecticide DDT across Africa to exterminate and repel the mosquitoes that cause malaria. The disease kills more than a million people a year, 800,000 of them young children in Africa.

Dr. Arata Kochi, who leads the group’s global malaria program, unequivocally declared at a news conference on Friday that DDT was the most effective insecticide against malaria and that it posed no health risk when sprayed in small amounts on the inner walls of people’s homes. Expanding its use is essential to reviving the flagging international campaign to control the disease, he said.

As to cigarettes, I know of no pro-smoking Republicans, but there are quite a few anti-choice Liberals. As to radiation, WTF are you talking about?:lol:
Ah yes, diesel particulates should be added to the long list of things that the Conservatives know are good for your health, like cigarettes, ddt, and radiation.

Life is bad for your health lefties. Sooner or later you are going to die. Cigarettes are legal. Democrat presidents smoked them when they were 20 cents a pack. Diesel fuel gets the stuff to Walmart that you libs secretly covet. Radiation keeps you ungrateful lefties alive when you seek medical attention in the greatest Country in the world. What energy technology has Obama come up with besides windmill technology that was abandoned four hundred years ago? What is it with the left that they seem to count on technology which has yet to be developed and blame existing technology for the comfort they enjoy?
Ah yes, diesel particulates should be added to the long list of things that the Conservatives know are good for your health, like cigarettes, ddt, and radiation.

Who said it was good for anyone? What I am pointing out is that people like you are not concerned about science, you are concerned about politics. Politics should never trump science, and the simple fact that you think it should proves that you do not even rise to the level of partisan hack.

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