Political bias is destroying people’s faith in journalism

in the last 2 days we've seen 2 attacks from liberals who get "Triggered" at a MAGA hat.

and you're trying to say the OTHER side has stability issues???


You have to scour the whole nation to find even a few violent liberals. That's how rare lilberal violence is.

In stark contrast, we don't need to search hard to find violent conservatives. Half of the conservatives on this board call for violence against liberals.

The two sides are polar opposites here. Liberals overwhelmingly oppose violence, while conservative overwhelmingly support it.

I do give credit to you, as you're the only conservative here I've seen who calls out other conservatives on their violent ways. Every other conservative gives a free pass to the violent conservatives in their midst, as being violent is accepted among most conservatives.
What is the political affiliation of most journalists? Who do they contribute the most money to?

The owners of the mainstream media are entirely conservative.

And that's all that matters. Journalists don't pick what stories to run, management does.

So CNN's constant bashing of Trump is because of a conservative owner?

Same as with CNBC?

You are a deranged twat.
in the last 2 days we've seen 2 attacks from liberals who get "Triggered" at a MAGA hat.

and you're trying to say the OTHER side has stability issues???


You have to scour the whole nation to find even a few violent liberals. That's how rare lilberal violence is.

In stark contrast, we don't need to search hard to find violent conservatives. Half of the conservatives on this board call for violence against liberals.

The two sides are polar opposites here. Liberals overwhelmingly oppose violence, while conservative overwhelmingly support it.

I do give credit to you, as you're the only conservative here I've seen who calls out other conservatives on their violent ways. Every other conservative gives a free pass to the violent conservatives in their midst, as being violent is accepted among most conservatives.

Jesus christ you are retarded.

The left has to MAKE UP attacks on them. In the past week we have had an attack by an Antifa type at Berkeley, and some 81 year old guy getting assaulted over a fucking MAGA hat.
in the last 2 days we've seen 2 attacks from liberals who get "Triggered" at a MAGA hat.

and you're trying to say the OTHER side has stability issues???


You have to scour the whole nation to find even a few violent liberals. That's how rare lilberal violence is.

In stark contrast, we don't need to search hard to find violent conservatives. Half of the conservatives on this board call for violence against liberals.

The two sides are polar opposites here. Liberals overwhelmingly oppose violence, while conservative overwhelmingly support it.

I do give credit to you, as you're the only conservative here I've seen who calls out other conservatives on their violent ways. Every other conservative gives a free pass to the violent conservatives in their midst, as being violent is accepted among most conservatives.
lord you're fucked up.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
Nope. My post requires no translation and should be accepted as written.
Your post is that of a spoiled brat. Believe as I do. The big bad men came along and poked holes in My world view and it has ruined it for me.

I see it all the time. clowns saying things like, "It was all good until Rush Limbaugh came around and gave people a voice"...
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we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
You just proved his point, useful idiot.
Of course. His point is that before conservatives had a voice in the media, the world was a better place and the truth be damned. Conservatives came around with their voices and logic and pointing out their bias and brainwashing and it ruined it for them.

Don't be a useful idiot yourself.
Too intellectually lame, helpless, and lazy, they obviously can't even defend the oldest, moldiest talking points their handlers dole out to catapult - "liberal media!!!" And that's what we are then facing:

gee - along comes a fuckstick to bitch.

Jesus christ you are retarded.

You are a deranged twat.

lord you're fucked up.

Rightarded pinheads' notion of debate, complaining about bias, calling other folks stupid.
Jesus christ you are retarded.

Yep, another unhinged one.

You, of course, never call out the chronic right-wing calls for violence here. That's because you fully support the threats and violence.

What's the conservative master plan here?

First, identity politics. Pretending that white Christians are oppressed keeps the cultists terrifed, which stops them from thinking and keeps them devoted to their cult "protectors".

Second, thug politics. If they pretend the Jews/liberals are violent, they can justify sending out their brownshirts in "self-defense".

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?

This is another reason why it's good to be a liberal. As morality and common sense back us up, we don't have to rely on violence or identify politics.
Too intellectually lame, helpless, and lazy, they obviously can't even defend the oldest, moldiest talking points their handlers dole out to catapult - "liberal media!!!" And that's what we are then facing:

gee - along comes a fuckstick to bitch.

Jesus christ you are retarded.

You are a deranged twat.

lord you're fucked up.

Rightarded pinheads' notion of debate, complaining about bias, calling other folks stupid.


That's about the crux of your response.

Stop being lazy and reply to each person in turn, and next time try an actual response, not the typical prog bleating you just regurgitated.
Jesus christ you are retarded.

Yep, another unhinged one.

You, of course, never call out the chronic right-wing calls for violence here. That's because you fully support the threats and violence.

What's the conservative master plan here?

First, identity politics. Pretending that white Christians are oppressed keeps the cultists terrifed, which stops them from thinking and keeps them devoted to their cult "protectors".

Second, thug politics. If they pretend the Jews/liberals are violent, they can justify sending out their brownshirts in "self-defense".

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?

This is another reason why it's good to be a liberal. As morality and common sense back us up, we don't have to rely on violence or identify politics.

Actually recently the left has had to make up right wing violence due to an apparent lack of it....

So CNN's constant bashing of Trump is because of a conservative owner?

You misspelled "shill for Trump". None of the networks bash Trump. The networks busted their butts to put Trump in office. It's good for ratings, good for the monopolies that they're part of, good for allowing the billionairies to mooch on taxes.
So CNN's constant bashing of Trump is because of a conservative owner?

You misspelled "shill for Trump". None of the networks bash Trump. The networks busted their butts to put Trump in office. It's good for ratings, good for the monopolies that they're part of, good for allowing the billionairies to mooch on taxes.


CNN has had TDS since the election. You are clearly either lying or so deluded you need to be on medication.

You are now the dumbest poster on this board since SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
Too intellectually lame, helpless, and lazy, they obviously can't even defend the oldest, moldiest talking points their handlers dole out to catapult - "liberal media!!!" And that's what we are then facing:

gee - along comes a fuckstick to bitch.

Jesus christ you are retarded.

You are a deranged twat.

lord you're fucked up.

Rightarded pinheads' notion of debate, complaining about bias, calling other folks stupid.
when someone is stupid enough to say:

"You have to scour the whole nation to find even a few violent liberals. That's how rare lilberal violence is."

they are so unhinged from reality any rational response is a waste of time they'd not understand anyway.

CNN has had TDS since the election. You are clearly either lying or so deluded you need to be on medication.

You are now the dumbest poster on this board since SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

When the point of the thread has become how unhinged conservatives get whenever their propaganda is challenged, getting more unhinged because your propaganda was challenged was probably not your best choice of action.

CNN has had TDS since the election. You are clearly either lying or so deluded you need to be on medication.

You are now the dumbest poster on this board since SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

When the point of the thread has become how unhinged conservatives get whenever their propaganda is challenged, getting more unhinged because your propaganda was challenged was probably not your best choice of action.

Your only response is nothing more than an uniformed opinion at best, or an attempt at outright falsehood at worst.

You are either an idiot, or a liar, or a combination of both.

CNN has had TDS since the election. You are clearly either lying or so deluded you need to be on medication.

You are now the dumbest poster on this board since SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

When the point of the thread has become how unhinged conservatives get whenever their propaganda is challenged, getting more unhinged because your propaganda was challenged was probably not your best choice of action.
except it was never about cons vs libs, to me. it was about how the collective bullshit all sides share has spilled into a media we don't trust unless we trust them ahead of time. however, we still get our information to base our hate off of from said media.

the fact you twisted this around to be BAD CONS is not a surprise at all.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
You just proved his point, useful idiot.
Of course. His point is that before conservatives had a voice in the media, the world was a better place and the truth be damned. Conservatives came around with their voices and logic and pointing out their bias and brainwashing and it ruined it for them.

Don't be a useful idiot yourself.

No, that isn't his point.
Try again.
Leftist brainwashing creates cognitive dissonance...you see things, but you don't understand them. Language is meaningless to you, because you pay no attention to what is said or written, you are totally driven by your programming.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
You just proved his point, useful idiot.
Of course. His point is that before conservatives had a voice in the media, the world was a better place and the truth be damned. Conservatives came around with their voices and logic and pointing out their bias and brainwashing and it ruined it for them.

Don't be a useful idiot yourself.

No, that isn't his point.
Try again.
Leftist brainwashing creates cognitive dissonance...you see things, but you don't understand them. Language is meaningless to you, because you pay no attention to what is said or written, you are totally driven by your programming.
i just find it funny i clearly say both sides are engaged in telling people what they want to hear but they dive in saying i'm bitching at one side.

ergo - proving my point and yours in that they don't read, they react.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
You just proved his point, useful idiot.
Of course. His point is that before conservatives had a voice in the media, the world was a better place and the truth be damned. Conservatives came around with their voices and logic and pointing out their bias and brainwashing and it ruined it for them.

Don't be a useful idiot yourself.

No, that isn't his point.
Try again.
Leftist brainwashing creates cognitive dissonance...you see things, but you don't understand them. Language is meaningless to you, because you pay no attention to what is said or written, you are totally driven by your programming.
i just find it funny i clearly say both sides are engaged in telling people what they want to hear but they dive in saying i'm bitching at one side.

ergo - proving my point and yours in that they don't read, they react.
No, it doesn't prove your point, because that isn't what's happening.
You're not engaged in reality, none of the useful idiots are.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
You just proved his point, useful idiot.
Of course. His point is that before conservatives had a voice in the media, the world was a better place and the truth be damned. Conservatives came around with their voices and logic and pointing out their bias and brainwashing and it ruined it for them.

Don't be a useful idiot yourself.

No, that isn't his point.
Try again.
Leftist brainwashing creates cognitive dissonance...you see things, but you don't understand them. Language is meaningless to you, because you pay no attention to what is said or written, you are totally driven by your programming.
i just find it funny i clearly say both sides are engaged in telling people what they want to hear but they dive in saying i'm bitching at one side.

ergo - proving my point and yours in that they don't read, they react.
No, it doesn't prove your point, because that isn't what's happening.
You're not engaged in reality, none of the useful idiots are.


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