Political bias is destroying people’s faith in journalism


we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
Nope. My post requires no translation and should be accepted as written.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.

What a deranged loser you are.

But keep it up, exposing useless hacks like you is what boards like this are for.
Did you ever find that corner PissBoy?
I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.
i treat them as i do any agenda driven motive.

i ignore it.

just about anything else validates it. you won't change their mind, you simply validate their existence.

You can't ignore it, because when you ignore it, the sickness spreads and you end up with a dysfunctional society. It is our responsibility as decent humans and Americans to challenge and fight it.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.

What a deranged loser you are.

But keep it up, exposing useless hacks like you is what boards like this are for.
Did you ever find that corner PissBoy?

I see you haven't be able to come up with a new "insult".
I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.
i treat them as i do any agenda driven motive.

i ignore it.

just about anything else validates it. you won't change their mind, you simply validate their existence.

You can't ignore it, because when you ignore it, the sickness spreads and you end up with a dysfunctional society.

As Instapundit says "punch back, twice as hard"

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.

What a deranged loser you are.

But keep it up, exposing useless hacks like you is what boards like this are for.
Did you ever find that corner PissBoy?

I see you haven't be able to come up with a new "insult".
I'm a big fan of the classics.
I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.
i treat them as i do any agenda driven motive.

i ignore it.

just about anything else validates it. you won't change their mind, you simply validate their existence.

You can't ignore it, because when you ignore it, the sickness spreads and you end up with a dysfunctional society.

As Instapundit says "punch back, twice as hard"
Exactly. I'm not interested in convincing our enemies of anything....I'm interested in defeating them and destroying them. Eliminating them.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.

What a deranged loser you are.

But keep it up, exposing useless hacks like you is what boards like this are for.
Did you ever find that corner PissBoy?

I see you haven't be able to come up with a new "insult".
I'm a big fan of the classics.

No, you have the imagination of a lump of clay.

Try harder, hacky mchackeroi.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
so. put simply - you DO NOT FUCKING READ. you see someone you don't like and start shouting.

anyone who read the first few sentences would have seen:

"we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks."

and known i'm bitching at the media in general, not one side or the other. the fact you rush to defend one side while going whole hog on the other proves me correct.

now fuck off.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.

What a deranged loser you are.

But keep it up, exposing useless hacks like you is what boards like this are for.
Did you ever find that corner PissBoy?

I see you haven't be able to come up with a new "insult".
I'm a big fan of the classics.

No, you have the imagination of a lump of clay.

Try harder, hacky mchackeroi.
dude is a tools tool. yea, that bad.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
Translation: If My ideology isn't the one informing the masses, then they're ruining it for me. The rat bastards!
again - people don't read as i bitch at the media in general for catering to emotional outbursts.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.

Pretty much, yes.

In the end, the right-wing, Christer crackpots never forgave journalism their failure to deem the likes of, "Gawd punished the homosexuals for their immorality by sending them AIDS", "news".

Murdoch looked on and saw a market. Turns out he was damn right, there was one.

If there is a joke somewhere in there, it's at the nation's expense.
I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.
i treat them as i do any agenda driven motive.

i ignore it.

just about anything else validates it. you won't change their mind, you simply validate their existence.

You can't ignore it, because when you ignore it, the sickness spreads and you end up with a dysfunctional society. It is our responsibility as decent humans and Americans to challenge and fight it.
then tell me how replying to idiocy and validating it helps stop it.

you scream at a screaming child you've got a child twice as confused screaming twice as loud.
My my. Just look at how violent and unstable some conservatives get when their media monopoly is threatened. They understand how helpless they'd be with the conservative MSM pushing their authoritarian agenda. Conservatives are now a tyrannical minority oppressing the liberal moral majority, and they can't do that without their precious MSM.

The funny part is that they shouldn't be terrified. The moral majority has no problem if the conservatives retreat to their bunkers to dream their authoritarian dreams. We can continue to improve America and fight for liberty without them. They're only frightened because our nutty conservative MSM constantly tells them to be frightened. That's part of how the conservative MSM operates.

we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks.

it's become difficult, at best, to believe a story now unless you do what reporters SHOULD be doing - validating sources. but when some only say "anonymous sources THAT KNOW!!!" what can you do except ignore them all together.

far too often media reports on what people say or think and call that "news". actual events play second fiddle to needed ones. journalism was my minor in college and how i worked my way through it to pay for my own schooling. we had rules and we could not say how we felt because that made *us* part of the story.

today, that's all our current media knows. they will watch the videos with you and in a mystery science theater type fashion, tell us what is going on; even though they don't know any more than we do. we've certainly weaponized our media and use it against each other at every opportunity. you don't like my news story, you discredit the source. i fully understand many sources NEED discrediting.

but when it becomes the norm and people still form their opinions from a media they refuse to believe, how screwed up is that?

pretty damn screwed up, for sure.

RWNJ propaganda is destroying people's faith in journalism. Fox, brieghtbart, Limbaugh, Inforwars, that's what is destroying the media, with some help from tRump and others screeching "fake news" every time it's a report they disagree with regardless of it's veracity.

OP is like a bad joke.
so. put simply - you DO NOT FUCKING READ. you see someone you don't like and start shouting.

anyone who read the first few sentences would have seen:

"we used to watch news to learn what is going on in the world. now we do it to validate what we already think is going on. many on both sides cater to this mindset and it sucks."

and known i'm bitching at the media in general, not one side or the other. the fact you rush to defend one side while going whole hog on the other proves me correct.

now fuck off.
How nice for you.
My my. Just look at how violent and unstable some conservatives get when their media monopoly is threatened. They understand how helpless they'd be with the conservative MSM pushing their authoritarian agenda. Conservatives are now a tyrannical minority oppressing the liberal moral majority, and they can't do that without their precious MSM.

The funny part is that they shouldn't be terrified. The moral majority has no problem if the conservatives retreat to their bunkers to dream their authoritarian dreams. We can continue to improve America and fight for liberty without them. They're only frightened because our nutty conservative MSM constantly tells them to be frightened. That's part of how the conservative MSM operates.

Like most of your posts, this one has zero basis in reality.

What is the political affiliation of most journalists? Who do they contribute the most money to?
My my. Just look at how violent and unstable some conservatives get when their media monopoly is threatened. They understand how helpless they'd be with the conservative MSM pushing their authoritarian agenda. Conservatives are now a tyrannical minority oppressing the liberal moral majority, and they can't do that without their precious MSM.

The funny part is that they shouldn't be terrified. The moral majority has no problem if the conservatives retreat to their bunkers to dream their authoritarian dreams. We can continue to improve America and fight for liberty without them. They're only frightened because our nutty conservative MSM constantly tells them to be frightened. That's part of how the conservative MSM operates.

in the last 2 days we've seen 2 attacks from liberals who get "Triggered" at a MAGA hat.

and you're trying to say the OTHER side has stability issues???

I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.
i treat them as i do any agenda driven motive.

i ignore it.

just about anything else validates it. you won't change their mind, you simply validate their existence.

You can't ignore it, because when you ignore it, the sickness spreads and you end up with a dysfunctional society. It is our responsibility as decent humans and Americans to challenge and fight it.
then tell me how replying to idiocy and validating it helps stop it.

you scream at a screaming child you've got a child twice as confused screaming twice as loud.

You didn't say we shouldn't scream. You said we should *ignore* leftist stupidity.

Tell me how *ignoring* a child is a winning child rearing strategy? Or how ignoring criminals will result in anything other than increased criminal activity?
I remember when ten or a dozen years or more ago, anybody who implied the media was biased got their threads dumped into the conspiracy theories forum. Remember, Jillian? The left, and their propaganda arm, are the enemies of the US and we need to treat them as such.
i treat them as i do any agenda driven motive.

i ignore it.

just about anything else validates it. you won't change their mind, you simply validate their existence.

You can't ignore it, because when you ignore it, the sickness spreads and you end up with a dysfunctional society. It is our responsibility as decent humans and Americans to challenge and fight it.
then tell me how replying to idiocy and validating it helps stop it.

you scream at a screaming child you've got a child twice as confused screaming twice as loud.

You didn't say we shouldn't scream. You said we should *ignore* leftist stupidity.

Tell me how *ignoring* a child is a winning child rearing strategy? Or how ignoring criminals will result in anything other than increased criminal activity?
and i stand by ignoring the stupidity. i do NOT believe them to be in the majority, just the loudest. i know many democrats and "leftists" that would rather work together than "go to war" on the other side.

if they break the law, arrest them and follow process. if they're just being extremist stupid, move on and ignore them.

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