Political Cartoon

It would be welcomed if you post links to your delusional memes.
So the sane can confirm if your post are lies as always.
Or somehow hit on some facts.
I try my best to only post memes based on facts. Can you really claim same?

Btw: Drink up when the time comes.

:abgg2q.jpg: son, you're taking this WAY too seriously. Shouldn't you be out on a ledge or at a book-burning.... or playing strip poker with your "uncles"?
I try my best to post only fact-based memes. Seems they make a pure statement that stands to the testing of future times.
Can you claim the same without lying? For your 88 to 99% BS memes posted!


See, this meme is based on plausible content. As the Dr. Douche is insane to start.
To be clear the Great Douche needed to make up lies to cover its anal ass!
This was crazy spewings. Butt to be fair and helpful I made this instructional DOPer meme.

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31 corona virus deaths.

That meme didn't age well.

It aged just fine. There were 41 deaths in the US when Trump declared a National Emergency. Over 1000 dead when the kenyan clown got around to it. But the point is the shameless double standard from the media. Did you miss that?

Cartoons are obviously way over your fucking head.

"There were 41 deaths in the US"

The meme doesn't say 41 deaths.

"...when Trump declared a National Emergency"

Meme doesn't mention declaring a national emergency.

"Over 1000 dead when the Kenyan got around to it."

Meme doesn't make any reference to this.

"But the point is the shameless double standard from the media. Did you miss that?"

No, I think you did. You might want to go re-read your own meme this time.

"Cartoons are obviously way over your fucking head."

I don't think you understand what a cartoon is. What you posted is not a cartoon. Here, I'll post it again for you:

View attachment 331573

12,000 people died of swine flu under Obama.
Those 31 corona virus deaths turned into almost 70,000 so far. Under Trump.

Let me know what part of that you need help with and I'll walk you through it. Like I said, this didn't age well.

I was trying to dumb it down to your level, but that's difficult

Obviously there are more than 31 Kung Flu deaths today. Are you still with me?

The meme is about an apple-to-apple comparison of the coverage by the marxist politburo with respect to Trump AT A TIME WHEN THERE WERE VERY FEW FATALITIES, and the kenyan lawn jockey WHEN THERE WERE 12,000 DEATHS UNDER HIS WATCH. That condition existed at a given point in time. Can you understand that?

I'm sure I've totally lost you. Feel free to inject yourself with Lysol and drink some bleach to show Trump how much you hate him. That'll show him.

Right. The media coverage was different regarding swine flu and the corona virus at the time when there were only 31 corona virus deaths. No issue there.

Today there are nearly 70,000 corona virus deaths. Looking back on that different coverage indicated in this meme, it appears that the different coverage is perfectly justified now. You know, because 70,000 deaths is far more than 12,000 deaths.

At the time, that meme might have seemed clever in pointing out that difference in coverage. Today, the difference in that coverage makes more sense, as one virus has proven to be far more deadly than the other. Hence why I said this meme didn't age well.

Have you figured out what a cartoon is? I can explain that for you too if you like.

Ahh, ya got me. I probably should be ashamed that a cocksmoking boy toucher got the better of me.

But somehow I'm not.

Always happy to help illiterate conservatives.

It just takes a while because I write something, they don't read it, then I repeat myself. Rinse and repeat.

What did we learn here? This meme didn't age well. Good job. :itsok:

That may be what you learned. Not to be mean, but I learned that you're obviously the product of 2 daddys and a chemistry set, and was probably home schooled out of the back of their dildo shop. I won't try to teach you things in the future.... it's like trying to teach differential calculus to a drooling fucktard.

Have fun analyzing cartoons!

That's it. Let it all out. You feel better now?

You're just upset that you were wrong. Maybe you should just try reading next time.

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